Friday, September 21, 2012

Tim Tebow Wants A Hot Woman With A Servant's Heart

Tim Tebow is in the new issue of Vogue. It is the one with Keira Knightley on the cover in case you are looking to see Tim half naked on the cover, you will be disappointed. But hey, as you can see from the photo above, he goes half naked inside. Anyway, Tim also gave an interview and in it he says that he is still single and that the most important thing to him is good looks. The person has to be attractive. Mentions it two or three times. Really wants that part to sink in. Oh, and after that he wants someone who has a servant's heart. So, a hot slave. Am I reading that right? I know what he probably meant, but it does not come out right. He basically made it seem like he wants some hot woman who dropped straight from 50 Shades Of Grey and will do what he wants and not talk back and certainly not mention that he is currently sitting on the bench.


  1. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Pretty much what most guys his age want.

  2. Correction...
    He wants a **hot slave VIRGIN**

  3. Anonymous6:21 AM

    So, hes super pious but also super shallow and not that bright. Sounds like a real winner.

  4. At least he was honest?

  5. Athletes want fake tits, fake hair, fake tans, fake nails....just FAKE. Shocking that most of their relationships don't last...

  6. I'd say that's what most straight males want. I have a friend who plays pro football, also a bench warmer like Tebow and he gets all kinds of ass. I don't think Tebow will have any problems finding a woman.

  7. he's scary, he's always creeped me out

  8. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I just read the article. It mentions attractive once, and I got the idea that the "servant" thing was in a religious sense.

  9. Baka
    My brother recently wrote a dating ad and is getting flack for not wanting larger girls or religious girls to respond.
    who keeps responding? Heavy and/ or hard core Christians. mostly to bitch him out. the Christians want to save him.
    yeah, maybe he is superficial but he knows what he wants and doesn't want to waste his or anyone else's time.

  10. Servant's heart is a Christian thing, not a sexual thing.

  11. I wish people stop feeling the need to attack this guy. The only reason people hear about him all the time is because the media has grabbed a hold of his story and crammed it down everyone's throats. If you are the type of person to read sports blogs and sports articles, yeah, you hear about him and his faith nonstop. But SportsCenter and other mainstream media isn't geared toward those people - it's geared toward the very average sports "fan" who just wants to come home from work at the end of the day, see some highlights, put on their jersey, and watch their favorite team.
    Tebow's faith is important to him. When he was at Florida, the other players protected him so he wouldn't get involved in questionable situations because they respected the dude. And if you watched the Broncos play opening weekend, you would've seen some Tebowing out of respect for him. He's not a Rhodes Scholar, so at least he's honest about wanting someone who's a hottie God-lover.

    /end rant

  12. What he needs to do is get out of football and get into porn.

  13. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I'm glad he is at least honest. Most guys will say they want someone with a big heart and great spirit, but they want tits and ass and no butterfaces.

  14. Can't. Stand. Him. I live in Denver and the majority of people I know were ecstatic to see him go. Prater's leg > Tebow's arm.

  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Good luck with that

  16. Thanks Amber! Very insightful. I'm not a sports fan and continue to be confused about the popularity of this man.

    I'm also not religious (spiritual yes, but no fixed religion) and the Servant of God thing freaks me out. For me, there is always a fine line btwn organized religion and cult.

  17. Amber -- you said that perfectly :)

  18. Diversity is a good thing. He's not like everyone else, and I respect that.

    If the guy was openly gay and saying he was looking for a man who was hot-looking and supportive, all the people making fun of him now would be applauding his courage and honesty.

  19. I guess he said Servant's Heart. Maybe that is fine? I have NO idea what that means. Is that like Buddha's Heart or something?

    I am opposed to the S word.


  20. @dia - when he was at Florida the team was insane. He's a really great leader, and he's great at getting his teammates to rally around him. As predicted, his skillset didn't translate to the NFL very well (I won't bore you with the details). However, when he became starting QB for Denver he pulled off "miracle wins". The media went NUTS, and then EVERYONE started talking about him. My mom and people at work were suddenly asking me about him. So that's why people that follow sports are so annoyed. That, and the fact he's so "pious". He's a genuine guy, though. The piety isn't an act.

    (Full disclosure: I've been a Florida Gator fan since high school, and I used to write for a sportsblog and have an NFL podcast that is currently on hiatus.)

  21. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Thanks, Amber. As one who followed his career in high school and college, I've always liked this kid and hate how everyone makes fun of him. He's not the first NFL player to go to his knees during a football game, but the media made it such a big issue. He's a really super person. Before every game, he flies in someone who is sick or dying, along with their family, and pays for hotels and food. He spends time with them before and after the game, too. Just a nice kid.

  22. Eh, he's not so bad to look at. :) To follow on Amber's comments, the guy is nothing but honest about who he is. He walks his's not just the talk. Everyone (read: football fans) knew his style of play probably wouldn't translate to the NFL well, but his leadership abilities and presence count for something. And he's technically not fulltime bench warming. The Jets are running the wildcat a lot more now to take advantage of him! (Amber can probably talk to that with more authority than i can!).

    He didn't ask for the attention-but he got it. And it doesn't appear that the media scrutiny has changed him. I will reserve judgment until the stories come out that he's whoring it up and snorting coke off a hooker. (And I highly doubt that will ever actually happen!)

  23. FL GATORS YES!!!!! Loved Nutty Flavor's comment. Perspective.

  24. Dia. Research "bodhisattva"!

  25. ITA Amber.

    I was raised attending non-denominational Christian churches and schools, so these types of phrases don't spook me since I've heard them my whole life. Like many religions, Christians are encouraged to help their fellow man and to be charitable. That's how I interpreted this, and like everyone else is saying, he is being honest about wanting to be attracted to his future mate. I don't really see the problem with that :)

  26. I find it funny that articles will actually focus on what the guy/girl is looking for in a mate/partner. At the end of the day, every one of us are individuals and our wants/desires are different. To try to put it into words that will be translatable and will (dare I say) attract the right person is ridiculous. Not to mention, every crazy whackadoo stalker groupie can all of a sudden claim to be all those things the guy wants and BAM, instant problem. Drives me crazy. As much as I hate to quote Woody Allen regarding this, "the heart wants what the heart wants'. Let him search for his 'hot god-lover' as Amber put it. Good luck to him. I'll bet 10 years from now when they divorce, she'll be like, I was never really into the whole 'god' thing....

  27. He's an idiot. Any woman who ends up with him is a bigger idiot.

  28. So good looks first, Godly second. Got it.

  29. So he's into bondage? I think Tebow and Lochte would make a cute couple. *Tebow curtsy* "Jeah!"

  30. I can't help it, I think he is hot as hell.

  31. He's just being honest about what he wants. Everybody wants something different. What will be interesting is to see what he ends up with. The plastic "Barbie" who caters to him or a real woman.

  32. This guy is such a bakka. why can't he just do his thing without making such a big show of it? Everyone knows he's not really virgin, please. How nice that your dream girl is superficially easy on the eyes and submissive to the Church (obey the husband I presume). Wow, so you're all set, no worries about whether or not you'll get along, is she funny, does she even like football? Nope she's got a rack and she cleaves to the Church and her man. Done deal.

    Whatta catch.

  33. Too bad Carrie Prejan is off the market those two sound like a match made in vacuous heaven.

  34. Any excuse to run this guy down, right? "Servant's heart" is a Christian thing. It means one who serves God. But to your ears it means slave which says so much about you. And how unusual and bizarre to want a good looking wife.

  35. I can't stop rolling my eyes at the "symbolism" in that picture. Dude, you're a football player, not Christ. Posing as if you are carrying your cross is just obnoxious.

  36. What he wants is a pretty wife who won't question why he does not fuck her, or why he spends so much time with his really good looking friend..camping..or fishing..

  37. I thought he was rolling a large bacon filled donut:)

  38. I, for one, hope he stays on the bench. Sanchez has finally hit his groove with the offense. The last thing we Jets fans need is this shallow, lame, owl-faced famewhore. Yes, he is a famewhore and has been since day 1. Yeah, he meant "servant's heart" as a servant to god, but this guy isn't dumb and also meant it just as we heard it. He's always been very manipulative in that way, always an agenda with this guy.

    Oh and yes, I am a Christian.

  39. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I'm still trying to figure out if it's Tim that has a personal agenda or if it's his family that sees him as an opportunity to promote themselves. Could be both, but based on the sports talk I sometimes follow, Tim is fairly earnest. Self-absorbed to a degree, but basically decent. However, his brothers seem to be milking Tim's popularity for every dime it's worth.

    All celebrities, no matter their gender or faith, manipulate us. So I can't hold that against Tebow. That's standard procedure for anyone in the spotlight.

  40. Anybody remember the interview in Playboy (I read the articles, my husband not so much) where Dale Earnhardt Jr said that he wanted a woman that knew her place and what he said goes? He came off like a real dick an never cared for him much since. Not to mention the fact that he is mediocre at best.

  41. Amber, you're such a great writer! Please let us know when your podcast and sportsblog comes out of hiatus.

    Thanks for all the inner wisdom. Go Gators!

  42. Ugh, now part of me wishes there was a woman clever enough out there to drug him, fuck him and film the entire damn thing. I actually respected him until now.

    Guys with attitudes like him are the reason why less attractive women who ONLY have good humor and personality are single. Or women who aren't below size 6.

    What a shallow turd.

    1. *SO* this, OMG! He should totally realise that women he doesn't find attractive need to get married too! If he were *really* Christian, he'd be more giving, and pick some super fat ugly chick. Or someone with a great personality and sense of humour, like you! I can just tell :)

    2. Way to misconstrue what I said. I bet you're a real catch yourself.

  43. The symbolism it evokes for me is more along the lines of Atlas.

  44. Yeah, to have "a servant's heart" isn't anything creepy or have anything to do with "slavery."

  45. @ astrogirl Or Sisyphus, even. I mean how often does the media bring up his Christian beliefs and how often does he bring them up himself? And then when the media brings it up, people think that's his doing and then slam him for it.

  46. Bangagong I hear T. Rex in my head when i type that. The boulder rolling dude? Yes, good choice. :)

  47. Servant's heart doesn't mean slavery or even so much one who worships God. What he's saying is that he wants an attractive woman who has the heart of a servant, meaning that she has humility in her heart.

    Think about it the most attractive people are those who are attractive but are not in your face about others words, they are humble. Its a rare combo........and very desired by some included.

    Full disclosure: I was born Christian but haven't been to a church in years.

  48. Look, here's the thing with Tim Tebow.

    Every single athlete I've talked to is of the opinion that this Christian thing is an act to get him fame and endorsements beyond what his talents justify.

    Is he a real Christian? Sure, so is 80% of North America. Does he 'dial it up to 11' when he's giving interviews and for the cameras?

    Almost certainly.

    Also, for all the "isn't that what every guy wants?"

    No, actually, it isn't. Do I mind a little kink in the bedroom? Of course not. Do I want a doormat or an idiot? No, actually, I don't. I'm an educated man and I like educated women, not boneheaded fools with a 'servant's heart'. Pft to that.

  49. Tebow needs to stop playing the virgin card, and play some football. Someone already stated that he was not a virgin. Here in NY we care more about the sports and how it's played rather than the amount of print ads and celebrity events he attends. Sanchez has nothing to worry about because Tebow is not a good football player and soon Jets fans will be dying to kick his ass out of NY. Plus when it comes to looks, he has nothing on Brady, who can play ball.
