Thursday, September 06, 2012

Today's Blind Item - So Spoiled

You will have to do a little digging for the answer to this one. I have confidence in you that you can discover this most spoiled of spoiled actresses who you have probably never heard of but who ended up getting the lead of a major movie just because she is so spoiled. This is not some indie movie, but not an Avengers type budget either. Anyway, our actress knew early on in life that she wanted to be an actress and didn't want to have to go through all the struggles that an actress has to go through to move up the ladder of success. She discovered early on that she needed to either find herself a star to latch on to or some kind of producer who could get her in movies. When she was still under age she found the man she wanted. Yes, he was way older than her but it didn't matter to her and it didn't matter to him. She had found for herself one of the guys out there with a the biggest kinks in the business and she grabbed hold and started bugging him for parts and roles right away. When she became legal they moved in together. He got her roles and at the same time kept promising her the biggest role of her career. He was going to make her a star. Well it was supposed to. Unfortunately for our actress she is not the best actress. Not even a very good one. So, even though the studio had given all this money to her significant other and let him cast her, they wanted someone with some star power and acting chops. So, a B+ list actress was cast to join and make everyone better. The thing is out B+ actress was younger than our spoiled actress and she could see the way her man's eyes lit up at the thought of some alone time with the actress in what was going to be a very sexy movie. Our spoiled actress started making life miserable for her significant other and the B+ actress who soon walked off the production. Actually ran. Well, other actresses were brought in. Not great thespians but they were names. Our spoiled actress was convinced she would still be the star and would shine brighter than the others because she was such a good actress. Uh huh. What happened was over the course of filming, our spoiled actress became an after thought in the filming and was the lead only in her mind. Her lines kept getting cut and the names brought in were given more lines and more camera time. Our spoiled actress would throw hissy fits everyday and scream and yell and told her significant other that if he did not get her more screen time than she was leaving him. So, he went over budget. he shot scenes he knew would not ever be used but it made her happy. For almost one full week of shooting it was all about her. Her significant other had to pay for the overages himself. I don't know what he did when she saw the first cit and didn't really see herself in any of those shots and has been transformed to almost a background character.


  1. Damn this is a good one, but is the significant other a director or a producer?

  2. I know Enty doesn't normally write his blinds like that, but is the word transformed in the very last sentence some type of clue?

  3. Mr Wolf can you translate please? I can't speak Enty today.

  4. Biggest kinks made me think of Tarantino, but I feel like there's someone else on the tip of my tongue and I can't think of him...

  5. Sexy movie. Sounds like some sort of ensemble cast if a lead role became a background role.

    I wonder if the couple is still together.

  6. Someone in here?

  7. @ Montana, I think he's a director, based on the studio giving him money and the comments about him shooting her scenes.

  8. Replies
    1. She had some decent roles prior to seeing Robert Rodriguez. Don't think it's her.

  9. Okay so...

    1. No-name, entitled brat actress (WOW WHAT A CLUE)
    2. Old dude producer
    3. Pretty big, super sexy movie
    4. Younger, B+ actress who quit movie
    5. Bratty actress' role was majorly reduced in movie, even though she was supposed to be a lead character.

    This sounds a bit older, and like it must be an adaptation of a book/story if the character was already established as a lead but the focus of the movie was changed.

    1. Thanks for the translation Amber! High Five for your skillz in Enty-ese.

  10. The biggest kink and the fact that her SO kept eyeing the younger B list actress leads me to think he is into pedophilia or some child molesting kink

  11. Was there a female non-lead part in any of the Kill Bills?

  12. The blind says we haven't heard of the actress, I imagine she'll be revealed by following the other clues. Obviously we've all heard of Rose McGowan.

  13. I don't think any of Tarantino's movies are objectively "sexy", though I agree he's known for his kinks. Who else is kinky?

  14. What about Monica Keena in All I Wanna Do aka Strike!

  15. My first thought was Woody Allen.

  16. I think trying to find the sexy movie might be the way to go. There aren't a lot of films that even try and be sexy.

    I thought Sucker Punch or Nine, but I don't think they fit.

  17. My first thought was the romantic lead in Magic Mike, Cody Horn (bc she SUCKED and was super boring), but this sounds like someone who got even less screen time than her. I thought her dad was also a producer on that film (he's high up at WB or used to be) that makes it even creepier kink-wise.

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth!

  18. Actress we've never heard of, with older producer, young starlet who walked off the movie set, and a variety of other positions/actresses who have been brought in to an ensemble case? Tween/teen movie? Twilight-esque?

  19. I was thinking of Sin City which was an ensemble cast and had Tarantino guest direct in.

  20. Not sure that a film produced by Nora Ephron would be a place where a male producer would be able to think so clearly with his smaller head.

  21. One of the girls on Sucker Punch?

  22. Zack Snyder and his wife work really closely together, bit like Nolan and Emma Thomas, which made me think Sucker Punch might not work.

  23. Don't forget: they lived together, so it can't be a director with a wife or long-term GF.

  24. @alison Terrence Malick has cut about 20% of the big names out of his last few movies, I don't think it's him.

    I'm trying to think of ensembles where people could be added....perhaps Julie Dreyfus (Sofie Fatale) from Kill Bill? A lot of big name actresses, a very small part and IMDB says she was working for the Tokyo casting agency for the film reading Uma's part with the actors. Quentin also likes to overshoot. She also played Goebbels' translator in Inglorius Basterds...

    Wacky Bracket Pick: Some small actress from one of those New Years/Valentines/Labor Day/Whatever movies and Gary Marshall.

    1. The Kill Bill movies were written specifically for Uma.

  25. The blind immediately made me think of the horrible Bret Easton Ellis adaptation, The Informers. Big ensemble cast with lots of young actresses doing sexy times, lots of kinky weirdos in the background of it, and the thing was butchered in the editing room. Unfortunately, there's no one in it who fits the blind (Amber Heard is a main character). So, still looking, but it'll be something like that movie.

  26. I immediately thought Cody Horn and Magic Mike.

  27. Sounds like the Spring Breakers movie with Ashley Benson, Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez and RACHEL KORINE.

    1. she's married to harmony though, i don't the people in this blind are married

    2. You totally got it Via19a. Fits so perfectly. Good job!

  28. I don't think any producer in the world is going to risk upsetting the Chairman of WB by seducing/being seduced by his teenage daughter.

  29. I did a search for sexy movies and here's a list I found:
    1. "Last Tango in Paris," considered by some to be "the most erotic movie ever filmed."1

    2. "Eyes Wide Shut," starring then husband and wife Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

    3. "Cruel Intentions," starring Ryan Phillippe, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Reese Witherspoon

    4. "Wild Things," starring Neve Campbell and Denise Richards

    5. "Body Heat," starring William Hurt and Kathleen Turner

    6. "Wild at Heart," a David Lynch film starring Laura Dern and Nicholas Cage

    7. "Two Moon Junction," starring Sherilyn Fenn and Richard Tyson

    8. "Secretary," starring James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal

    9. "9 1/2 Weeks," starring Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger

    10. "Showgirls," starring Elizabeth Berkley, Gina Gershon and Kyle MacLachlan

    11. "Brokeback Mountain," starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger

    12. "Out of Sight," starring Jennifer Lopez and George Clooney2

  30. Rose mcgowan just turned 39.

  31. Here's another list:

    1. Out of Sight (1998)

    2. His Girl Friday (1940)

    3. Mr and Mrs Smith (2005)

    4. Body Heat (1981)

    5. Bull Durham (1988)

    6. Don’t Look Now (1973)

    7. Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001)

    8. The Last of the Mohicans (1992)

    9. A Walk on the Moon (1999)

    10. Before Sunset (2004)

  32. Boom, Vita19a nails it. Damn, you good, girl

  33. As Em noted, they lived together. I think a key clue is this:

    "When she became legal they moved in together."

    So someone relatively young moved in with an older guy - not necessarily "old," just older than her.

  34. Emma Watson walked off the set of "End of the World."

  35. Emma Roberts dropped out of Spring Breakers due to our old friend 'creative differences'. Bit of a stretch to call her B+, but still fits pretty nicely.

  36. Denise Richards, Paul Verhoeven and???

  37. Definitely Rachel Korine

  38. i was thinking eli roth. keeps company with hollywood weirdos. plus that whole peaches thing

    1. I was thinking him too. Plus he dated a lead in both cabin fever and hostel. Never saw cabin fever but I recognized more of the cast. And hostel it's been forever since I've seen so I don't remember much but do remember a whole lot of nakedness.

  39. Rachel Korine is apparently now married to Harmony Korine who directed Kids. He is 39, and she is 26.

  40. I feel like the use of the word "spoiled" is a clue.

    My first thought was Cody Horn too.

  41. How about Tarantino and one of the girls from Death Proof.
    It would have been easy to interchange the characters

  42. My first thought was Cody Horn too, but it turns out that her role was originally offered to Jessica Biel, so then I tried to see if any of the other female roles in Magic Mike would fit, but came up with nothing.

  43. Pia Zadora, Butterfly

  44. believe me , its definitely Rachel Korine. She is in Springbreakers which stars Selena Gomez. Its directed by her husband who is about 13 years older than her. Emma roberts was supposed to be in the film but dropped out due to "scheduling conflicts."

  45. Cody Horn has been dating Kevin Love from the MN Timberwolves.

  46. THIS IS RACHEL KORINE born in 1986, starring in SPRING BREAK with Vanessa Hudgens and the film is directed by her 39 yr old hubby , HARMONY KORINE of KID fame.

    They have been married since 2007.

  47. Harmony met Rachel when she was 17, per his Wikipedia.

  48. @Amber - I trust your research!

  49. Anonymous11:00 AM

    "digging" and "confidence" will turn out to be clues to this, I think...

  50. I'm in complete awe of the sleuths on this board. Rachel Korine fits *perfectly*.

    In my research, I checked out the official site. James Franco as a rapper? This movie is going to be *bad*. Like really, really painfully awful.

  51. offtopic but i hate when there are long ass blinds like this and they are put into one paragraph! separate paragraphs man separate paragraphs!

  52. Rachel Korine would fit; it never says that they're married, but it never says that they're not.

    Also, the guy went over budget for her because she threatened to leave him. Most guys might just let the girl leave him, but not if he'd have to pay out a divorce settlement.

  53. also - most of Rachel Korine's work comes in her husband's movies

  54. if we have never heard of this actress why is this a blind and why do we care? If we don't know her than it is basically some story about a i right?

  55. Rachel Korine is married to a young guy.

  56. to me, the biggest clue is the word 'transformed' in the last sentence.

    therefore, I guess that the director is michael bay and the movie is one that he did prior to the transformers.

    don't know who any of the actresses are.

  57. We will have heard of the director....I guess that's why might care...a little. ;) what about Michael Bay? The sugar daddy is just said to be "much older" than the spoiled brat, so that could mean someone in their 30s, even,

  58. I think it's Rachel Korine unless it's proven otherwise - it all fits. Good work, super sleuths!

  59. Great minds, Annabella... ;)

  60. DonRain - Harmony Korine is 39, which is who Rachel is married to. He met her when she was 17, and she is now 26. He previously dated Chloe Sevigny when he made KIDS.

  61. How about...

    Actress--Jo Bates
    Director--James Foley
    Starlet who left--Liv Tyler (originally cast as lead)

    1. Eh. Now I don't like my guess. Wah.

  62. I don't think I've ever seen a blind with the answer fitting SO perfectly! Totally Rachel Korine. She's actually cut out of a lot of their promo pics! Sad, really.

  63. Anonymous11:14 AM

    On a different subject, has anyone ever tried to figure out whose house it is that is pictured on the left-hand side of the CDAN banner? And which actual buildings have been inserted (a bit oversized) into the cityscape? I've been curious about that lately...

  64. Aww I though Harmony was younger. I loved his movie in which he starred....seems like such an affable fellow. :)

  65. Dear Enty: Please, please please make this: "< B R >" (without the spaces) your friend. - just hit the enter bar every so often. Its a really simple thing to do.

  66. I thought it was Rose McGowan with that Rodriguez guy. She wanted to play the Jane Fonda part of Barbarella.

  67. I guess I should've read the actually good guess before I posted. One of these days!

  68. Definitely Rachel Korine.

  69. Wow, awesome sleuthing! Ya'll are the best!

  70. Though I've never heard of her, I'm satisfied y'all have the answer in this Rachel Korine chick. I bow down to all the superior CDANers.

  71. Jeebus, you guys are good. I was going to go with another, wholly inappropriate (given the clues) guess.

  72. The problem with Cody Horn is her daddy is the Chairman of Walt Disney and before that was the President of Warner Bros.

    So she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, her dad has mega connections that cleary has given her a step up.

    She didn't have to offer herself up to a pedophile to get ahead.

  73. Evan Rachel Wood?

  74. I didn't even know this rachel girl was in spring breakers. Selena, ashley and vanessa are the only one's ever featured in photo's filming and in the premiere

  75. You guys are brilliant. Too bad this Rachel Korine is so spoiled AND I've never heard of her. Sounds like a real rotten egg!

  76. Damn! Y'all are GOOD! Nice work!

  77. What is this guy's kink? I doubt it is pedophilia, since he moved her in when she became if age (wouldn't he end it with her for someone younger?).

  78. Seachica, I think because Harmony & Rachel are married that just ending would be a little complicated.

  79. Also, have any of you watched KIDS recently? When it first came out on VHS (!!!), I rented it and thought it was AWESOME. I was in middle school. I watched it at some time in the last few years, and it was Fing disturbing. I knew it was kinda messed up back then, but I don't think I totally got it at the time. Sick sick.

  80. Now that I have researched Harmony and Rachel it all fits as the answer. I really had no idea who either of them were. I am old.

  81. @Amber - I watched it about ten years ago (end of high school) and was surprised by how much of a psa-vibe it had do it.

  82. when I read this I totally thought Spring Breakers.

  83. "Transformed" .. Pia Zadora was in a film called "Butterfly"

    her or Bo Derek

  84. Cathy - I guess it kinda does. Every time I randomly see Telly in things (he's in Serendipity for a few minutes, which I LOVE), it makes my skin crawl!

  85. @someone said: Paul Verhoeven has been married to the same woman since 1967. Not him.

  86. Totally fits, on board with the Korines.
    She's only ever been in his movies and frankly, she isn't very pretty, kind of plain and a little thick to ever be a star, especially if she really can't act well.

  87. Considering the Spring Breakers cast is in the Random Photos today, I think we have a slam-dunk winner :)

  88. They have a daughter called LEFTY?

    I do believe I've now heard the worst kreativ baby name of all time.

  89. Boo to the Cody Horn haters. I saw Magic Mike tons of times and I really like her.

  90. I'm down with the Rachel Korine guess. Just saw pics of the Spring Breakers cast at Lainey and there were a lot of photos of the girls - Selena, Vanessa and Ashley all looking like they were having a great time together away from the red carpet... and the other girl just wasn't engaging with them. First time I saw the cast I was totally like - Who is? Why is? about her. Well, now I know.

    1. i saw a promo pic of them from the movie earlier this week and selena, vanessa & ashley were making these pouty "bad ass" faces and she was just standing there with her mouth open. you're right she doesn't seem to have much chemistry with them

  91. Pia Zadora, Meshulam Riklis and Butterfly.

  92. Rachel korine really fits good job! It also makes sense why the end of the blind is written in such a "to be continued" way.

  93. The Rachel guess seems likely, but I'm mystified why it would matter if you were a good actress in a movie called Spring Breakers...

  94. I'm with the Pia Zadora, Butterfly guess.

  95. As for Garry Marshall, I know he's familiar with the casting couch (know someone who has been there). However, he's married so I doubt he moved in with anyone.

  96. @Amber, I would assume that when she turned of age, they weren't yet married. At that point it would have been easy to dump her for a new underage girl. So I'll still say that I think the kink is something else.

  97. The problem with the Pia Zadora guess is she really can sing. I saw her live, as the warm up for Charles Aznavour, and was surprised by her voice and stage manner. She was (is?) talented, just not as an actress in movies.

  98. I also immediately thought of Spring Breakers when reading the blind.

    Rachel Korine is my guess as well.

  99. @Amber - Korine's 'Kids' is indeed a hard movie to watch now. The character Telly made me think the worst of teenage boys.

    I also re-watched 'Cocaine Cowboys' this week. Had to watch a kilo of kitten videos on Youtube to erase the evils of Griselda Blanco.

  100. Rachel Korine doesn't fit -- she joined the movie AFTER Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens and Emma Roberts were cast:

    That's not consistent with the chrolonogy in the blind. Also, how crazy would you have to be to think you'd outdraw Selena Gomez -- who's everywhere these days -- when nobody's heard your name? I don't buy it.

  101. Just looked her up. She has creeeeeepy eyes, and she looks really out of place in that movie. Totally her.

  102. @unknown Harmony Korine's wiki page said that Rachel was the first one to sign on to the project, Emma Roberts had to leave due to "creative differences that couldnt be resolved" Im going with Rachel

  103. You guys are GOOD, I'm on the Rachel guess, too.

    I watched Kids for the first time about a month ago. I'm 28, and it gave me the heebie jeebies...and I kept think that if I HAD watched it as a teen, I probably would have liked it, because as a teenager I had no common sense.

    Man, it makes me nervous to have teenagers some day.

  104. It's Rachel Korine. Blurb in yesterday's mail.comwith a pic of all 4 ladies. Benson, Hudgens, Gomez, Korine.

  105. @Unknown, the wikipedia page for Spring Breakers says that Rachel was the first actress to be confirmed for the project.

  106. Spoiled Actress: Rachel Korine
    Significant Other: Harmony Korine
    B+ Actress Who Left Production: Emma Roberts
    Movie: "Springbreakers"

  107. @dia papaya - LOL, I don't know if there's any need now that everyone seems to have solved it, but I'll give it a shot.

    This blind item isn't easy. You'll have to do some digging to get the answer, but I have every confidence in you.

    This actress is spoiled; so spoiled that she is going to get the leading role in a major motion picture without deserving it. Not a movie as big as the Avengers, but not an indie flick either. A real studio movie.

    This lady always knew she wanted to be an actress. She also knew that she didn't want to climb the ladder or struggle as so many other young actresses have had to do. So she came up with a plan - latch herself on to either a major star, a director or a producer. Someone who could make her a star without the hard work.

    Her plan began to unfold while she was still under age. She found a man. He was much older than her. Neither cared about their age difference. He had one of the most common kinks in show business and he had it in a big way. She realized that she fit his kink and used it to get to him. As soon as they were in a relationship she began bugging him for parts and roles.

    As soon as she was legal they moved in together. He began to get her acting jobs. He also promised to get make her a star. He swore he would get her the part of a lifetime, which would be the biggest role of her career.

    Unfortunately for her plan, this lady is not a very skill actress. She is also not very famous.

    A studio did end up financing her man and the studio even agreed to let him cast her in the movie. But the studio insisted that the man also had to cast a more talented actress in the movie. Someone with some star power. They let him cast the Spoiled Actress, but they also made him cast a B+ actress as well.

    This particular B+ actress is younger than the Spoiled actress. And the Spoiled actress could see her man's eyes lighting up at the prospect of pursuing the younger, more talented B+ actress. So, the Spoiled Actress began making his life miserable. She also made the B+ actress' life miserable; so much so that the B+ actress ended up quitting the role rather than put up with our Spoiled friend.

    Well, the studio insisted on bringing in other actresses with real star power. These new actresses are not serious thespians but they do have name recognition.

    The Spoiled Actress did not mind these additions to the cast; she honestly felt that she was more talented than they were and that she would end up outshining them and becoming the biggest star in the movie.

    The truth is Spoiled's lines were cut. More and more of the movie was devoted to the bigger stars whom the studio had insisted on.

    Once Spoiled realized what had happened she began throwing daily hissy fits. She screamed at her man every day and threatened that if he did not give her the screen time he had promised that she would leave him.

    To appease her, the man was forced to shoot extra scenes of his Spoiled actress. He devoted a full week to it and ended up going over budget. He knew that the scenes would never be used in the final movie and he had to pay the cost of the overages out of his own pocket. But he did it anyways to keep the peace.

    I wonder what the Spoiled Actress did when she finally saw the Final Cut of the movie - She must have realized that none of the extra scenes were used. In fact, she has been reduced to little more than a background character.

    The bigger named actresses whom the studio insisted on ended up being the real stars of the movie.

  108. Thanks Mr Wolf!

    Maybe someone will get a different answer with a proper Enty translation! It's possible :)

  109. Sean Young abd Wall Street!

  110. Agree w/ Rachel Korine since Emma Roberts left the production. I never would have looked for a movie like that because she thought she'd be "starring" (it's an ensemble cast).

    OTOH, my original answer was 'most of Hollywood' LOL: talentless hacks who please old guys and get unjustly cast in a movie they suck in.

    But anyway, great sleuthing!

  111. Great Going you Guys!!!
