Today's Blind Item - So Spoiled
You will have to do a little digging for the answer to this one. I have confidence in you that you can discover this most spoiled of spoiled actresses who you have probably never heard of but who ended up getting the lead of a major movie just because she is so spoiled. This is not some indie movie, but not an Avengers type budget either. Anyway, our actress knew early on in life that she wanted to be an actress and didn't want to have to go through all the struggles that an actress has to go through to move up the ladder of success. She discovered early on that she needed to either find herself a star to latch on to or some kind of producer who could get her in movies. When she was still under age she found the man she wanted. Yes, he was way older than her but it didn't matter to her and it didn't matter to him. She had found for herself one of the guys out there with a the biggest kinks in the business and she grabbed hold and started bugging him for parts and roles right away. When she became legal they moved in together. He got her roles and at the same time kept promising her the biggest role of her career. He was going to make her a star. Well it was supposed to. Unfortunately for our actress she is not the best actress. Not even a very good one. So, even though the studio had given all this money to her significant other and let him cast her, they wanted someone with some star power and acting chops. So, a B+ list actress was cast to join and make everyone better. The thing is out B+ actress was younger than our spoiled actress and she could see the way her man's eyes lit up at the thought of some alone time with the actress in what was going to be a very sexy movie. Our spoiled actress started making life miserable for her significant other and the B+ actress who soon walked off the production. Actually ran. Well, other actresses were brought in. Not great thespians but they were names. Our spoiled actress was convinced she would still be the star and would shine brighter than the others because she was such a good actress. Uh huh. What happened was over the course of filming, our spoiled actress became an after thought in the filming and was the lead only in her mind. Her lines kept getting cut and the names brought in were given more lines and more camera time. Our spoiled actress would throw hissy fits everyday and scream and yell and told her significant other that if he did not get her more screen time than she was leaving him. So, he went over budget. he shot scenes he knew would not ever be used but it made her happy. For almost one full week of shooting it was all about her. Her significant other had to pay for the overages himself. I don't know what he did when she saw the first cit and didn't really see herself in any of those shots and has been transformed to almost a background character.