Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Today's Blind Items - Academy Award Fighting

This Academy Award winner/nominee actress is B- despite her acting resume which includes awards and franchises. She has a voodoo doll of another Academy Award winner/nominee A list actress who our B lister thinks is her biggest rival for parts. Everyday without fail she sticks the doll, but until recently it did not do any good. No matter what our B lister does, she is never the first choice for the parts and ends up taking leftovers. Often the leftovers are bombs and she knows she will disappear if she can't start getting some of the leads. This consumes her. All she ever talks about is the A list actress. Talk to her for five minutes and she will start complaining. One day she got very lucky though. She was doing her usual spouting off and some guy who wanted to have sex with her started talking about how he had seen the A lister going back to a hotel room with a guy who was most definitely not her significant other. The A lister has always said she has a wonderful relationship and her whole family life is perfect. Our B lister has taken advantage of this by being very sneaky. She has told select people like female producers and directors. They end up not wanting to hire the A list actress because who knows if the actress might end up going after their guy. One role that the A list actress was a lock to get, suddenly went to the B list actress. Now she has a popcorn flick and keeps on spreading the dirt as much as possible.


  1. Nicole Kidman for the b lister? No franchise but ended up getting lots of duds. And didn't she just sign up for a big role? I forget what it is...

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Naomi Watts as the B lister?

  3. So the A lister has "franchises," as in more than one? There can't be too many who can claim that.

    1. Sorry, meant the B lister has more than one.

  4. Nicole and Naomi? No way. They're not up for the same parts ever. They don't even resemble each other. Naomi actually avoids Nicole Kidman. Nicole is still a B+/A- actress.

    1. I thought Naomi and Nicole were friends? No more? What happened???

  5. The B- lister Academy Award winner/nominee sounds like Amy Adams, but we know Jessica Alba isn't the A lister. Although if she's stalking Jessica, she may be stalking someone else as well.

  6. "Naomi actually avoids Nicole Kidman."

    Huh?! I thought they were BFFs. Or at least they used to be, correct?

  7. Zeta-Jones-Douglas?
    She's been in a bunch of crappy movies but won an oscar for Chicago.
    She was on one of those Ocean's movie but that's only one franchise and not two

  8. I'm thinking Julia Roberts for the A lister, but can't think of a B-lister.

  9. Could the B lister be Rachel Weiss?

  10. gee, is that how u want to get ahead? bad karma!

  11. A-lister Academy Award winner who gets all the parts and claims her family life is perfect and isn't married but has a signif other? Angelina Jolie.

    B-lister who is in a franchise, with the voodoo doll: Kate Beckingsdale?

    1. Ooo I like this. Wasn't there a bling about Angie still sleeping with her ex? I forget his name. Bad Santa !

    2. And by bling I mean blind. Stupid auto correct

  12. @AKM...yes. Naomi can't stand Nicole. Naomi is Nicole's BFF, but Naomi can't stand Nicole and pacifies her.

    1. How would anyone even know that? Silly.

    2. Lol Kathleen, kinda silly that you would mention that on a blind that could be just as "unknowable".

  13. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Only actress with two franchises I can think of is Sigourney Weaver--Aliens & Ghostbusters. No idea if it relates to anything.

  14. I'll go with Reese for the A lister and Renee Z. for the B lister.

  15. - A list
    - significant other (not spouse)
    - perfect family
    - goes after taken men


  16. WW "B-lister who is in a franchise, with the voodoo doll: Kate Beckingsdale" I dont think KB has ever been an Academy Award nom/Winner

  17. Jennifer Lawrence has more than one franchise, but she is cast in lead roles in succesful projects, so she's probably an A and I can't imagine she's the A mentioned here. JL is a hot commodity right now. I can't imagine she'd be passed over due to "might steal a boyfriend" gossip.

    I can't think today!

  18. Kate Beckingsale would be an awesome guess for the B- actress. She was in the Underworld Franchises. Only prob...she was never nominated for an Oscar.

  19. I thought Nicole or Julia for the A list. Rennes Z for B?

  20. She only has one franchise, but how about Anna Kendrick? She was cast in The Archivist, set to be directed by Robin Wright. Maybe Amy Adams for the A lister (though that's a little generous).

  21. Thank you @rhinovodka! That is totally where my mind went first!

  22. I think Amy Adams for the crazy B. Man of Steel for the new movie. There's a couple actresses it could be. It said K. Stew was up for the part? Rachel Mcadams seems like a solid gues but is she A?

  23. Renee Z is directing her first film...
    But wouldn't Angie be delicious for the A lister

    actually there are so many this could be...

  24. Kate Hudson and ScarJo for the A lister

  25. I thought Nicole & Naomi were BFFs?

    What about Rachel Weisz for the B lister (The Mummy franchise and now the Bourne, and she won an Oscar for The Constant Gardener) and Gwyneth for the A lister?

    I was trying to make Anne Hathaway work because she supposedly beat out Weisz for the Catwoman role, but she has never painted a "perfect family" picture, obvs. I don't think Nicole has ever tried to pretend her family is perfect-she knows we all know what life with TC was like and that she can't see her kids. Who would be shocked or surprised at reports of Angelina going into a hotel with another man? No one, that's who. Who else is left that is an A lister with a pseudo-perfect family life who had some really good roles?

    It's probably Betty White and Helen Mirren. :)

  26. As much as Angelina now pretends to be Mother Earth, she doesn't have an innocent image. She was very honest early on about her sexual behavior and drug use. No one is going to gasp with surprise about "stealing boyfriends" gossip with Angelina.

  27. Angelina Jolie - A lister
    Halle Berry - B-lister

    It is only a foggy guess, Berry won an Oscar for Monster's Ball and was in a Bond film. Her acting career stalled after cat woman, her biggest role after her Oscar win has been starring in a nasty custody battle.

    1. Ooh, I like the Angelina/Halle guess. Halle is NUTS. I could absolutely see her blaming another actress for her lack of roles.
      She has been so weird the last few years, with the custody battle, and the foot brace she wears sporadically, as if for attention or sympathy. I think you've got it.

    2. This is an awesome guess! Am i the only one who can't stop giggling at the thought of halle all frustrated fashioning an Angelina doll?

    3. It needs more lips! Ha ha ha I'm going to hell.

  28. I like the Amy Adams guess but her resume doesn't seem to fit the "she knows she will disappear" part

  29. Amy Adams fits, though I think with 3 Oscar nominations and lots of high-profile work, she's higher than B-list, but what do I know. Franchises include "Enchanted" (they're making a sequel) and the Muppets. New popcorn movie is "Man of Steel." What's the part she won from Angelina Jolie, I wonder?
    BTW Scarlett J. has no Oscar noms.

  30. No, no, no.

    Keira K for the B
    Natalie P for the A

  31. B- actress
    - oscar nom/win
    - other awards
    - franchises
    - struggles to get cast in leads

    guesses: Beckinsale, Jovovich, Zellweger, Adams

    A list
    - oscar nom/win
    - perfect family life
    - sig other

    guesses: Jolie, Portman, Streep? Winslet?

  32. sorry for repeating myself but I think that the B list actress could be rachel weisz with the a lister as angelina.

    2 franchises - the mummy and bourne legacy

    the new popcorn movie - "the great and powerful oz" where she plays evanora, the evil witch, which is a very angie role. disney also has a lot of women executives.

  33. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Voodoo dolls are a part of Santeria. Popular in New Orleans, part of African voodoo/slave culture mixed with Catholocism. Who is from New Orleans? Who is from a franchise? Salma Hayek and the columbian drug dealer lady, what's her name, on that show with al bundy? They have a feud, at least in Salma's mind. Maybe those two? Who else would be associated with Catholocism and Santeria? New Orleans? The South? African American in a Franchise? Tyler Perry series? Madea stuff? I got nothin..

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. That's true, @Cecilia, we all sort of expect AJ to steel our men. That's just who she is.

  35. I just really want to be the voodoo doll holder's friend. She sounds awesome!

  36. Also, Paltrow is a good guess for the A. I guess your guess, redfishbluefish.

  37. I think A RESIDENT has got this one.

  38. CZJ has been in the Zorro franchise

  39. Salma and Penelope? Just trying to be a little different.

  40. I agree A RESIDENT got it right.

  41. Keira Knightly is now filming Jack Ryan, a popcorn movie if there ever was one. It hardly sounds like something Natalie Portman would have wanted, however.

  42. i like A Residents guess to--but i would almost argue that Kiera is an A along with Natalie--kiera has been in a ton of movies and won quite a few awards, and is still actively working..where as Natalie does not work as often as she does? just looking at IMBD and current/past projects

  43. I kind of like the idea of Jovovich as the bitter B movie actress. Didn't she complain that the terrible 3 Musketeers remake by her husband did poorly because of the marketing team? Milla, it did poorly because it sucked. I've always thought of her as a poor man's Angelina Jolie.

  44. That said, Natalie is in the new "Thor" movie, so perhaps I overestimated her.

    And it's easy to imagine Natalie sneaking into a hotel with someone other than her "wonderful, wonderful boyfriend" Benjamin Millepied.

  45. @ Nutty - True, but Portman also did a crappy Justin Timberlake comedy.

  46. B list - Kiera
    A list - Scarlett

    This was on Kiera's wiki page:

    In May 2012, Knightley was cast to replace Scarlett Johansson in director John Carney's Can a Song Save Your Life? after Johansson had withdrawn due to personal reasons

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. @G, Milla would also make sense, because she is 36, which means that she's on last call for sexy leading lady status. The only next stop is the Judi Dench/Helen Mirren Esteemed Elder Actress train.

  49. @blink - SJ has no Oscar noms.

  50. Milla has no Academy noms/wins.

  51. But Scarlett doesn't have a significant other...and neither have a family. Can't be them.

    I think the best guess would be B- Kate Beckinsale and A list Angie Jolie....but Beckinsale doesn't have any academy nominations.

    The only other two I would think would be competition, would be Keira Knightly and Natalie Portman. They look so much alike.

  52. Keep in mind that BOTH actresses have had oscar awards or nominations. Both.

  53. Knightley worried about fading away because she can't get any leads? That doesn't ring true to me. And I wouldn't say she's B- list either.

  54. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Portman is married

  55. b - actress is Winona Ryder

    a list is angelina jolie


  56. Ooo! I guessed Angelina and Kate, but I like the Angelina and Halle guess better. That's got to be it. Halle was in the X-Men franchise. And wasn't she a Bond girl?

  57. And Halle won an Oscar.

  58. Kenneth Branagh directed "Thor" with Natalie Portman. KB is not doing the Thor sequel, dunno why.
    Currently, he's directing "Jack Ryan" with Keira Knightly. A popcorn flick, and definite franchise if it's a hit. A big score.

    Which leads me to wonder....was the guy the A-lister was seen hooking up with KENNETH BRANAGH? And Keira ratting them out behind the scenes put the kibosh on any further work between NP & KB?

    It's a wonderful conspiracy theory. I'm sure there are many facts to dismantle it.

  59. I have no opinion whether or not Catherine Zeta Jones is the scheming B-, but those saying she's only connected to one franchise, there are two:

    "Ocean's #" in which she appeared in "12," and "Zorro."

  60. I'm not going to let fact-checkers dictate MY blind item guesses!

  61. I dig the Keira/Natalie P guess.

    They are very close in type/looks/age and ability.

  62. Let's not forget the fact that Keira's first major role was playing the decoy/lookalike to Natalie Portman's Queen Amidala in Star Wars Episode 1.

  63. While I realize their differences, I still think Keira and Natalie are interchangeable and I confuse them sometimes.

  64. I'm thinking Halle Berry as the A lister and someone else as the B.

    Or Selma Hayak as the B and Penelope Cruz as the A (or vice versa???)

  65. All you need to do is look at the pics on daily mail showbiz section of the site to figure out who these blinds are about. There is a pic of Keira knightly filming the jack Ryan movie, so she is for sure one of the people in this BI. Now that pic will probably be in the cdan 3 part pics.

  66. What about Charlize Theron? Isn't she the one who holds grudges for insanely long periods and acts on them? The voodoo doll sounds like her, and seeking revenge sounds like her.

  67. B blisters with Oscar wins or nominations ... that's gotta be a small list. Penelope Cruz? Keira Knightly's a good guess. Natalie Portman? (Is Thor a franchise?)

  68. Sorry. I meant B blisters with Oscar wins or nominations AND franchises. Obviously that makes it a much smaller list.

  69. What about Gwyneth Paltrow (Iron Man/Avengers) for the A lister and Nicole Kidman as the B-lister?

    Gwyneth always claims she is perfect, would understand people hating her.

    Other than that, I also love the Keira/Portman guess. I can't keep them apart sometimes.

    I like a Cate Blanchett guess too, but she is not in any francises :(

  70. Or Rachel Weisz and Jennifer Connoly. Also can't keep them apart.

  71. Yes. Thor is a franchise. You have the original Thor movie, the Avengers...and the 2nd Thor movie is coming out in the summer of 2013.

  72. Shit You Can't Buy
    Cate Blanchett was in the Lord of the Rings franchise.

  73. I was thinking Anna Kendrick while reading this (the voodoo doll thing sounds just like her character in Camp), but Kiera is a pretty good guess too.

  74. I was thinking Halle Berry all along, not idea about the A list (but could be Angelina) though they are not computing for the same type of roles.

  75. What about Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock as the A

    Hilary Swank and Jennifer Connelly as the B.

    Just throwing some names out there..

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Kendrick is indeed a great choice. Oscar nomination, talent (she was great in Up In The Air and 50/50), franchise (Twilight) and she was listed in the short list for the lead female role in "Captain America 2" (opposite Felicity Jones and Imogene Poots). Was any big name mentioned for the part before?

  78. Keira K is A list.

    I think these are younger actresses. I like the Amy Adams guess for the B lister.

  79. But does everyone really think that Natalie Portman has the "perfect family?" Didn't she start seeing Benjamin Millepied when he was still with another woman?

    I mean other than that, I suppose she and Keira fit this blind...

  80. Liking the Anna Kendrick guess for the B. Wasn't she in a BI about an actress no one on crews like because of her rather biotchy behavior?

  81. People keep saying ScarJo wasn't ever nom'd for an Oscar, but wasn't she nom'd for BSA for girl with a pearl earring? I thought I recalled reading something about how she only had 18 words of dialog in the film and other actresses were pissed she was nom'd anyway.

    Am I thinking of someone else?

  82. People keep saying ScarJo wasn't ever nom'd for an Oscar, but wasn't she nom'd for BSA for girl with a pearl earring? I thought I recalled reading something about how she only had 18 words of dialog in the film and other actresses were pissed she was nom'd anyway.

    Am I thinking of someone else?

  83. Co-signing with Libby's guess. And a fan of how she turns a phrase!

  84. Come on... Angelina? Really? you think it's taken this long for anyone to realise that having her on a set means that she's going to steal or sleep with a man involved in it?

  85. i have a question regarding franchises. What does that mean exactly?

    Does it mean just being in one single episode of it (like Peen Cruz in Pirates of the Carribean) or at least two if not in all of them? Like Jack Sparrow?

    If I think franchise - Batman, Mission Impossible, Oceans all of them, Pirates, Bourne, Lord otR - there are some names associated with.

    Jeremy Renner is in Mission Impossible and Bourne - makes two "franchises" but truly, I just see him only as actor/cast for now...pending next episodes.

    Also in Mission Impossible he is part of the main cast, but not so important to really consider him.

    As opposed to Julia Stiles who was a secondary character but was in all the Bourne Movies.

    Orlando Bloom did 2 Pirates of the Carribean - that goes towards the "franchise" nominee. Def. so for the LOTR, all of them.

    So what is it?

    Maybe Enty wil clarify on this topic?

  86. My question is: why would female directors/producers in Hwood refuse to hire a top actress because she sleeps around on her SO? Doesn't half of Hwood do this, including a lot of female directors and producers? Seems to me it would limit the hiring pool quite a bit....are female execs in Hwood that touchy? A male exec or director would care less about that stuff.

    The blind would imply that A-list Actress got caught sneaking around with someone's else man, someone who possibly is the SO of another famous talented female, hence the nervousness being created about her.

  87. I really like the Kiera/Natalie guess. It seems to fit the best. The A Lister has to be beautiful for other women to feel threatened by her. That's why I thought it was Angelina at first, and I still like the Angelina/Hallie guess as well.

  88. Liza - SCarJo did get Golden Globe and BAFTA nominations for Girl with a... but no Academy Award nom, and the blind specifically mentions Academy Award.

    I'm liking the Knightly/Portman guess.

  89. I always confuse Isla Fisher and Amy Fisher.

  90. *KB isn't directing Thor 2 because after writing Thor, Captain America and writing/directing Avengers, Joss Whedon was given virtual total creative control over the whole Avengers franchise including writing/rewrites/directing/producing...etc..

    Joss Whedon is teh awesome.

  91. The B-lister is ...Anna Kendrick girl from "Up in the Air" Isn't she acting in the 'popcorn flick' called Pitch Perfect, has tons of awards and acted in the Twilight series.

    For A-lister...not sure. Someone relatively younger and multi-talented. ScarJo/Amy Adams?

  92. The B-Lister is neither Amy Adams nor Rachel Weisz. They are both B+/A- and they both work all the time. They have offers coming out of their ears.

    I don't know if Scarlett Johannsen is quite an A anymore. A-/B+ too if you ask me.

    No one would blink if they saw Angie going into a motel room with anyone, male or female.

    Oh - and there are still precious few female directors in the DGA. I think the stat is around 11% up from 9%? Would have to check. Lots of female producers, though - but precious few of them bring their significant others to the set.

    Keira Knightly/Natalie Portman is an interesting guess because we all get those two mixed up. Keira has never quite hit "A" despite some great roles and is often ridiculed in England for her poor acting (I think she's stunningly beautiful and a fine actress...but no better or worse than Natalie.)

    Another two I get mixed up are Kate Beckinsale and Jennifer Connelly. Jennifer is by far the superior actress (Academy Award) but never gets any decent parts anymore. Kate is a very bland actress, no more than a B-list.

    Does anyone else confuse Kirsten Dunst, Clare Danes, and Julia Stiles? Those three make my head spin.

  93. Cloris Leachman as the B list and Betty White as the A....

    I always love Micheal K on Dlisted.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. What about Jennifer Hudson for the B-? She's won an Oscar, was part of the Sex and the City franchise (she was in the first movie). No idea on the A

  96. Don't forget, Keira Knightley lost out to Natalie Portman for the role of Padme Amidala in the Star Wars franchise (and George Lucas cast Keira as Padme's handmaid who dies in the ambush). These grievances/grudges start early.

  97. Just wanted to write that Cate Blanchett was also in the Indiana Jones franchise as well as Lord of the Rings, and her star hasn't shone as brightly in movies as it once did. There was also recent criticism of her when a speech she gave at the launch party for the Sydney Theatre Company season did not acknowledge the partners that are helping to put on several of the shows.

  98. A- Angie Jolie
    B- Diane Kruger

  99. @Abaddon & feraltart:

    Thanks for that, I feel ashamed now, how could I forget LOTR and Indiana Jones. SHAAAAAAAME!

    I do have to say I like Angie as the perfect family-woman- guess.People jokingly call her saint Angie now.
    I remember something about female directors staying away from her because she is the no1 manstealer. Of course I don't remember where/when :(. God, I hate that.
    She stole almost all her exes and of course Brad from another woman.

    And Hallie Berry was in a movie with one of Angie's exes (Monster's Ball), that could be a connection.

    However, I would have no idea about a popcorn-flick for Berry, and neither an amazing career these days for Jolie. She doesn't work that much anymore, so doubt she is stealing away roles from other actresses.

    Only person I can think of with a popcornflick now is Gwyneth Paltrow (Avengers/Iron Man 3 coming up), and she seems like the type.
    No idea on the A-lister though :/ (And I think Gwyneth is A list herself).


  100. Naomi Watts took a part from Charlize in J.Edgar :O

    While this movie was filmed Charlize was still together with Stuart Townsend (early 2010, late 2009). Naomi could have talked about her significant other that way.

    Director was Clint Eastwood though, not a female xD Castingdirector was a woman xD

  101. Orrr, Jolie as the A-lister, and Anne Hathaway as the B-lister. Saint Angie was rumored to play Catwoman in the Dark Knight Rises, but eventually Anne got the part.
    And they are both darkhaired and big lipped.
    TDKR could be the popcornflick. I remember people being very upset Anne got the part because she is simply not Catwoman, Angie is more like it; sexy and sensual and stuff, while Anne is kind sexless.
    Anne's franchises are Batman/Princess Diaries.

  102. A lister.....Salma Hayek

    B lister......Jennifer Lopez(?)

  103. If this is Keira Knightley then it can only have been done as a joke. She's an incredibly down to earth and chilled out human being and would never do something so nutsoid as to have a voodoo doll made of someone.

    Sounds much more like Halle to me, although I'm not convinced on her going up for the same parts as Angelina.

    Oh, and hi! I've been reading here for well over a year but never got round to commenting before.
