Monday, September 10, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Rumors

This actress has been a steady C+ to B-. Foreign born. Always works, but you would be hard pressed to pick her out of a crowd and match her with her name. Her name is probably B+ list. She has had some issues on movie sets the past two years. Apparently this C- list actor with A list name recognition who was in a very high profile relationship that she dated for awhile spread a whole bunch of rumors about her. Lots and lots of them. Like he was in his own version of high school. She says that most of the stuff never happened and probably would never be able to happen because he takes so many drugs and drinks so much that he is impotent half the time and their sex never lasted longer than 30 seconds. She is shocked that he ever managed to get anyone pregnant. Anyway, his rumors have made working on sets very uncomfortable because he tells everyone that she is easy and that she will have sex with anyone famous or who spends a couple of bucks on her. During her most recent movie, almost the entire cast was men and she says that she had to hide every second that she was not actually filming because the guys would not stop hitting on her and at one point she thought about walking off the set and quitting and going back home.


  1. I can't wait for your guesses.

  2. Let's see:

    C- Actor with Alist name is Ryan Phillippe?

    C+ to B- foreign born actress - Abbie Cornish.

    1. perfect. AND it's ryan's birthday today, so I can totally see enty posting this! happy birthday, ry! baaahahaha he sucks.

  3. Yeah, I think evergrey got it. Ryan and Abbie.

  4. I was thinking Colin Farrell for C- actor/A list name recognition - has been in high profile relationships. Takes drugs/drinks and has kid.

    Can't think of the girl

  5. Great guess! I will go with it.

  6. I was thinking someone involved with Chalie Sheen but I think evergrey got it.

  7. Marion Cotillard?

  8. Yeah, sounds good evergrey. High profile relationship being marriage to Reese.

    Colin Farrell is probably a B/B+ with A list name recognition, not his style anyway.

  9. I'm with the bandwagon guess on this one - which makes me sad, because I've loved her in several films (Bright Star and Candy, to name a couple), and I hate it when Ryan spills his taint on people. He's such a worthless scab.

  10. I saw Abbie in Sucker Punch and even though the movie was eh, she was good. I hope people will consider the source regarding the rumors about her.

    Also, didn't Ryan get some co-star pregnant?? i can't remember who and too lazy to look it up.

  11. Just looked it up, it was Alexis Knapp who got knocked up by Ryan.

  12. Co-sign with Ryan Phillipe/Abbie Cornish. "in his own version of high school" could refer to his role in Cruel Intentions?

  13. Wow! I didn't know ryan phillipe was such a D-bag. That is if this BI is referring to him.

  14. Abbie Cornish stars in Seven Psychopaths and that has a lot of men in it, including Colin Farrell, Woody Harrelson, Christopher Walken, and Sam Rockwell.

  15. *karen* beat me to the punch!

    Also, it looks like RoboCop is a heavily male cast.

  16. For what reason would a grown man do something like this to someone he dated? I had heard RP was a bit of a jerk, but to stoop that low.

  17. Frieda Pinto and Stephen Dorff?

  18. Loves me some Abbie Cornish so fuck Ryan Phillipe. And even if this isn't true FUCK RYAN PHILLIPE!

  19. I have a feeling Ryan did not have to do a whole lot of acting on Cruel Intentions...seems like Ryan and Sabastian are the same person with his doucebag voice and accent and bitchface snarkiness.

  20. Oh yes she is going to pack up and go home - I dont' think so! First World Problems:)

  21. i know it doesn't quite fit...but i so wanted this to be tom c. and sofia v.


  22. what a hypocrite!
    on the old a-list gossip forum were rumours that ryan phillipe used to be gay for pay. don't know if it's true though

  23. She should do something about it other than whispering in Entwood's ear.

  24. Colin Farrell has been clean and sober for years and I don't think this is something he'd do.

    I like RP/Abbie guess.

  25. Lainey has always called Ryan P. out as a supreme douche-bag, and I was never sure what made him so much more douchey than many others seem to be....this sort of stuff might explain it.

  26. I agree with Abbie & Ryan, it fits perfectly. Nice job out of the box, evergrey.

    I want to like Ryan, because he does seem to serious about fatherhood. Then again, I see could see Reese as a mom who takes no bullshit, and refuses to let him shirk, IF he wanted to.
    I like Reese, in that she's one actress who clawed her way up and controls her own career. Not that she makes great choices, I just like the ruthless moxie about her, in a way.
    I always thought she married Ryan for his genes, anyway. Once the seeds sprouted, she threw away the envelope. You KWIM...

  27. Isn't this sexual harrasment?

  28. I would not be able to pick Abbie out of a line-up ans you guys have me convinced.

    This concludes my Ryan P. crush, it was a long-distance thing anyway.

  29. You know what my advice to these young girls who are victomized on a set by sexual predators? Get a body guard, with u at all times. Sets the tone right there. Or film your experiences on the set, inc the predators, with copies available to the media. Or learn karate and slam these bastards on their asses. This intimidation shit makes me furious!

  30. Looking at the casts she's working with on robocop and 7 psychopaths [gary oldman, clive owen, colin farrell, etc] i'd be sad to think any of them would be awful enough to make her want to leave.. damn hollywood crushes!

  31. I had no idea, until someone guessed Ryan and Abbie. Great guess!

  32. Lainey had a blind about Ryan impregnating a young girl, dumping her, then wooing her back when he learned she planned to go through with the pregnancy... However, his wooing her back had to do with manipulating her to get the abortion.

  33. She should get a T-shirt printed, "Don't Even Bother, It Will Never Happen"

  34. I like this shirt for her, "No. Never. Not in a Million Years.

  35. What about Carrie Mulligan and Shia

  36. Shia has been rather outspoken of late. That's a solid guess.

  37. Anonymous8:59 PM

    @izz, I was just going to say, I'd go with Shia and Carrie.

  38. Ok, he tells rumors about her that she's easy. She tells rumors about him that he either can't make it happen or can't make it last.

    Well. That's mature.

    She wants us to feel bad for her? Then don't join him at his level.

  39. Def Ryan & Abbie. They broke up in 2010 and Enty says she's been having issues on sets "for the last two years", so that really seals it for me.

  40. The writing screams "fake" to me.
