Monday, September 03, 2012

Today's Blind Items - Another Easy One

You know how The Situation is always willing to take out his abs and show them off for women or for $20? Yeah, well this actor who really should be A list by now because of his talent, but has a horrible way of messing things up with everything he does away from the cameras which keeps him at a B- level. Good looking though. Well, our actor has the habit of whipping out his peen for anyone who cares to see. Of course he has to be drunk first which knowing our actor is possible Monday - Friday anytime after 5pm or so and on the weekends, depending on what time he awakens, anytime after about 1pm. If you see him in a club or in a bar and would like to see his peen, just ask and he will be glad to show it. The problem is that his girlfriends do not always enjoy this behavior. Our actor, who is known for his peen and for his drinking has not always been the most faithful of sorts. And when you are pulling out your peen on request, and only by request, things happen. You know, it could slip in here or there, and the next thing you know you have a situation which the girlfriend does not really appreciate. So, then he is forced to take his peen and move on.


lazyday603 said...

She Auh The Beef?

missh said...

jonathan rhys meyers?

Unknown said...


Teresa said...


Hammer_Girl said...

At first I thought JRM but what about Fassbender?

Tigercat said...

What a has peen!

♥ Mariana said...

Gerard Butler

LeGrange said...

Eeewww!! I was eating here!! LOL

Hazeldazel said...

Totally The Beef

dia papaya said...

Gerry? Fassbender? ASkars?

I don't reall believe it's ASkars. But I would like to be the happy receipiant if it was indeed him ;)

Jamie 2 said...

Totally Shia. He's done full-frontal nudity before.

O'Really said...

Fassbender. Shia is known for being a peen; not because of his peen. Plus, I don't think Shia has A list talent.

NYCgirl said...

Jessica Biel

anita_mark said...

I thought Shia but the "good looking though" comment says otherwise. Dude is ooo-glay!

Chrissy Buns said...

I like Shia for this...what a 'has peen' indeed, tigercat!

EmEyeKay said...

Fassbender's peen has been the subject of many a headline and joke.

Jeneral said...

Agree with Fassbender. Didn't Charlize mention his peen in a speech?

Jcool said...

Michael Fassbender A list probably close to A+ so its not him.

christopher said...

im thinking channing tatum? (not cause of strip movie)

JRM sounds good also

violet said...

Ahahaha, thanks for the laugh, NYCgirl.

Jcool said...

And as much as it pains me to say Shia LaBeouf is probably A list, which rules him out. Though since he has turned his back on "studio films" i'm sure he will be B list soon.

Jcool said...

Channing Tatum is A list as well.

CJ said...

Michael Fassbender. Gerard Butler doesn't have girlfriends, he has fuck buddies.

And there are plenty of pics of Fassbender being/getting drunk, just google Michael Fassbender drinking.

csproat said...

Hilarious! I laughed for 10 minutes!

rummer said...


Sean said...


Jamie 2 said...

According to Google, Shia is going to be performing real sex in his upcoming (as it were) movie, Nymphomaniac. Word is that he sent an "audition" tape of him and his GF having sex to the director.

So, he's whipped it out in a music video, a home sex tape, and will be performing live in a movie.

He seems to like doing this stuff.

I agree he's not good-looking, but that's subjective.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like nasty Shia LaDouche.

Del Riser said...

David Duchovney (sp) he is said to have a praise worthy peen, and it's gotten him in lots of trouble.

Linnea said...

My first guess was Shia too but he is not a list talented right? Fassbender sounds more likely- any lucky CDAN commentators been lucky enough to meet him in a bar?

Jaiden_S said...

I was going to say Fassy, but I think I like the Jonathan Rhys Meyers guess even better. JRM is known for getting drunk and screwing up, but he's won some acting awards...

Seattle_Strips said...

It's not subjective...he's fug. Does anybody here imagine a time or place where you'd want to see Shia's peen?

I rest my case. And dia, oh how I'd love this to be Alexander as well (only if I'm there, of course)
hee hee.

Gypsytrill said...

Colin Farrell. Rumored to be really hung. Cannot keep a girlfriend. Trouble with sobriety. He is a good father but a terrible boyfriend.

geminigirl789 said...

Can't be Shia whatever, Enty says good looking and he is anything but these days. NEeer was really....

Alex S. said...

Cuba Gooding Jr. Everyone has seen that guy's penis.

allthesun said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
allthesun said...

Colin Farrell had that brief sex tape. He has a nice weiner, so handsome and he is actually a really good actor, In Bruges & Home at the End of the World were btlrilliant. He seemed to have phucked a lot girls & didn't seem to have much self control issues in the past, although he said that he has changed as of late....

Although Fassie's weiner gets a lot of attention, I just don't know much about him, well, Bc he is a ginger & I can't find most of them attractive...

kokopuff said...

Harry Potter?

auntliddy said...

I like this whip out the peen thing! Right away u see if u interested or not.

Gypsy said...

It's almost worth asking every celebrity you come across. ;)

supapimp said...

Clint eastwood. FTW

MrsPMFU said...

@NYCgirl, thanks for the best laugh so far today!

If this is Colin Farrell, I might have to go looking for him so I can let you all know if it's him or not :)
If it's Shia, ehh, not so much.

K said...

Totally Colin Farrell.

lambkin said...

Pee Wee Herman

jaariel said...

The Butler!

Anonymous said...

Can't be Colin Farrell, hasn't he been sober for years now ?

And LaDouche is not handsome AT ALL, so it's probably him showing off his junk.

EmEyeKay said...

No hints in the RPs today, but I still think it's Fassy. He's not A list yet, but talented enough to be. His penis size has been joked about by even George Clooney (who compared it to a golf club, publicly), and he drinks/goes out a lot.

Shia's peen isn't that impressive - watch that music video.

Terry Teratoma said...

My first thought, too.

CanuckNan said...

Ok- I have to defend the Fassy. he has a bit (not a lot, but a bit) more class than that. besides, he is A+. I would go with JMR-big drunk, has slipped in the ranks lately.

OneGirlRevolution said...

I know someone who thinks Shia is totally hot to the point that she all but stalks places where he is known to go. So I guess some ppeople think he's each his own.

I too thought Colin has been sober for several years now.

Angleonshit said...

OK - not Shia cos he isn't good looking, otherwise I would have said this was him all the way, especially with the von Trier thing everywhere.
Don't think it's Fassy, he gets drunk once in a while and blows off steam, like most guys from this side of the pond, but he's not an alcoholic. And I think he is A list. I think.
Not GB, cos he doesnt have the A list talent but he does have A list name recognition. He's not known for his Owen, is he?
I don't want it to be Colin Farrell. *please no* hoped he was on the wagon.
I think it's JRM. But the Biel guess is my favourite.

Angleonshit said...

That last 'Owen'... Meant to be 'peen' #cleanautocorrect

delete account said...

Sheet LaBarf.
we're all having just tooooo much fun with his name!

AlexT said...

I'm on the Colin Farrell peen train. (Not literally, just the guess)

krk67 said...

If Colin has fallen off the wagon, I'm on his peen train too.

This is from an article about 9-10 years ago:
"He was always getting his bits out when he'd had a few, so much so that we nicknamed him 'Cock Out Colin'," said a crew member."

Jamie 2 said...

No way in hell is JRM A-List or close. He's more likely to appear on a no-fly (TSA) list. The only thing he has in common with this blind is that he has problems with alcohol.

And I don't think it can be Colin Farrell either. He's making a praise-worthy attempt at sobriety. Yoga, kids. etc. Plus he sounds a little old for this. [Gulp. Sorry, Colin. I mean, too mature to be whipping it out.]

I thought these blinds were supposed to be easy today. Shia is my easy choice.

MrWolf said...

Fassbender's penis has been praised by Charlize Theron and Russell Brand - but he's a solid A lister.

I think this is Shia - He always seems to give idiotic interviews and even though he was in a huge franchise and several leading roles no one seems to consider him a 'true' star because of his lack of talent and abominable personality.

Angleonshit said...

Can we agree the good looking comment is a weird subjective things then and crown LaDouche? He fits in every other way...

Jordie said...

What about Daniel Radcliffe?

He got naked for Equus and admitted to having a drinking problem.

MissMarie said...

At one time he was puppy dog cute. But, now, he just looks like he needs a month long shower.

News said...

i think is trying to say that his girlfriend left her, because he showed it too much.

NYCGirl said...

(Sniffles.) I'm NYCGirl!

hothotheat said...

Not Colin Farrell. He's been sober for years and has even given up smoking. Of course, that wouldn't stop me from asking to see it if I ran into him on the street....

Fassbender's peen was praised by Clooney in his GG speech a couple of years ago when the two were both nominees in the same category.

I'm on the Fassbender train. Does he have a gf?

MissMatador said...

I'm guessing Keifer Sutherland....he shoud be A actor and he's always drunk and taking his pants off, peen is the next step.

Tru Leigh said...

Robert Pattinson.

MissMatador said...

Plus the mention of drinking M-F after 5...a reference to his show 24 Hours?

All about Eve said...

Lol!!! Nice one!

All about Eve said...

I'll go with Fassbender just because I wish that I would find him in a bar and he can show me his peen all night long!

But maybe it is Shia, he fits the profile and he was cute before he stopped taking showers

Sunny said...

Attn: We have TWO NYCGirls!

Could the "Jessica Biel" NYCGirl (ha ha, good one) consider changing her name to NYCGirl2 or NYCGirlToo? We're really weird around here about trying to keep our friends straight :)


brittiany said...

Does anyone remember the BI reveal that used Peen in the clue and then it was revealed to be Sean Penn? That's what this reminded me of. Why say Peen that many times

g.strathmore said...

I agree the blind sounds like the latest girlfriend broke up with him.

Okay, as of mid May, Fassbender was dating Nicole Behari. Does anyone know if they broke up recently?

If not, Shia was papped recently pretty much getting dumped by his girlfriend so he would seem to fit the blind. And until recently anyway lots of girls thought he was cute, including Megan Fox.

warmislandsun said...

I agree with MissMatador (excellent name, by the way) and choose the guy from 24 that dances with Christmas trees.

brittiany said...

Maybe enty is into him. Floats your boat and all that.

lutefisk said...

Sadly not one Affleck guess.

EGB said...

Haha, lutefisk, and he used to be number one for every blind....

lutefisk said...

I miss those days E Gee Be! Good times!

HRPufNStuff said...

I doubt this is Michael Fassbender, he doesn't appear impulsive to act like this in public.

marie said...

Gross! Shia actually having sex is the LAST thing I would want to watch - count me out as an audience member!

g.strathmore said...

@Marie, I can't figure out who the audience for this movie is going to be. Teen girls won't want to/be allowed to see it. Adult women won't want to see it. I don't think the average gay man finds raggedy Shia appealing. Maybe they'll populate the movie with hot women and hope the straight male population will fantasize about being Shia having sex with them. ???

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I really doubt it's Alexander Skarsgard, but if it is, sign me up too!

feraltart said...

I find Shia attractive.
I think this blind is Michael Fassbender. Rumored he has anger management issues, apparently he hit a former girlfriend in England & it was hushed up for his going to the USA. Known to be well endowed. Hasn't had a long-term relationship during his time in the USA.

Poisonfawn said...

well i just watched 'american reunion' and jason biggs showed his biggs. looked nice lol! but was that real? ha!

Angleonshit said...

Fassbender is still seeing Nicole Beharie - they were pictured together yesterday at the Venice FIlm Festival - not him.

Tatyana said...

@g.strathmore said...

"If not, Shia was papped recently pretty much getting dumped by his girlfriend so he would seem to fit the blind."

Nah, it was just Enty manipulating pap photos to get more page hits.

poovey-tunt said...

I think it can't be Shia. It's supposed to be an easy one and Shia becomes a stretch due to the "known for his peen" and "good looking guy" parts.

Fassbender seems way more likely and really the only thing that makes me question it is whether he could be considered B-. But Enty's been known for some questionable ratings before, so I'm guessing this has to be another one. My CDAN rule number 27 (or so): If the only thing stopping you from guessing a celeb on a blind is whether or not they're really B+ (or whatever the blind in question says), you're probably right and should just ignore the rating.

Unknown said...

I was originally on the colin farrell train, but if he's sober I guess it doesn't fit.

The blind gave me the impression our actor is well known to be well hung, and, well, after seeing the naked Shia music video, um, unless he's a (major) grower & not a shower, I can't imagine many over the age of 12 woukd consider him even remotely well hung...

So I guess I'm on the Fassbender train, because until all the noise about his giant schlong after "Shame", I didn't really know who he was, but now whenever I her his name, "hung guy from Shame" is the first thing that pops into my mind. Although really, I saw "Shame", thought it was a great movie, but all the hype over the schlong shots was way overblown...

Ralph C said...

Bea Arthur, FTW.


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