Monday, September 17, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Actress & The Minister

What do you do when you have an actress who is so completely head over heels about what her pastor says that she really does believe it is her Christian duty to have sex with him even though she is married. She also believes him when he tells her the need to keep it secret from everyone because people outside the church, including his wife would not really understand how they were doing the Lord's work. His problem though is that he told his last mistress the same thing and when she caught the two of them having sex has started to spread the rumors through their church. What was something quiet has grown into way more for this former B list television actress who still has a big name despite not acting very much anymore. Her husband probably wouldn't care even if he does know which is not known. He is a much bigger star in a way than his actress wife was not and he has what he likes to call vacation sex. He has groupies and spends time with them a few times a year and lives a life he is forced to give up when with his wife.


  1. Candace Cameron Bure?

  2. Rick Warren? Patricia Heaton? Maybe Angie Harmon or Mariska Hargitay?

  3. Connie Sellecca's a born-again Christian and married to John Tesh. Wait, does John Tesh have groupies?

  4. Lisa Welchel's on "Survivor," which starts Wednesday.

    Hmm, gotsta think...

  5. Oh, husband's a bigger star...I have no idea.

  6. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze, Jr? I heard he's a TV producer now. Maybe he has wannabe starlets trying to sleep with him for a part?

  7. I'm wondering if the husband is a famous athlete?

  8. The Connie Selleca/John Tesh answer works. Sounds like the husband is a musician who is more famous than his wife who used to be in television.

  9. Just googled John Tesh and apparently he does concert/cruises on the Queen Mary. If it is Connie, then, the pastor is Louis Lapides.

  10. Why would someone really think that's OK?? I mean come on... She is obviously convincing herself it's OK.

  11. Oh, wow. That's some cult leader stuff right there. How as an adult does she buy that??? Or maybe she's convinced herself it's God's work, because really she just wants to give up the booty behind her husband's back?

  12. Patricia Heath, Mariska Hargitay, and Angie Harmon are still actively working.

  13. Patricia Heaton is Catholic, so she wouldn't have a married pastor.

  14. Angie Harmon attends my church back home. Seriously doubt it's her unless she attends another church when filming.

  15. Hilary Duff & Mike Comrie? Vacation sex referring to NHL lockout & players not doing anything right now?

  16. Husband is either a musician or an athelete. Groupies, mmmmm??

  17. A much bigger star in a way? He's a pro athlete. I like the guess above - Hilary Duff & Mike Comrie. Who else is married to an athlete?

  18. I like the John and Connie guess the most so far.

    Roma Downey is marries to Mark Burnett. He definitely gets away for potential "vacation sex," and being a succesful producer/show creator (Survivor), probably has plenty of willing groupies.


  20. I like the John and Connie guess, but would John Tesh really be considered bigger than Connie Sellaca? I know she hasn't done much for awhile, but I would rate her higher than him.

  21. Jen Garner and Ben Affleck?

  22. I would love this to be Elisabeth Hasselbeck, HAR!

  23. If this an old blind I want it to be a one man answer - Flip Wilson, Geraldine, and Rev. Leroy from the Church of What's Happening Now!

  24. Mike Comrie "retired" long before the lockout, so I highly doubt it's him. Connie and John sound like a great guess.

  25. I like the Brad Paisley guess. Kimberly Williams is not as big of a star as he.

  26. Umm who is connie sellecca?? I like the candace Cameron bure guess the best.

  27. Kelly and John Travolta

  28. Candace Bure , husband is a famed Russian hockey player and the minister is Ray Comfort.

    ~V~ @10:17.. just an elaboration from that guess.

  29. I would put Connie Selleca definitely as A-list back in the day. I loved her. Her and Stephanie Powers. I even had Stephanie's "Hart to Hart" haircut. Someone write them a "Kate and Allie" meets "Murder She Wrote" show. I'd totally watch that!

    Sorry...digressing into my 12-year-old self for a minute.

  30. I'm not kidding, "Comfort":)

  31. Ashley Judd and her husband? I can't remember his name but isn't he a race care driver....??

  32. Robin Givens? It's not much but tis alls I got!

  33. @Agent**it I think you've nailed it. (Pun intended.)

  34. Candace Bure still works. She is a regular on Make It Or Break It

  35. I like the Flip Wilson guess - good one, Mark :-).

  36. "Although she and her family attend a Presbyterian Church, Heaton says she is still a Catholic."

    Whether she says she's still a Catholic or not, she's going to a Protestant church...that could have a married minister.

  37. I'm with Amber. Wouldn't you be completely repelled if your MARRIED minister started hitting on you? Wouldn't that...I don't know...shake your faith just a little?

  38. Mark: Amen brutha!

  39. Roma Downey/Mark Burnett, and that creepy televangelist they were hanging out with.

  40. No idea on this one but I'll go with the Connie and John Tesh guess even though I had to google them

  41. Totally Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams. Enty specifically mentions groupies which has to mean the husband's a musician

  42. Totally Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams. Enty specifically mentions groupies which has to mean the husband's a musician

  43. Killer has groupies?

  44. Heather Locklear and the Bon Jovi dude? She's got a pretty big name and doesn't act much anymore. He seems like he'd still have groupies.

  45. Candace Cameron Bure still acts regularly.

  46. FYI the show candace was on was canceled, so I don't consider that "working regularly." Plus, it says she's not acting much, not that she isn't acting at all.

  47. Tough one. Lot's of good possibilities; the only one that got me excited was Lisa Whelchel, but I agree that it couldn't be her.

    This feels like one of the evangelical, accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, attend services twice on Sundays and again on Wednesdays types of religions where the Pastor (not minister or reverend) is a celebrity in his church.

  48. I can see John Tesh having cruise ship groupies. I think he and his wife are the best guess. And even if he is working on the cruise, it is still vacation sex for someone.

  49. Isn't anyone else interested in the very last part of the blind...

    "...and lives a life he is forced to give up when with his wife."

    That sounds to me like perhaps the husband is a closet homosexual, and the groupies he has vacation sex with are men.

    I like the Connie Selleca/John Tesh guess for this.

    John Tesh being a closet homosexual might make for some not-so-great sex (i recall that they actually did not have sex with each other until after they were married), which might explain why Connie would be open to having sex with the Pastor (besides the lame excuse that it's "God's work).

  50. John Tesh has a radio show on contemporary radio stations.

  51. Louis Lapides???? He could't be a bigger dork. Wow. He must have UNBELIEVABLE powers of persuasion.
    I'm thinking hypnotism.

  52. Man, talk about being meant for each other those two...

  53. She's def not an actress but what about Kris KarTRASHian?
    She just started a church, didn't she?
