Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today's Blind Items - She Doesn't See Her Kids

This actress is probably C- list. She is one of those rare few though who still have A++ list name recognition despite a lack of acting talent or any kind of ability actually and relies on past glory and fading looks. Our actress used to be the most hands on mom imaginable. A few years of drug use, booze and financial problems though have turned her into an absentee mom. Over the past year she has not spent more than a day or two at a time with them and that is usually only after a month or two away. She calls it business. It is a series of parties is what it is. never ending parties which she finds much more enjoyable than sitting around being a mom. Even when she does see them, she can only focus on them for an hour or two before the sound of her drug pipe comes calling. She finds that much more interesting than her kids.


  1. Pamela Anderson.

  2. Ugh, another Pam Anderson blind?

  3. definately Pam Anderson...poor boys

  4. Yes, I agree...Pam Anderson.

  5. Definitely Pam - she was my guess after the first read through, and then I read it again, comparing the clues. They all fit. Poor boys. It sucks to have an absentee parent, period, but when they go from 100% to barely 10, it's gotta hurt.

  6. My first thought was Demi Moore

    But Pam fits pretty well

  7. Heartbreaking. Who watches her kids? Definitely Pam Anderson. At first I thought Heather Locklear, but she only has 1 child, right?

  8. I think it's Pam too. Her boys are still minors. I was beginning to wonder what happened to them, since she is chasing Johns all over Europe now.

    1. I too was for no reason wondering who was raising them and where they lived. Sad, and she is doing permanent damage to them. Hope the boys are well taken care of.

  9. Sounds like Pam. I guess Tommy has them?

  10. Yep, Pam. She's a mess.

  11. Whoa! We've all got the same idea, I guess she's not allowed to bring them on the yachts.

  12. @Patty- lol you made me think of Duece Bigalow

  13. I was initially thinking Denise Richards, just because Pam Anderson seems to be everywhere lately, but there's no way this is anyone other than Pam.

    1. From what I understand Denise is a really hands on mom and even looks after her ex husbands other Children from his marriage to Brooke mueller.

  14. She was on the View recently talking about how her boys spend a lot of time in Canada. I am guessing they are staying with her parents alot...sad :(

  15. Pam was my first thought as well. I wondered how she took care of her kids when she was away for a month at a time. So sad.

  16. Her boys are probably better off in Canada, away from all the temptations of Hollywood. I know nothing about what Tommy Lee is like now, but his reputation in the past has not been good.

  17. I guess it'll be completely true when we see Pam out with her kids in a photo a few days from now, right?

    My first thought went to Demi, too.

  18. A co-worker if mine is friend's with Kid Rock's parents. When Pam was with Kid Rock, she'd leave her kids with his parents most of the time. I thought it was weird back then because she always seemed so hands on. Apparently her boys were rowdy and undisciplined, according to my co-worker. I can't imagine what they'll be like in adulthood.

    1. Does your friend live near Fenton/holly area?

  19. Yep, Pammy. She used to be photographed with her kids all the time a few years ago but I haven't seen any recently.

  20. My first thought was Heather Locklear ("kids" being the red herring), but Pam's probably a better fit.

  21. This one screamed Pammy to me as well. Where is Tommy Lee?

  22. I thought Demi Moore. Pam works too, though.

  23. My first thought was Pam (as was nearly everyone else)... That's really sad.

  24. Hell yeah Pam Anderson!!!!

  25. Could be Pam or Demi, although neither seems to be suffering financially.

  26. I think Demi Moore makes moore sense.

  27. Demi's kids are all legally adults now though; Pam's boys are in their early to mid teens.

  28. Kid Rock himself said that when they were married she often left her kids at home with him and his son while she went out partying. He said he didn't really see her much.

  29. Tommy Lee beat up Pam so maybe he doesn't have custody rights.

  30. Pam Anderson's kids are in a Canadian boardind school close to Pam's parents because Tommy Lee tours much, Pam Anderson works outside LA and they wanted their kids stay down-to-earth.
    David Fincher who had the custody of his daughter when she was 1 years old,also send her in a Colorado boarding school(he has some family there) when she was
    teen to move away from Hollywood

  31. i can't help but picture Pam Anderson

  32. Awful. I'm sure Tommy is just as bad. I hope they have good grandparents.

  33. I really went to Kate Gosselin first, despite her non-acting, but I think Pam may be a better one.

  34. sounds like she is doing the best thing she can for them, even if we don't agree with her choices.

    1. Shes not doing whats best for them. Shes doing whats best for her. And so is tommy. Selfish selfish selfish

  35. Pam.

    she travels ALL the time now. Pretty sad, because she used to be pretty hands on as a Mom.

  36. I'm guessing fountain valley is where finchers kid goes. It's near Colorado Springs

  37. I thought Demi first off, but Pam makes sense. Maybe one of these days she'll clean up and realize what she's missing - especially if she did initially have it in her to be a good mom.

    Or really, maybe it's just better for those kids to be raised by (hopefully) loving relatives, far from the crazy influences of LA.

  38. Until the part about the drug use, I said Julia Roberts. A++ name recognition, past successes but no talent, fading looks, all ringers for that crusty, god-awful Roberts. But the rest of the blind clearly indicates this is about Pammy.

  39. What kinda of life do those kids have when Tommy Lee is the responsible parent?

  40. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Pam is on C- list as actress?

  41. I actually thought Sharon Stone at first. But Pam fits as well. Incredibly sad for the kids.

  42. I agree it sounds like Pam but her kids were born in the early 90's so they are older than people might think.
    Of course its sad when people choose to party over their kids but they aren't babies.

  43. Her kids are 15 and 13. Not cool at all.

  44. If they are in boarding school, and not privy to the wacky goings on of either of their parents, who can say this wasn't the best option for them.

  45. pam was having financial problems a few years ago, perhaps like many working girls, this is what she has to do.

    i dunno about tommy lee but if they're in a boarding school near their grandparents, surely you can see that is the best thing for them?

  46. I am not a guy, but I would be SO embarrassed to have those two as parents. Probably better off away from Ho-wood.

  47. @auntliddy Why are you labelling Tommy as "selfish?" He's on tour as a drummer in a rock band because that is his job!

    If he is working to provide for his kids and to afford to put them in a stable home and school environment, why would that make him "selfish?"

  48. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Except Demi Moore has talent. Can't be her.

  49. Yes, Tommy has to tour and make money to provide for his children; if their financial security were solely in the hands of Pam they would be living on the streets while she trolled for johns overseas and spent all of her hooker money on crack.

  50. The boys are doing just fine. I think it's Pam's parents who are taking care of them. They're based in Canada and just visit their dad in LA once in awhile.They seem to be level headed and unspoiled kids despite of. One of the sons, Brandon Lee is now friends with Paris Jackson. I think Tommy Lee is doing much better and cleaned up his act. He's closer to kids now and takes them along in his tours and he's in a more stable relationship too.

  51. Watching mommy blow a rich old European dude wasn't what they were expecting when they asked if they could participate in "Take Your Child To Work" day.



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