Today's Blind Items - The Biggest Dog
I always have thought that the biggest tool out there when it came to really just using women and tossing them away was probably Gerard Butler or Wilmer Valderrama. Found someone way worse. Oh, and get this. He has actually been nominated/won an Academy Award. He is a very good actor. This week he was hitting on some models and told them they should come back to his place for some partying. They asked who else would be there and he said it would just be him and they don't need anyone else but him. He told one A++ list model they should have sex. When she declined, he turned to another model next to him and said, "Well, I guess you get to go first then. Lucky you." He had an actress girlfriend. She put up with him bringing home women and having sex with them downstairs and then coming up straight to bed or even waking up during the night when he would get a text and go out and have sex with someone and then come back to bed. She stuck with him because she thought she could change him. Plus, she was really trying hard to get pregnant. She later did with someone else who is higher on the list than our dog actor. She is quite the actress. I could write a whole book about what she has done in the past to try and get guys to fall for her.