Thursday, September 20, 2012

Today's Blind Items - Academy Award Edition

Although it might be the Emmy Awards coming up this weekend, I don't have as many blinds about them as I do about Academy Award winner/nominees sitting around. Quick ones that I will post here. All the answers are Academy Award winners or nominees.

 #1 - This A+ list actor takes a break between filming movies by spending a week with one or two women who don't speak a word of English. He says it helps him to relax because he can focus strictly on the sex and pleasure and not be cluttered with words.

 #2 - This former A+ list actor who is now a B+ will only take a shower on the set of a movie if someone stands outside the shower door and also the door of his trailer. He is too scared of someone getting video of him.

 #3 - This A list actress broke up with one celebrity boyfriend because he wanted sex other than in just the missionary position. She says that is the only position she does except in a movie. Her celebrity husband must be thrilled.

 #4 - This A list actress (Academy Award) agreed to return to her B+ list actor husband after he had run off with an 18 year old wardrobe assistant. However, they have not had sex in the year they have been back together.


  1. 1. Sean Penn
    2. Bradley Cooper
    3. Nicole Kidman (ex being Lenny Kravitz)
    4. No clue

  2. 1. Leo
    2. Jude
    3. Gwyneth
    4. Penelope

  3. 1. Denzel, just to be different
    2. Kevin Costner
    3. Gwynnie
    4. Jennifer Connelly

  4. 1. Jack Nicholson
    2. ?
    3. Gwyneth Paltrow
    4. I like the Jennifer Connelly guess!

  5. 1. George Clooney
    2. Will Smith
    3. Nicole Kidman
    4. Julia Roberts

  6. Oh wait, Julia's married to a camera man. I have no idea for 4, then. Isn't Penelope Cruz supposedly pregnant? Also, I think Javier Bardem is A-list.

  7. Didn't Javier win an Oscar?

  8. 1. Klassy - probably Leo.
    2. Whoever he is, can't say I blame him with all the private stuff being videotaped now.
    3. Maybe Nicole, but in any case, lighten up honey!
    4. Some idiot with no self respect. Mr. B runs off with a 18 year old, he's toast.

  9. What about melanie Griffith for number 4?

  10. 1. Abe Vigioda
    2. Tom Hanks
    3. Betty White

  11. 1) I like the Sean Penn guess. If they don't speak english, they won't be able to tell the tabloids about all the blow.

    2) Have there been any blinds about a former A+ list kook w/ a tiny cock? I'm going to throw out Jim Carrey.

    3) I am all aboard the Nicole Kidman guess, although the Paltrow twat does make my Frigid Bitch detector blow up.

    4) no clue

  12. 1. Sean Penn.
    2. Jim Carrey fits the decline in list and odd behavior, but has (sadly) no Oscar noms. Bradley Cooper is not (sadly again) in decline, but rather on his way up, and has no Oscar noms. That said, I don't have a better guess yet.
    3. Nicole Kidman, with Lenny Kravitz for the ex and Keith Urban for celebrity husband. GOOP seems like she'd be similar, but she's been with her celebrity husband for 10 years and before that her known relationships were with actors, not "celebrities."
    4. This should be easy, A list Oscar winner with B+ husband? Can't be too many...

  13. Jennifer Connelly just had a baby, no?

  14. #1 Not Leo or George, they ALWAYS seem to have a girl friend and I can't see them being shared with 1-2 foreign women during high profile vacations. Sean Penn, however....that could be a good guess!

    #2 Isn't BCoop said to be small? Maybe he doesn't want pics of that getting out.

    #3 I like Nicole Kidman for this one, but I really hope I'm wrong. It's going to be a long haul for Keith!

    #4 might be Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas. If she flipped out about him and an 18 yr old, who knows what she would do (hasn't she been rumored to be ready to lose it if they split for real?). I can see this one being them. She could be A list in name and stature, and Antonio could be B+ list, def not A.

  15. Jennifer Connelly's baby is almost a year and a half, so the no sex for a year could still work. I have a problem with her being considered an A though and Paul Bettany a B+. Like them or hate them, those rankings seem a little bit generous. Not insane, but I'd call her a B+, him a B-/B.

  16. 1) George Clooney or Leonardo Di Caprio. Neither of them cares much about any of his girlfriends.

    2) Woody Allen (Okay no, but someone neurotic or with a small peen)

    3) Jenna Elfman (I know, not A list, but she refuses to have sex in the morning and I bet she has other weird requirements)

    4) ??

  17. Sean Penn has never hidden his penchant for young Eastern European model-types.

    I think 3 is Nicole. The husband & bf are both described as 'celebrities', and Keith & Lenny are both mainly musicians.

  18. #2 Russell Crowe? A friend of a friend spent a night with him and said it's the size of a cashew.

  19. GOOD GUESS, Alice Tate, if that story's true. Russell Crowe is a known control freak and jackass. A small dick could explain so much there.

  20. #2 sounds like Howard Stern but he's probably not considered an actor despite starring in his movie Private Parts back in the day, right? It fits him perfectly though.

  21. @Alice Tate That might explain his anger problems and huge ego....It's hard to think of an actor who deserves that more...

    1. Totally. When I heard that about him it just explained so much.

  22. A CASHEW! lol! That is awesome, Alice T.

    ITA---Why have I never put it together that RC has extreme short man's disease--but he's not short. Your comment made me facepalm--DUH!

  23. #1 Matt Damon, I think he likes to bed a woman in every country he films in. So maybe he likes the language barrier.

    #2 Russell Crowe was A+ at one time,something keeps him angry, could be the micropeen.

    #3 Nicole, Lennie, Kieth.

    #4 Jennifer Connelly, I don't think Melanie would ignore Antonio in that way, in trying to keep him.

  24. #2 - John Travolta? Surprised none of these men have pics or video of him by now, this would explain why not.

  25. #2 - John Travolta? Surprised none of these men have pics or video of him by now, this would explain why not.

  26. As I'm eating mixed nuts...

  27. I'm pretty sure Jim Carrey was nominated for the Majestic, the Truman Show, or Man in the Moon.

    Can't check just now.

  28. @Del Riser, why do you guess Matt Damon? Are there rumors about him cheating?

  29. Oh, and what's with the Jennifer Connelly guesses? Does her husband also have a cheating rep?

  30. @ecua - Jim Carrey has never received any Oscar nominations.

    G. Strathmore - Neither has Jenna Elfman.

  31. No clue but #3 is Gwyneth Paltrow..
    I heard rumors before that she blows in bed.. I believe Brad Pitt said something about it once.

  32. I think there are lots of videos and photos of Russell Crowe nude...not that I've ever wanted to look at any.

    Gwyneth was on Amanda De Cadenet's show "The Conversation" and when asked what sexual position she liked best, she said "all of them"...whether she was lying or not is another thing.

  33. Just a thought regarding the rumor of Gwyneth sucking in bed (or NOT sucking, hence the complaints. Ha ha)

    I recall Gwyneth and Brad being photographed sunbathing nude a long time ago. In my (not-so-brilliant) opinion, if you're free enough to sunbathe nekkid you're probably a little wild in the sack too.

  34. 3. Michelle Williams?
