Tom Cruise Has Not Seen Suri In 49 Days
Today is the 49th day that Tom Cruise has not seen Suri Cruise. That is 7 weeks if you are counting. Seven weeks since Disney World and that blow out vacation. Yes, Tom has been filming a lot, but when he was married to Katie Holmes and she was not a suppressive person, I don't think he went 49 days without seeing Suri or Katie. Now though, it appears that work has become the priority. Now, if you ask his lawyer, he will say that Tom talks to Suri on the phone everyday at least once and generally twice. Considering she is in school all day and Tom is in Europe right now 5 time zones ahead, I find that to be a bit of a stretch that they can talk twice a day. Everytime Tom sees Suri though he is shoving the noses of his fellow parishioners into the ground who have been told they can't see their children, and that because Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise that rules don't apply to him. Last time he was called out on not seeing Suri he took her to Disney. This time he might buy her Disney.