Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Today's Blind Items - She Hates Them

This actress is on a very hit show. She is probably B list because of the show, but you would be hard pressed to spot her in a crowd or pick her out of a lineup. Despite all of this she has worked almost constantly in her relatively short career and in some very good roles. Her second big break is where all the trouble started. She got the job because of her talent, but because she started sleeping with the executive producer almost immediately, the rest of the cast disliked her immediately. Especially because the cast member she was replacing had been sleeping with the same executive producer and left when they broke up. So, right away, the cast was not friendly to her. Then when rumors started circulating about her getting her own show, the cast really started hating her. Hazing is an understatement to what they did to our actress. They made her life as miserable as possible. Would make her look bad on camera. Would try to get her to goof up or make a mistake. Would ignore her for days. Lock her out of her trailer or even lock her in which would cause her to be late and get yelled at. Wardrobe would always tell her she was gaining weight while actually making her clothes smaller. This would have producers telling her to lose weight. It was so bad that our actress walked off the show at least three times and vowed never to come back, but her executive producer boyfriend would always talk her back and tell her the co-stars would fade away into nothingness and she would be a big star and leave them behind. When he started sleeping with an extra she left him behind too.


  1. First time poster - shenae grimes on 90210?

    1. I keep on thinking that it's someone in Glee.

  2. First time poster - shenae grimes on 90210?

  3. This sounds ridiculously fabricated or at least exaggerated. Making her clothes smaller? Locking her in her trailer? Get her to goof up? This isn't jr high school.

    1. See " postcards on the edge". As to yhe shit they pull on each other.

  4. The making her clothes smaller reminded me of a similar one on MASH - part of the plot. At first I was thinking Katy Cuoco but I can't see how she could get her own show. Other than that I got nothin'

  5. Don't forget "the cast member she was replacing". That's important.

  6. I think its Kate Walsh - Greys / Private

  7. The actress in question still appears to be on the hit show, but no longer with the producer. No clue re: a current show where an actress was replaced.

  8. Kate Walsh didn't "replace" a character on Grey's though, did she?

  9. Kate Walsh didn't replace anyone on Grey's.

    Also, it doesn't say that the actress is still on the show. She is on A show, but it doesn't say that it's the same one.

  10. Other reasons it's not Kate: (a) she's been in Hollywood for quite a while, (b) she's well known enough that she would be spotted in a crowd/picked out of a line-up, (c) no one left Grey's when Kate arrived, (d) with Heigl and Isiah Washington on set, it's hard to believe that Kate would be at the top of the cast's hate list.

  11. Emily vancampen.....I think this is about brother & sisters. Now she is on Revenge?

  12. The mom from Fresh Prince!

    Just kidding... I have no idea.

  13. What genre is the show? Sitcom, dramady, drama, cable? Kind of t vague to really guess. And I do believe the pranks, people can be so cruel when jealous, or trying to climb the ladder of success. It is just like junior high in Hwood, believe it people!

  14. Is there someone who has replaced an actress on a current hit show? Modern Family? How I met your Mother? 2 1/2 men? NCIS?

  15. It says her "second big break" so I don't think the current "very hit" show is the one where this has happened.

  16. Emily VanCamp has been on Everwood, Brothers and Sisters, and Revenge. As far as I know, she was the original and only actress in all of those roles. Don't think this is her.

    Could Jennifer Morrison fit? Once Upon a Time is her current show, previously on House and How I Met your Mother.

    1. She wasn't replacing someone on those shows.

  17. Mindy from the office? She just got her own show the mindy project.

  18. Ashton Kutcher. He replaced Charlie Sheen, and screwed millions of 2.5 Men fans.

  19. @Jaiden - Cote de Pable replaced Sasha Alexander 7 or 8 years ago - Sasha wanted to do movies (I think). I'm under the impression everyone on the cast gets along very well, but what do I know?

  20. One of those CSI shows? I have no idea who is on those anymore but I think Las Vegas had another cast change.

  21. I doubt that this is a situation where two actresses played the same role--I bet that a female character in an ensemble cast left and another actress came in as a new character.

    Or perhaps a character's girlfriend left the show and then he got a new girlfriend.

  22. @Mindy was an original on The Office, not her (thank god).

    1. She was a writer on that show as well

    2. I also couldn't picture some of the actors on The Office pulling that high school crap.

  23. I really like Emily in Revenge.

  24. I don't know, but this is my favorite kind of trashy gossip, so I'm standing by for y'all to suss this one out.

    Go Team CDAN!

  25. @funkyniblets makes a good point, the hit show isn't where this situation occured, it was during her second break.

  26. Michelle Tratenbottom or whatever her name is on Gossip Girl - she was on Buffy before and I'm sure that I heard rumours that she came on as a small part (on Gossip Girl) and kept getting more and more lines by trying to sweet talk someone of importance....

  27. Kaley Cuoco. She is currently on Big Bang Theory (started 2007) and replaced Shannon Dougherty on Charmed her second big break. That ended 2006. Her first big break was 8 simple rules.

    1. That's who I was thinking.

    2. Rose McGowen was the half sister. Shannen got canned from the show, and was fighting with many of those on it. I think Kaley and Rose would have been a breath if fresh air to the cast members.

    3. kaley did not replace shannen on charmed rose mcgowan did after shannen left after season 3, kaley joined charmed for the 8th and final season. i'm a charmed fan so trust me this is fact.

  28. All I could think of is Mindy Kaling, but I really doubt it's her. Doesn't sound like her, but also everyone knows who she is. She didn't replace anyone on the Office, did she?

  29. It's not Emily VanCamp. She didn't replace anyone on Brother's and Sisters. Plus for a little while she was dating the guy she had the chemistry on the show. Justin? and now she is dating the guy that plays Daniel Grayson on Revenge.

  30. Could this be Sarah Chalke? I don't think she's on a show at the moment, though....

  31. Anonymous10:57 AM

    For some reason the "made her goof up" sounds like Saturday Night Live...

    1. @bflo I thought snl too but then I can't see them "hazing" anyone. Hazing makes me so angry especially the few mind fucks described above and it makes me think of a young cast. If the horrible wardrobe thing is true I can't imagine them getting involved too. I hate stuff like this.

  32. @Lin - Kaley didn't replace Shannen, Rose McGowan did. Kaley came on in the final season.

    Was thinking NCIS because of Sasha/Cote, but the EP is Don Bellisario who is Sean Murray's (McGee) stepfather. Also, Cote is on the show and lasted longer than Sasha Alexander did. If everyone hated her, I doubt she would have stuck around so long.

  33. I don't think she is the right answer, but what about someone like Abby Elliott from SNL? She started dating Fred Armisen (but I think he was married and it seems like Enty would have mentioned that, plus I don't that he executive produces SNL), they broke up and she is apparently off to HIMYM.

    I feel like the show on which the hazing occured might be a live show, or at least taped in front of a live studio audience. How else could they "make her look bad on camera"? If it's a studio show, wouldn't they just do a new take? But on a live show, that definitely happen.

  34. Wasn't it Rose McGowan who replaced Shannen Doherty on Charmed?

  35. @Pugstermom...completely agree. I think a lot of the BV's are over exagerated.

    Shanae Grimes replaced someone? I thought she was on 90210 from the beginning. Not her.

  36. @ Lin Smith I thought of Charmed as well, but Kaley Cuoco didn't replace anyone on Charmed. Shannen Doherty was replaced by Rose McGowan. The guess fits really well otherwise.

  37. and Kate Walsh eats at the Y. She probably only consumes franks and beans under penalty of indigestion.

    1. Exactly!! Kate's definitely a lesbian.

  38. Who replaced Katherine Heigel when she quit Grey's? I quit watching, but this is Grey's to me.

  39. This is not Mindy Kaling, nor will it ever be. Mindy is a writer and comedienne. She can write her own script in Hollywood, and is.

  40. @nichole - I forgot about Sean Murray's stepdad being the EP. I doubt the EP would want his wife to hear about it from her son!

  41. I'll jump on the Kaley guess, she got her first break on 8 Simple Rules to Date My Daughter, then Charmed would have been the mean set. Totally believable, with Rose McGowan and Alyssa Milano mean-grilling a younger actress. Yup.

  42. I read this as someone from SNL... but I'm also watching a toddler run around so I could be reading it wrong entirely.

  43. @Sarah - who did Kaley replace though? I don't think someone left before she came on. Shannen left years before that and they added Rose.

    Not that I don't think Rose and Alyssa couldn't mean-girl someone.

  44. what are they twelve. dumbasses

  45. My first thought was Kelly Cuoco, she has been on three different shows, and chances are if you had not seen any of them you would not know her on the street. The Charmed piece doesn't work though.

  46. The fact that enty said it would be hard to choose her from a crowd makes me think we aren't going to get it. If you can't recognize her among mere muggles, how are we going to recognize her amongst the hundreds of television actresses in our heads.

    not trying to be a downer, this one just seems A) A little far fetched and B)Aside from the replacing another actress part, pretty vague.

  47. Yup. My bad. Charmed doesn't work. I like the SNL guess but I don't think they have trailers there. I think they have dressing rooms.

  48. The trick to this might be figuring out the spin off...

    What shows have spun off or rumored to be spun off?

    Off the top of my head I have Glee, The Office, Oz, Cheers, Friends, Whatever the Finder was spun off of (Bones was it?), Greys Anatomy

    Any others?

  49. The very few times that I've worked on a film set, it was like anything else, you have some great, serious, ethical, professional people.

    Then you have some real a-holes. I had a VERY minor role on a TV movie and there were a few members of the crew that were beyond childish and definitely capable of pulling this kind of crap. I saw plenty of juvenile shenanigans, I'm afraid.

  50. Pugster, you should read the oral history of Saturday Night Live. That is exactly the sort of crap Jan Hooks and Nora Dunn pulled on Victoria Jackson the whole time they were on SNL together. What was Victoria Jackson's crime? She spoke in a girly voice. That was it. They made her life miserable because of it. Hollywood is Jr High sometimes.

  51. Jeri Ryan? Star Trek Voyager and Boston Public. She was sleeping with Brannon Braga on ST:V, and replaced Jennifer Lien.

  52. Probably way off here but my first thought was Michaela Watkins from SNL. I heard that when she left Lorne had been saying she should have her own show.

  53. victoria jackson's crime is that she's a conservative republican bat shit idiot.

    1. Oooops I meant to say haha this to ^^^this^^^ one!!

  54. Kelly's been on TV for over 10 years, I wouldn't say that's a short career.

    1. *Kaley. Damn, maybe it is her if I can't even get her name right, LOL!

  55. I'm not a Kate G. fan, but I'm a bit suspicious of this. There were (and probably still are) plenty of people around when the kids were 2 that could have witnessed/reported this (or would have reported it by now, now that the show is off the air).

  56. Does Criminal Minds count as very hit? Because it would fit. Paget Brewster replaced Lola Glaudini at the start of the second season. There was a spinoff that failed, and Brewster was written out of the show once, and recently left for real.

  57. @Awesome Slut. Back off. There are Republicans who read this blog too. Be nice or don't blog on this site please.

    1. Not all Republicans are of the "bat shit crazy" variety! But yeah, Victoria is...

    2. She is a batshit crazy Republican, she didn't say they all were. Plus she has every right to post her opinion.

  58. @Awesome - that was hilarious. Say what you like, we've been down the disagreement road before. I don't think any one of us is here to play censor. Nor should we be.

  59. Isn't Hayden P on a new show??

  60. BTW, My comment was posted on the wrong thread... (it's about Kate Gosselin).

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Kaley C. in pics today.

  64. @ Ms Snarky. LOL!!! As long as when it's in reverse, you're also able to take it with a grain of salt.

  65. I vote Shanae Grimes. But this happened on Degrassi then she went to 90210

  66. @TheRecklessRoute -- Paget Brewster/Criminal Minds crossed my mind as well, but I have always heard that the cast got along great (and she was on for years longer than Lola G.). What would her first big break have been?

  67. Did you ever notice that Mitt has really small and floppy fingers?

  68. Megan Fox? It would explain why BAG keeps her on a leash.

  69. I thought maybe Sarah Chalke but not everything fits.

  70. Many Republicans are quite sane. But the people they choose to represent them in government are total bat-shit-crazed idiots. I'm from MN, and how Michele Bachmann gets reelected is beyond my level of comprehension. Granted, her district still hosts cross burnings and gay bashings every now and then.

    Back to the point, though, I'm not convinced Kate Walsh is gay. If you watch ASSCAT on Netflix, she jokes about how "Someone's about to get outed!" when they ask her to tell a story about a bad break up. But she referred to an ex boyfriend.

    I like the Jeri Ryan guess, but that was a long time ago, and she hasn't worked very steadily.

  71. @Meg -- Yeah, I've never heard of anything bad going down with that cast, but it was about the only thing I could think of. Her recurring spot on Friends for the first big break?

  72. Erin said...
    Many Republicans are quite sane. But the people they choose to represent them in government are total bat-shit-crazed idiots...

    I like the Jeri Ryan guess, but that was a long time ago, and she hasn't worked very steadily.
    Interesting that you mixed politics with Jeri Ryan. Most people have forgotten that if it wasn't for Jeri Ryan's unproven allegations in her divorce papers, her ex-husband would have beat Barack Obama in their run for the U.S. Senate in IL. Jack Ryan was leading Obama by about 20 pts at the time the dem judge in LA made the sealed divorce documents public. Obama owes her BIG TIME.

  73. Remember - Enty may alter some minute detail (ie. replacement instead of addition) of the blind to avoid repercussions. I'm sticking with my gut and voting for Kaley.

    Found this interesting interview with Rose. Can definitely picture her as a mean girl.

  74. The only replacement I can think of is Elizabeth Shue replacing Marg on CSI original. But I'm not sure CSI is still a 'hit show', and I do think the mean people are not on the current hit.

    This could also be a movie franchise? The lady is on a hit show NOW, but it sounds murky. Dunno.

  75. I like the Kaley guess. Didn't Ted have a BV that she was the popular guess for? Actress using nose candy to slim down, and Kaley is thinner nowadays.

  76. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I think the " hard pressed to pick her out of a lineup" is a clue. One of the crime shows.

  77. Morena Baccarin. Replaced Rebecca Gayheart in firefly.... Now on Homeland but still a but obscure??

  78. My first thought was "Glee" (an ensemble show) - but other than that, I have no idea, since I don't watch the show.

  79. Can't be Kaley. It says the rest of the cast hated her immediately BUT she dated the guy that plays Leonard for over a year.

  80. I don't think I posted before, but I like the SNL guesses - I'm going with Casey Wilson who is great on Happy Endings now. Didn't she come on SNL not long after Tina or Amy left? I don't think she lasted too long on SNL, but not sure what her "first" big break would have been. I think she definitely fits into the "hard pressed to spot her in a crowd."

  81. I am laughing my ass off at the idea of Kaley Cuoco ever being hired for a job because of her talent. She is a good fit on Big Bang, but she was hideously godawful on Charmed. She cannot act for shit, but lucked into a part where she's just about playing herself.

  82. Oh, and ditto for Shenae Grimes. If she has a talent, it isn't acting.

  83. Kate Walsh is a lesbian, plus she didn't replace anyone on Grey's. She just joined the show. Not her.

    Cote de Pablo isn't getting/hasn't gotten her own show, and she's had a long term boyfriend forever.

    The chick who played Emily Prentiss is super good friends with the other women on Criminal Minds, they hang out regularly, plus she never got her own show.

    I really have no idea who this is, but I think the SNL guesses are the most likely.

  84. Oh, and I don't really see how this could be Shenae Rimes... she was only 15 when she joined Degrassi. And she didn't replace anyone on 90210, she was on from the beginning.

  85. Criminal Minds. Paget Brewster (sp?) Replaced Elle (no idea the actress name) and left the series for her own show.
    Either that or Sarah Chalke (shrug) Roseanne/Scrubs/HIMYM

  86. Awesome Slut said...

    victoria jackson's crime is that she's a conservative republican bat shit idiot.

    You were missed.

  87. Kind of a longshot because she's not really ON a show, but Christina Moore has guest-starred on True Blood this season and she was the replacement Laurie Foreman on That 70s Show.

  88. @TheRecklessRoute: I doubt it's Paget. She and the rest of the cast seemed to get along very well, even hanging out in their spare time. She also did some comedy club thing and multiple CM-actors joined her every once in a while. They also attended a lot of eachother's events; moviepremieres etc. She is also still with her boyfriend of (around) 8years, who is in a band.
    And she seems like a goofy sweet person.. I just can't believe it xD

    (used to be hugeeee CM-fan (still am a little bitxD), thats why I know so much info on them. Not a crazy stalker or anythinghhhahaaha)

  89. Btw, my first thought was Sela Ward, who replaced older chick whoes name I can't remember on CSI. But she has had a loooooooong career.

    Thinking of Criminal Minds; Paget Brewster was replaced by Jeanne Triplehorn.. What if it's her? xD (Kidding, she also has a long career, and just recently was added to the cast).

  90. Completely random guess, but what about Lucy Lawless?
    Big break was Xena, now on Spartacus. Most of her exes are producers and directors.

  91. Oh crap, nevermind. Her career isn't short and she is no longer on Spartacus. And she didn't replace anyone on that show.

  92. shows where a female actor for the same character was replaced:
    - Laurie from The 70s Show
    - Judy or Laura (not sure which one but I know one was replaced) from Family Matters
    - Meg from Family Guy (the voiceover was replaced)

  93. Roccogecko, Casey Wilson was on SNL at the same time as Amy and Tina -- they all appear in my all-time-favorite SNL commercial:

    (Be sure to watch to the end!)

  94. @geminigirl, I agree with the Hayden Pantierre guess. Heroes (ensemble) and now Nashville. There was some love/hate for her on heroes and the new series (which technically co-stars Connie Britton) could be riling up former coworkers. And isn't she supposed to be a 1st rate freak?

  95. Kaley's Wikipedia page - In the eighth season of the hit cult TV show Charmed, Cuoco appeared as Billie Jenkins a young powerful witch who was also one of whitelighter Paige Matthews' charges. Executive producer Brad Kern stated Kaley's character was initially brought in as a possible spin-off.

    It's got to be her!

    Charmed was her second big role, after 8 simple rules. And jealous women can be awful creatures!
