Thursday, September 27, 2012

This Dog Loves The Bed


  1. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Chewy?? Is that you??

  2. he's just playing with her...and he DOES sound like Chewbacca :)

  3. The woman is just talking to the dog - and he's talking back. Cute, but she need to learn how to handle him properly. It's all in the tone of voice. Dogs need a pack leader, not a best friend. Off to puppy school!

  4. Hahaha! That dog is even more dramatic than my dog! I did not think that was possible.

  5. I'm loving that dog.

  6. Well he told her...

  7. He really does sound like Chewy.

  8. My dog is a rhodesian ridgeback. He is the same way. And also extremely huge.

  9. He sounds a lot like my male dog. I call him chewy when he does that sound. And I gave up on getting them all (3 dogs & 1 cat) to move off the bed and I just get happy when I have a small section to sleep on. And I have a Cal king bed and I am small.

  10. Scary. He is not playing.

  11. Where to start. I had a Mastiff, they will mind if you are clear and calm. She gave him umpteen different commands for the same thing! Get down, get off, time to get up, and on and on.

    Then she loves him up when he growls (not serious, I agree) and does not do what she wants yet again. This just reinforces the bad behavior. He thinks this is a big game.

    When you own a dog this big they must mind, the first time you say it. Bad owner, bad, bad owner.

    I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback now,
    same thing, big tall dog. He is a rescue and he is a lovely canine citizen.

  12. Yes, poorly trained dog by a bad dog companion. Wrong tone and too many words. The dog is confused.

  13. As a dog person, I love that dog.

    As a people person, I could take or leave that girl.

  14. Why does he have to get off the bed? (And why does everything have to be put on YouTube?)

  15. That dog is so cute.

  16. Aw. I know she loves her dog, but she has to learn to use one command, sternly if she really wants him off that bed. I suspect they both enjoy this play time and that wasn't the true aim, LOL. Adorable dog!

  17. Yeah it seemed like playtime. The dog was too freaking cute. But as a responsible pit bull owner, I only have to give Abby the mom look and she moves off the bed lol

  18. Ya, about as cute as those moms that say, "I'm gonna count to 1,000,000 and you'd better put that candy back"


  19. A - freaking- dorable!

    Naughty behavior....really....but irresistible!

  20. funny but yeah I think we know who owns the leash in this relationship.....being in charge of your dog-lady you are doing it wrong!

  21. I'm not the betting kind, but i'd bet a mint that no one gets in her bed unless Lincoln approves.

    Yes, on the surface, it's a funny video, but owners MUST control their dogs. Maybe she has a word/term/command to use when she really wants him to move, but this video just shows 'play time'.

    The bigger they are, the more important it is, but it's necessary even with the little ones. Do you remember when a former French prime minister was hospitalized after his wife's MALTESE attacked him? The PM's mistress and second family were a well-known 'secret', but perhaps the Maltese wasn't as forgiving as the wife. Or maybe the second family had a dog that the Maltese detested.

  22. Wow! Lots of Caesars in the house! It's a funny video, have a laugh!

  23. Lol !!! Good to see big scary dogs can be lovable when they want to be. He would have me wrapped around his little paw ;)
