Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tom Hanks Pays Tribute To Michael Clarke Duncan


  1. I heard this on the radio this morning and it sounded like he had everyone in stiches! RIP MCD.

  2. That's a great video, and I laughed quite a bit myself. But why is Holly Robinson Peete so unamused? I'll chock it up to the nature of the event and leave it at that.

  3. After watching her on Celebrity Apprentice, because she's a humorless c**t?

  4. Humor is a great way to remember someone you care for

  5. I love these stories at funerals. Did you ever see Tom Hanks do the story about "stop bending the shaft"? It's on YouTube, Letterman's show. Hysterical.

  6. Please say there aren't negative stories about Tom Hanks. I couldn't bare it--he seems so nice.

  7. I love these stories at funerals. Did you ever see Tom Hanks do the story about "stop bending the shaft"? It's on YouTube, Letterman's show. Hysterical.

  8. I really hope there will be funny stories to tell at my funeral. I would love for people to laugh all day that day!

  9. I thought I would cry again. But that was actually really sweet. Rest in peace big man.

  10. We love you Big Mike!

  11. That was sweet and funny. A good boy who minded his mamma and became a good man. RIP.

  12. That is a great tribute to MCD. RIP.

  13. RIP MCD. You know you were loved when folks tell funny stories at your funeral.

    Does anyone remember the old Mary Tyler Moore episode about the clown who dies in an elephant rampage? And everyone in the newsroom is cracking jokes about it, and she gets terribly upset, but at the funeral she bursts into uncontrollable laughter? One of the best TV shows ever. For some reason I thought of that--forgive me!

  14. "A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants."

    I loved that episode too. RIP Chuckles.

  15. Ah, yes, "Chuckles Bites the Dust"--next to the finale, that's probably the best known MTM episode. Let's not forget that, after the minister tells her it's OK to laugh, then she starts bawling...

  16. Holly's smiling and laughing in the video.

    1. That's what I saw, too! Doesn't look like a humorless 'c' to me!

  17. Thumbs up for MTM. Such good television!

  18. Michael Clark Duncan seemed like such a sweet guy.

  19. @Momster - Yes - that is a great episode!!!! I rank that up there with the falling turkeys episode on WKRP.

    I am very sad about MCD. He seemed like a really nice guy.

  20. Sometimes all you can do is laugh otherwise you may not be able to stop crying...RIP MCD.

    I love Tom Hanks for no other reason than he signs his tweets "Hanx"

  21. If you guys have never seen that Toddlers and Tiaras with Tom Hanks on You Tube.. DO IT. Hysterical. I love that guy. RIP MCD.

  22. @Momster - LOVED that episode of MTM. "A little song, a little dance. A little selzer down your pants." :-)

    @Treesap Covered Lady - I feel the same way. I adore that man.

    What a funny story. Glad he could make MCD's love ones smile on an otherwise sad/somber day.
