Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today's Blind Items - She Keeps The Restraining Orders Quiet

This actress is a piece of work. I think every guy who dates this B+ television actress from a very hit show which just ended probably is congratulating themselves on getting a date with the actress. They then are surprised that the actress seems to have all the time in the world for them. What starts out as a text or two an hour soon turns into a five or six texts. The guys generally think they are something special. Well, after a date with the actress and she always has sex on the first date, the man will then start to get texts almost every three or four minutes even when the actress is on set. It is a constant stream. Calls? Yes, but it is the texts. They are relentless. Fail to text her back in a few minutes and you get a flood. Don't ever tell her where you live because you will get pop ins constantly. Break up with her and get a new girlfriend? Well the latest guy who did that? His girlfriend just got a restraining order against the actress. She joins a long line of people who have had to take out restraining orders against the actress. She generally gives the girlfriends some money not to appear at the hearing on making it permanent. Our actress is intense when it comes to her guys. It is overwhelming. One guy I spoke with claimed it was like a headache that would never go away. Plus, with the texts coming in so fast, it was like you could not breathe. It never ended. This same guy broke up and threatened to call the tabloids and show the texts. It was the only way he got her to stop.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Which one of the Desperate Housewives?

  2. Come on CDANers. Can't wait

  3. haha just read the show just ended whoops!!

  4. Eva Longoria was my first thought

  5. I thought Teri too. She cray.

  6. I liked the EL guess since TH is rumored to be a drunk not a man chaser/stalker

  7. Replies
    1. She was my first thought.. But I don't think any of we shows we're canceled...
      Ghost Whisperer was, I think, but a while ago
      And Im pretty sure the new one she's in on Lifetime is still on

  8. I agreed with the Teri Hatcher guess at first, but upon thinking about her history more, I don't think it's her. She's spent a lot of time not seeming interested in even having a relationship. Her ex-hubby is an asshole, and she came away from that not wanting that misery again. She was very much like the typical person, after a bad marriage.

    She did make out with Seacrest for publicity, so...

  9. Well, apparently someone doesn't like JLH!

  10. The guys need to hire an assistant to answer her texts like Chris Martin did.

  11. Eva Longoria was my first thought as well.

  12. The line about "the actress is intense about her boys" is a clue. I could see jlh as being too clingy. I mean every relationship she's been in she's claimed to have found the one and how in love she is and blah blah.

  13. Jennifer H. - John Tenney is an asshole? Awww, sorry to hear that, loved him on The Closer.

    My first thought was Teri but yeah, Eva does fit better, as does JLH.

    1. I loved him in Tombstone and, I wish I could remember the details, but it sounded like he was a very controlling, hateful, jealous person. I remember feeling really horrible for her and her daughter.

  14. Replies
    1. Are you a new poster? I never seen that name before and I would remember it :)

  15. sorry - "show just ended".... no clue

  16. Anonymous10:50 AM

    This sounds way too similar to a previous blind.

  17. Ok so.... Attractive actress on hit show that ended recently. I would guess the last two years so it's not a give away.
    Ghost whisperer.
    Desperate housewives.

    What are other "hit" shows that ended recently?

  18. Is Scrubs recent?

  19. Scrubs ended about three years ago.

  20. I said J. Morrison, but could easily be Olivia Wilde

  21. JLH is on a TV show currently, The Client List.

  22. Teri Hatcher came to mind immediately when I read the first sentence.

  23. show about to end or ended is gossip girl

  24. Whoever she is...STAGE 5 CLINGER! Lord! hahaha That is frightening. Stalker Channing! Who is this woman? Someone needs to name her so all men can avoid her.

  25. Has Gossip Girl officially ended? If so I'd say Michelle Trachtenberg. Saying boys instead of men made me think it was someone younger than the DH women.

  26. Other shows that ended in the last 2 years:

    All My Children
    Brothers and Sisters

  27. Gossip Girl was my first thought for the show, but I've never seen it.

  28. Gossip Girl is not over, this will be the last season.

  29. Jennifer - I'm gonna try to pretend that was slander with Teri's PR team doing a hatchet job! Otherwise, as Otto would say "DisapPOINTED!" (Fish called Wanda)

  30. FS--Oh. Sorry It seems like it's been endING for a really long time. I got confused.

    The texting in the blind is what makes me think it's someone younger than a Teri Hatcher. that is all.

  31. I don't think that anyone would congratulate themselves for dating JLH, so it can't be her.

    @ A RESIDENT - I really like the Olivia Wilde guess!!

  32. http://globalgrind.com/entertainment/olivia-wilde-texts-out-west-hollywood-photos


  33. Other shows that ended in the past two years:

    One Tree Hill
    Friday Night Lights

    Don't know if all were hits, but 5 seasons is pretty good (9 and 7 seasons for OTH and Medium).

  34. @A RESIDENT: I think you got it!

    "People are suave on texting. And then they know, if you get a text, don't text back for two days, because then you look too eager. And I'm like, what?? I already texted back six times!"- Olivia in the second link

  35. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Firstly I don't think JLH's show was a "very hit show" so it has to be Desperate Housewives. I can't think of another big hit that just ended really. Teri Hatcher is not that into relationships, but Eva Longoria ALWAYS has a reltionship going on and they come and go so quickly. She is NEVER without a guy but none of them last. I say she is a perfect candidate for this blind.

  36. Eh, just to be different I'll say Emily Procter from CSI Miami since I've honestly never seen her name on a tabloid or anywhere for that matter.

  37. I'd kill for Olivia Wilde to be all Cling Peaches on me. MAKE IT SO, UNIVERSE.

    Hell, I'll settle for Olivia the crazy cat lady who lives under the Sellwood Bridge.

  38. I like the Olivia Wilde! "Hey Girl, do you think you can cut back on the texting?"- Ryan Gosling

  39. Ingrid--I've always loved that, 'Make it SO' (Patrick Stewart voice)

  40. @Ingrid I second that notion! I don't mind serial txters....I just forget to respond sometimes bc I get distracted.

    ...Ooooh shiny!

  41. I thought Olivia Wilde was still dating Jason Sudeikis.

  42. Is Olivia Wilde that chick from House? If so, I'm totally down with that guess.

  43. Plus, she wasn't really on House for the last couple of seasons, she just re-appeared in one of the last episodes.

    Teri Hatcher sounds like a good match to me. (Remember when she hooked up with Clooney--a neighbor of hers--and didn't want to let go. Not that I can blame her, but....)

  44. Minka Kelly.

    I've heard similar stories about her before she got more famous especially before dating Derek Jeter. Another ex boyfriend who's very wealthy not a celebrity has dated famous actresses a friend of his said she has a habit of clinging to her famous boyfriends including showing up unannounced. She's known to try to cause problems when they date other people including sharing stories about an ex boyfriend to a tabloid using a friend as the source. I heard she did the same thing to John Mayer when he started dating Jennifer Aniston. Just throwing that out there.

  45. Jamie Lynn Sieglar? just to be a little different

  46. Weeds just ended. I love Mary Louise Parker, I hope this isn't her.

  47. @jeneral
    Enty seems to love him some MLP too, so I don't think it's her :)

  48. Jennifer Love Hewitt popped into my mind instantly. She looks extremely needy. Thing is, she seems like such a nice person and is so pretty. I would think she could get any guy she wanted (at least decent ones). Always SMH at that one. Too bad, really.

  49. Who would congratulate themselves over a date with Teri Hatcher? Got to be JLH. She was dumped via text last year.

  50. @All about Eve: Hi! I've been on this site for a few months but actually started posting maybe a month or so ago. Just discovered it and really like it.

  51. If it is Olivia, then Jason Sudeikis has the worst luck with girlfriends ever.

  52. Olivia Wilde is still dating Jason so it's not her unless he's talking about pre-Jason. Plus, she wasn't really on "House" anymore. JLH's show is still on the air so it didn't just end. I don't think it would be considered a very big hit either. I'll say Kathy Bates from "Harry's Law." Just kidding. I'm looking at a list of shows that ended in 2012, & I already forgot that show existed.

  53. Sudeikis is tight enough with Wilde that they're slated to shoot a movie together soon. I really don't think he'd put up with a psycho chick.

    1. Doesn't January show up at his house unannounced with baby in tow?

  54. If you guess Mary Louise Parker, then I must add Penelope Ann Miller and Elizabeth Perkins, since I can't tell these three apart. Perhaps the gentleman cannot, either, which explains the unusually high number of texts per hour? He is dating three women, all texting him, and thinking it's just one woman. This could complicate a restraining order.

  55. JLH would be too obvious. I like the Minka Kelly guess, but was Charlie's Angels a hit show?

  56. All of you JLH haters need to get a grip. Trash her when the clues fit but this obviously isn’t her. READ the post. JLH is currently in a show that has been renewed for two and only two reasons. The women like looking at the guys getting the massage and the guys like looking at JLH. She may be a clingy dingbat BUT she still has a top 10 body and probably the most desired to see breasts in the world. I would rate her in my top 10 sexual fantasy bucket list.

  57. All of you JLH haters need to get a grip. Trash her when the clues fit but this obviously isn’t her. READ the post. JLH is currently in a show that has been renewed for two and only two reasons. The women like looking at the guys getting the massage and the guys like looking at JLH. She may be a clingy dingbat BUT she still has a top 10 body and probably the most desired to see breasts in the world. I would rate her in my top 10 sexual fantasy bucket list.
