Monday, September 24, 2012

Today's Blind Items - She Sits Alone

This actress is B list. She does television and movies and has been in this spot before. Over the past few months she has been trying to reach out and make friends, which is something she has never had before. As she does reach out, they are pretty much immediately betraying that friendship and gossiping their little hearts out because what our actress has to say is amazing. The reason she says that she does not have any friends and sits at home without any with her every night is because when she was first starting to hit it big in Hollywood she was with guys right away. Actors, directors, producers. All men. They all wanted a piece of her and she believed what they had to say. To a man they were all also very controlling of her and jealous and many would beat her if she talked to another man. They considered her their property. She said that a few years of that treatment kind of took over and she was also not allowed to go out much on her own because of the jealousy factor so never really met other women except on sets and those friendships would be great on set but would end just as soon as shooting did. Now, she does not really have a man in her life. She has someone else though. No, not a woman. Other women have tried to befriend her but her social skills with women are awkward. She says that she is not even sure how she should pose with other women. She is afraid to go out much because of her drinking. She does it at home. She says she only gets drunk at home during certain times and is very safe, but when she goes out, she doesn't feel restricted and knows that is when she gets in trouble. She says that she has panic attacks about getting drunk and doing something stupid. She has had flings with all kinds of guys and knows when she drinks it does not matter if they are married or not or attractive or not, and that she has already had one life changing experience because of her drinking and does not want another.


  1. January Jones. The other person in her life being her son, the life-changing event the Bobby Flay drunken driving incident.

  2. Or, the life-changing event was the baby, which would also make sense. Either way, I think this is all January.

  3. Read as Heigl first then January Jones

  4. What Idiot Watcher said.

  5. Yep, knew it was January Jones before I even finished reading it.

  6. I'm all about non-traditional gender identity but I am not sure what Entward is going for here. Unless it is implying this woman has a child which is her only friend/person who loves her.

  7. My thought was January, as well. She's had a couple photographed walks of shame hasn't she? And the time she got pulled over and had to call someone to come pick her up?

  8. To me the last sentence said baby, so JJ seems to be a really good guess. Most of the time she looks uncomfortable in pictures.

  9. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Whomever she is she needs to get her shit together. She sounds pathetic......

  10. This makes me so sad! Whoever it is deserves so much more.

  11. What about Katie Holmes? Makes sense she'd be reaching out for friends after leaving Tom.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I totes thought January Jones, right from the very first sentance.

  14. This is really sad. I think it's probably JJ. I thought she looked stunning in her dress. There's that one photo of her smiling. Like the ONLY time I've ever seen her smile. She looked gorgeous!

    Two words - Brownie Island.

  15. Yes, sounds like JJ.

  16. Yeah, I'd say January Jones. The fact she slept with Jeremy Piven would show the fact she's been a tad non-discriminating in the past.

    I've actually known women like this in real life. It's sad.

  17. Makes me sad for her.

  18. January Jones is a great guess, with her baby being the one she has in her life who is not a man or a woman. (I instantly read that as "child.")

  19. Wasn't January in a long term thing with Ashton? Idk if this is her.

  20. I don't know why he didn't just put January's name in there except that the beating and controlling stuff would cause everyone to look more closely at Asshat. Which, if this IS January, perhaps someone needs to post a note to Mila on here. ;)

  21. january jones is my guess (and if it's about her,shame on you Enty! you wrote that her baby daddy was a married director then you wrote that she harrassed her baby daddy who is not a married director and now it)

  22. January was in a relationship with Ashton at the very beginning of both their careers, and implied he was very critical and controlling.

  23. January Jones is a good guess. The only thing I wonder about is "life changing because of her drinking" - so does this imply her son was conceived in a drunken stupor?

    I wonder if "life changing experience" could be rehab? Is there anyone else?

  24. The poor woman, whoever she is. I've known a few people over the years like this, broken down and crippled by securities. I hope she finds a true friend that won't gossip. Hard I know in that industry but sometimes that's all you need. Good luck to her.

  25. I also thought it was January J.

  26. Nicollete Sheridan.

  27. Yeah JJ and now this makes me think differently about her. Hope she gets it together.

  28. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I don't know if this fits January. She has been in some long term relationships, Ashton (who could have been controlling). Then Josh Groban, which IDK if he would be controlling and then some lawyer guy. Also January has been seen with that chick from Dexter.

  29. January Jones is B list? I don't even know who she is.

  30. I read it as Katie Holmes. She has a history of controlling men, starting with her father.

    And there was a photo posted here of her drinking beer alone and reading--not that there's really anything wrong with that.

    But I do like the January Jones answer, too.

  31. Just to be different, I'm calling BS on this blind. There have been too many like this lately: abusive, sex for jobs, jealous, women don't like her, drunk, now she's free and doesn't know how to act.....seems like there have been way too many blinds like this. The thing I have the hardest time accepting (if it's real) is that these women who are so 'abused' actually go audition and spend their DAYS filming, on set, with other actors, etc., but seem to have no sense of self worth, whatsoever?!?! It just seems SO hard to believe that there is an extraordinary number of emotionally abused women in Hollywood who are SUCCESSFUL in their own right.

  32. Rose McGowan? She is known to be superneurotic and has had a very long history of phobias (not leaving the house, bacteria) etc. She has been in here before, believe she was revealed to be the actress who followed Gerry Butler around after a onenighter, believing he was the one while he just used her. Also, I never see her with women, believe she used to be friends with the Charmed girls, but lately.. Nothing.

    Or Amanda Seyfried, because of the 'someone else, not a woman'. Maybe her dog? She is always seen with him.

  33. @SillyGirl--i agree with you, that there are a ton of blinds like this featuring low self esteem girls with tons of problems, but i actually buy it.

    one of my best friends was a theater major in a major city and has received a fair amount of success (for only being 22 still). she is a wonderful human being and i love her, but her and her theater friends all seem to lead much more dramatic and conflict ridden lives than me or the rest of our friends.

    i attribute that to their profession and the fact that they are valued on acting, appearance and NOT being themselves--so how hard it must be for them to be truly be themselves or have any self identity at all, or even one that is not based on approval for trivial things like sex, looks, and being successful.

  34. Rose McGowan could also fit the 'what she has to say is amazing'. Her lifestory is pretty much out of the ordinary; growing up (and living by very strange rules; look up Children of God) and leaving a cult, living on the streets, dating Marilyn Manson etc etc.
    I hope Manson didn't beat her, think not, he seems a bit odd, but never heard about him hitting a girl (E.R.Wood, Dita von Teese etc). Maybe Robert Rodriquez for the guy who didn't beat her? He seemed to be pretty good to her.

    Wouldn't know her lifechanging experience when it comes to drinking. Maybe OD-ing? Sounds more like getting pregnant, in that case January is a better guess.

  35. @bessanne: Showbizz is very cruel. For some reason most people would love to be on stage and hear people scream their name. Lot of backstabbing involved, if you get a part everyone wants you will get in trouble, simply because of jealousy.

    Have no 'real' evidence of course, but I got a feeling lot of big names in Hollywood right now are actually deadly insecure. Why else the constant need for attention, approval etc? Can imagine you lose yourself when you have to play a perfect role (PR wise and movie wise) all the time. Terrible.

    At the same time doesn't surprise me, being insecure in HW. So many competition, you can never fail or someone else gets the part. And people are obsessed with your looks, your talent, your behavior, your boxoffice ratings. I would be insecure too. I don't think I should be in HW, I would end up dead xD

  36. @Shit You Cant Buy: i agree completely, that is not the life i would ever want to lead, but i can see why it appeals to some people. insecurities i think would only be magnified like you said--there is always someone skinnier, prettier or more talented than you! its a rough place, and i am glad i don't have to deal with it :)

    but i do think it is a cruel world, lots of backstabbing, gossiping, and manipulation to get ahead

  37. It's sad that someone who finds making friends hard has their trust violated when they do reach out. Hopefully she will be able to find a way to not let the effects of being so controlled continue to have such a huge impact on her life.

  38. Is here Enty implying that … the baby was conceived in a drunk night with a married, attractive or not?

    Of course is January!

  39. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I feel sorry for JJ now.

  40. Jennifer Love Hewitt. With her mom gone, she's probably rudderless at this point.

  41. I read an interview with Mila Kunis that read JUST like this. She doesn't fit all that well, but the blind immediately made me think of that article.

  42. I read an interview with Mila Kunis that read JUST like this. She doesn't fit all that well, but the blind immediately made me think of that article.

  43. I too thought of January, but she's been photographed wuth Jennifer Carpenter many times, they're obviously friends, so unless Enty forgot about Jennifer I don't think this is her. Regardless, for some reason I really like January.

  44. Sounds to me like Mila Kunis. Whoever it is, call me! I need lady friends, too.

  45. I read "only drinks during certain times" as drinking after baby's in bed.
    Whoever this is, I hope she can find a real friend.

  46. i read an article about january jones when she first got the role on mad men. She made a comment and said that Ashton used to tell her that she wouldn't ever make it in Hollywood (and he was big in that 70s show at that stage). The article was a bit of a 'f_ck you' to ashton.

  47. I used to think JJ was a byatch, but now I realize that celebrity can be a lonely life. The superficialness that one encounters everyday in this industry can take a real beating on the soul. I feel sorry for JJ. She seems like the type that has very low self esteem that has probably never seen a healthy relationship from her upbringing to present day. The only reason people drink/do drugs is because they are trying to mask their pain and sadness. If people were more compassionate than judgmental and showed a little kindness to people like this it probably goes a longer way than we think it does.

  48. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Someone needs to tell this ADULT woman to pull herself together and stop being a doormat. Some messages can't b delivered by unicorns......
