Sunday, September 02, 2012

The Tom Cruise Wife Process - Vanity Fair & Nazanin Boniadi

Yesterday Vanity Fair posted an article which is in their new issue about Tom Cruise's search for a new girlfriend/wife back in 2004 and how Nazanin Boniadi became their number one choice. If you have not read the article, you should by clicking here. basically, every Scientologists who is female and an actress was brought in to an audition for what they were told was a training film. This training film just happened to ask a lot of questions about Tom Cruise. The winner was Nazanin Boniadi who I will talk about more later. She ended up dating Cruise from November 2004 through January 2005. She was told in October 2004 to break up with her boyfriend and audited everyday and asked specific questions about every aspect of her sex life. This was going to be a very important mission for her. In November she had her first date with Cruise and guessed she was going to be put into an arranged marriage. The couple slept together the night of their first date but there was no sex. The first month was fine but then by the second month everyone disliked her and she was sent away. She had signed at least two confidentiality agreements and broke one of them in Florida and was put to work scrubbing toilets and digging ditches.

Now, let me tell you about the Nazanin I know. I never knew this about Nazanin. I first met her in about December 2006 or January 2007 and we kept in touch through the end of 2007. I have to say that she could fill a book with all of the charity work she does everyday and that in her life acting is secondary to everything else. I didn't even know she was a Scientologist and I'm glad I didn't because it probably would have clouded my judgement of her. If you are ever going to really like a Scientologist, this is the person to like and admire. Amnesty International, human rights, women's rights. She stands up to Iran and the Arabic world about their treatment of women which is kind of odd considering she was going to let herself be put in an arranged marriage for her religion. She is one of the few people I have known who was trying to succeed as an actress who did not put herself first. I'm glad she didn't end up with Tom Cruise because she would not have accomplished half those things and would have just been an arm piece that was shown off in public for photos.


  1. This is pretty juicy and I don't see how CO$ can sweep it under the rug easily. (Of course they will.)

    The whole article IS very interesting. Apparently she was given access to some of her BF's auditing session info in order to expedite their breakup. How can you trust your auditors if that kind of thing happens?

  2. Where is shelly!?

    She is such an exotic beauty. He does have a type.

  3. Cos is completely, off the charts crazy!!!!! Investigation, please!!! At very least, make them pay taxes!!!!!!

  4. I haven't read the article, yet, but I hope she is out / "blown".

    For your sake, Enty, I hope she is. Who knows how relentlessly the Scientologists will audit the hell out of her to expose your identity.

    Not that that hasn't happened already by non-Scientologists and on this site already!

  5. White times new roman font on a black background????? How did you guys even read this???? Where's my phone???

  6. I wonder if she is still with the church? I hope she stays safe.

  7. She was on the soap opera General Hospital for awhile...

  8. Sorry for the repeat, I previously commented under Clint's Chair with this info. Seems to be relevant to those who are interested in Co$.

    Co$ and gays.

    Bonus Note: Tony's articles states that Tommy Davis may have left Co$.That is huge.

    Tom's arranged marriage and Shelly Miscavige connection:

    Note: Radar and others are picking up the story.

  9. I love the bit about her offending Miscavige because she couldn't understand him talking so fast. And then Tom scolded her.

    Why did Katie get into this?? I will never, ever understand.

  10. Tom has a type! She is beautiful...

  11. If everything was on the up and up with Tom, then he wouldn't need the "church" to recruit his wives/girlfriends/beards for him. This is beyond creepy. And why would ANY woman agree to any of this insanity unless she was an opportunist gold digger? I'd rather remain poor white treasure and work for a living than to deal with these whackadoodles...

  12. Anita_I can barely read anything because the goddamn cookies. It slows my computer to a screetching halt. And as soon as I delete them they load up like crazy. I need a way to stop this. I know someone mentioned it before. Can you help again please.

    This girl dodged a bullet! Lucky.

  13. Where's Shelly ?

    Nazanin Boniadi is a very interesting person. Look forward to reading more about her. Hope she has a book deal ...

  14. Who has had sex with Tom ? I don't mean sleeping in the same bed I mean down and dirty sweaty sex ?
    I new for sure he never had sex with Katie because she has the Herp and Tom has issues....

  15. Apostate is their most favorite word ever! Haha

  16. @Sherry, the ads are insufferable. I use IE and I found an ad-blocker but the free trial is over and I don't want to pay the $29.99 fee. I'm not switching browsers for this one site and Chrome's ad-blocker is a bit of a privacy invader.

    One of the ads is a video and you can't stop it til it's finished playing. Plus you have to scroll to the very bottom to find it.

  17. Sherry- I am not much of a tech person. But my boyfriend watches something called all the time. They have an open chat room and if you go in they can help you or get you into the help desk and they could sort you out in 5 minutes. :)
    Again the address is
    It stands for this week in tech.

    1. Or
      I can't recall :(

  18. Sherry - two things that might help you. If you're using Firefox, download AdblockPlus, which is fantastic.

    Also, I use a prgram from called PrivacySuite, which blocks companies from tracking you. Just set up your preferences.

    1. Is Adblock plus the one that blocks scripts and flash? I was going to reccomend something but now I'm not sure what the winner is bc I have so many Firefox addons

  19. I use Firefox, and have ad block, but I get a lot of enhanced text. Is there anyway to deal with that. Annoying as freaking heck.

  20. I hope to hell Tom Cruise finds a WILLING SCIENTOLOGIST WIFE and leaves those who aren't already Scientologists the Hell alone?

    I hope he meets someone DOWN to his standards. I'm sure Katie Holmes is relieved to know that he's auditioning new replacement wives and that he's not missing her.

    I think they all underestimated her. It took a lot of courage to leave, especially since I think she really loved(loves) him.

    I think he will live to regret alienating her, because she loved him even with all his baggage.

  21. That is crazy! How in the world do people let themselves get sucked into this?

  22. @Sherry - I'm using AdBlock from the Chrome store. It was free and it stopped all that madness.

  23. She was in Iron Man.

  24. @Agent**It: Thanks for the link. Tony Ortega is a national treasure. Whoa, it IS big if Davis has quit.

    The story about Co$ auditioning women to be Tom's wife has been around for ever, but it's good to see it published in Vanity Fair rather than in anonymous blogs. Maybe people will finally sit up and take notice. Tom or Co$ will have to sue, and I can't wait to see the discovery on that one.

    I can't believe this sect gets away with imprisoning people, turning them into <min. wage slaves, separating them from their families, etc. And as for their tax-exempt status, I don't care what dirt they have on the IRS, the IRS has to end it.

    1. @Jamie 2 - it's not that they have dirt on the IRS (although they do), the main factor is that they have money for lawsuits. Lots and lots of lawsuits. Co$ brought so many lawsuits against the IRS, they finally just gave in and granted tax exempt status to make it stop.

  25. I use the NoScript Addon for Firefox. Never a problem. The controls are set pretty high, and I temporarily allow scripts for some sites.

  26. @Jamie2, welcome! Interesting that Radar is covering it and the "Where's Shelly" theme has been so strongly picked up. Finally.

    Where's Shelly?

    That's my armor if the Co$ shills show up:)

  27. This is more fun than a Kennedy scandal with suicides and young arranged marriages. Oh wait-- we may have that going on too . . .

  28. This article is like giving the bat symbol to B Profane. If you're coming back dude, now's the time :)

  29. What a gorgeous girl.

    The link Enty provides is a summary of the article, not the article itself, but it's still quite revealing, and promises that the article will answer "Why Connor and Bella are estranged from their mother, Nicole Kidman."

    I may actually have to buy an issue of Vanity Fair, which is in no way my favorite magazine.

    One thing the summary makes clear - and I assume the article will as well - is that Cruise was sharing a bedroom with this beautiful woman, and that she had to fight off his constant sexual advances, in public as well as private.

    I wonder if the "Tom Cruise Is Gay" league will be at all dissuaded by this. Every major Scientologist turncoat so far - while revealing the organizations many, many sins - has confirmed that Cruise is straight, straight, straight.

  30. @djphob I read that was the reason she had to scrub toilets/dig ditches, because she offended him in some way.

    She is such a beautiful woman, and I've got mad respect for the way in which she carries herself. :)

  31. @Sherry if you use Firefox, try the add-on NoScript. If you're on the IPad, try using Feeddler. :)

    1. YESSS no script is what I was trying to think of! That is my favorite addon. I'm not home so I couldn't check

  32. Never heard of her, why is vanity fair rehashing stories that have been around for 5 years, wonder if Tom or the Church will sue VF

  33. Sunny- don't poke the sleeping bear. Hehehe. :)

    Agent- love Tony that's for reminding me to keeping reading it. I always get stuck here :) happily.

    1. Thanks for reminding me! I am aweful on this phone. :)

  34. NotNowIM.Wrong name for this particular thread:)

  35. Sunny, I checked, couldn't find anything.
    Smashy, bear is still sleeping.

  36. Anyone here remember that crazy numerology theory about his wife(s) birth date/year?

    Mimi Rogers 1956
    Nicole Kidman 1967
    Katie Holmes 1978

    This led to a round of speculation of the talent pool born in 1989. Taylor Swift is included.

    In my Rod Serling/Twilight Zone imagination, I like to consider a parallel universe where Tom & Taylor date, break-up, and she writes a song about it. The video goes viral, the song becomes a PSA against the CO$, resulting in dismantling of the organization. Actually, that needs to happen in THIS universe.

  37. @Nutty_Flavor:

    You said,"One thing the summary makes clear - and I assume the article will as well - is that Cruise was sharing a bedroom with this beautiful woman, and that she had to fight off his constant sexual advances, in public as well as private."

    Is my sarcasm meter broken?

    What the summary actually says: "According to Orth, Boniadi was in love with Cruise, but the intensity of his affection, especially his predilection for public displays, overwhelmed her. “I get more love from an extra than I get from you,” the actor reportedly complained.

    Do you see anything there about constant sexual advances? I don't. It explicitly says they spent the night together on their first date but did not have sex. I think the key words in the paragraph are "affection," and "PDAs."

    I tend to agree that TC is not gay (or is not actively gay), and the article written in the VV by Ortega also says that everyone he has spoken to says they believe he is straight. NTTAWWT.

    I think he just doesn't like sex. His first wife, Mimi Rogers, made a comment to that effect. It seems to be about appearances. He needs to be part of a couple, and likes all the showy gestures that accompany the "dream" romance.

    The man's been A-list for almost three decades, and even single for several years during that time. So - rich, famous, movie-star looks (still rocking it at 50): if he was straight and sexually active, we'd have a long list of women he's bonked. It doesn't exist.

  38. Well, I must leave to attend funeral services. Looking forward to reading these comments this evening!

    Where's Shelly?

  39. @NotNowIronman: The reason they're so darned rich is because they don't pay taxes. I know government agencies can be underfunded, but if the IRS actually caved due to the volume of lawsuits filed against them, that's pathetic.

    It's a decision that definitely needs to be revisited. I hope the ever-increasing spotlight on Co$ practices and its tax-exempt status will persuade an IRS agent to grow a pair.

    Imagine if Bill Gates decided to form the Church of Bad Software and declared himself tax-exempt. He can afford the lawyers.

    Actually, Steve Jobs should have tried this. He could have legitimately claimed millions of worshippers and everyone could have deducted their iPhones :)

  40. OMG surfer thanks for the information. Since downloading 10 minutes ago I've blocked 60! Holy moly!

  41. Imagine failing to marry Tom Cruise because you farted really raunchily in bed the night of your sleepover test.

  42. @Jamie2

    I believe both Kidman and Rogers complained about Cruise's low sex drive, so your theory may be correct.

    The summary link does say about Nazanin "she had moved into his house and they shared a bedroom" , which seems to imply boinking, although I cannot personally confirm this is true.

    Anyway, over those 30 years Cruise has been linked to Rebecca de Mornay, Cher, Rogers, Kidman, Penelope Cruz, Sophia Vergara, Katie Holmes, and now this lovely lady. There's your list.

    I'm sure there were plenty of other women - Scientologist or not - whom we've never heard of.

    My guess is that Cruise is less interested in sex outright than in constant female companionship. I believe his quote about Kidman was, "If I could, I'd be with my wife 24 hours a day."

  43. Lisa B - you're welcome! So far, these two add-ons are working great.

    Something else I use (if you're interesdted, lol), is a program called MalwareBytes. It does a quick scan for all sorts of bugs. It's really great.

  44. Shelly, Stop using IE. Don't use it for anything. Get Firefox or Chrome (I have both, sometimes one is slow I use the other.) IE is notoriously famous for picking up junk on your computer. Then you can get "Add ons" from either browser for Adblock Plus and Ghostery and such.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Thanks for the advice on No Script. Downloaded it and now all the enhancements are gone!

  47. PS: Re scientology. It is imploding before our eyes. Wait till the film "The Master" in mid October comes out. That may just be the final nail in the coffin. Whoever said this company should be investigated by the authorities was so right on. Crooks and liars.

  48. I was heartbroken to learn last year that Stanley Kubrick's eldest daughter Vivian became a Scientologist in 2000. Christiane, Stanley's widow claims Vivian has had no contact with her or the Kubrick family ever since. Vivian played the little girl in the videophone scene in '2001: A Space Odyssey.' Christiane does add that Tom Cruise had absolutely nothing to do with Vivian's choice. Though as Tom is #2 in the organization he must be aware of her involvement. He must know of the pain that her mother and family is enduring and after spending most of the second half of the 90's around the Kubrick's how can he not want to send word back to the family as to how Vivian is.

    Nazanin, you are a beautiful person.

  49. Long-time reader (I was a lawyer for years, and this site was my go-to "keeping me sane on conference calls") happy place, first time commenter: for those looking for ad-blockers, I'd download Ghostery. It's a chrome or firefox add-on and lets you control sites you want to "whitelist" (like your mail clients, Twitter, etc) but the rest are blocked. It shows you exactly what was blocked too - e.g. for CDAN, there are 15 blocked adware companies, with dozens of different tracking cookies from each.

    hope this helps! It's a great plugin for your browsing.

  50. I had to check imdb cuz I didn't know whoshe was. Nora from HIMYM

  51. I wonder how long she had to scrub and dig for? Is she out in the land of living on her own now? So weird the more you read about it. I bet he is Bi and has a low sex drive. Him and Jermie Renner spending quality time alone was a big one for me. I think it was a reveal on the 4th.
    Yes I use Firefox and then only if something goes wonky open an IE window but my Ad blocker that works so well on firefox does not on IE so I just give up and re-start the puter. I might try this ghostery.

  52. I saw a photo of Nazanin on a red carpet with Paul Haggis in 2010. Maybe she jumped Sci-Ti ship too?

  53. I think there is more here than we know about. From what I read about her she isn't a wifebot. She is a strong minded girl and i'm sure the reason she got the boot is becuase Tom couldn't mind meld her to his specifications. Also, he wanted a famous wife, no names just don't do it for him.

    Marty had a nice article on her and basically saying she isn't the woman CO$ is trying to make her appear to be.

    Link text

  54. WELL, looks like SOMEBODY won't be attending the annual Vanity Fair Oscars party!

  55. It says at the end that Boniadi and her mother are no longer involved in Scientology.

  56. @timebob, here's the article you referred to,I think a few readers will be interested.Still have mixed feelings about Marty.

  57. Agent - sorry about the funeral. Hugs!

  58. About Tom and his sex drive, I hate to play armchair psychiatrist, but men with narcissitic personality disorder come on super strong during courtship with affection, gifts, attention, but when the real relationship commences, thw affection and especially the sex fall by the wayside. Its like a lazy torture. The woman's self esteem falls because of the lack of normal male/female interaction, including sex, and the narcissist gets off thinking about how his lady wants him, but he feels a certain amount a power by withholding said affection.

  59. Dia,thanks, you don't forget a thing!

  60. I gotta tell ya C0$ is unraveling from the inside out and is going down much to my chagrin.

    I posted a few months ago under a different name (haven't been able to post it cause gmail won't let me log on with that name Lookylue7 any longer). As I had stated then, I had first hand experience from a neighbor about C0$ and her harrassment of her and her children when they had left the cult. I even was sucked into a Scio location in Ventura by my brother and was tested with my then 9 year old son and was subjected to some sort of an evaluation as well as my son. Then I was put in a room to watch the "video". When I came out of the room after watching the "video"; I told the person who was running the tests on me "Don't ever contact me again and took my son (my brother apparently paid for the initial testing) and never to contact me EVER". Then managed to have a major blowout with my bro over this cause I didn't realize what he was getting me into at first with his "I want you to check this place out speach". (sorry about the long winded story).

    I am a strong advocate against SCIENTOLOGY. I have seen first hand of the evil that this cult can do and inflicts on people.

    David Miscavige's physical and abusive rants against his execs then constantly having his lawyers lie to the press that it NEVER happened when people have come forward and stated otherwise. All the defections of this cult including an entire Isreal, the deaths at Narconon in Oklahoma (the president there is still claiming that Narconon is NOT offlicated with C0$), the recent death of Alexander Jarmicsh, the execs being held against their will in the "HOLE" some for years at a time, forcing children into manual and nearly slave labor, disconnection which destroys families, the mistreatment of people in the Sea Org which includes forced abortions.
    The list goes on and on and on not to mention the myraid of illegal activity and their lies to the public coming from this cult. I hope that the FBI will reopen their investigation on them.

    I can't wait for the day that David Miscavige is standing in a court room wearing an orange suit.

    I enjoy the Villiage Voice and Tony Ortega is always fair in his reporting. Marty's blog isn't bad and I like what he's doing in helping others leave the cult but I have a hard time understanding that Marty still considers himself an Independant Scientologist. LRH was a lunatic and I don't get it that people that have left C0$ still want to follow this wackadoodle's principals.

    They truly are a vile and evil cult..I just wish our government and politicians could see that but C0$ has deep pockets and has their hands in way too many people's lives to blackmail.

    At any rate, SO glad this beautiful woman never continued with Tammy Cruise.

    And seriously, where the Fuck is SHELLY?

    And my aplogies again for the long post...

  61. Please forgive my misspells and my confusing dialoge at my Scio center experience. I tend to get quite riled up when discussing this cult. I don't see an edit button after you post..

    Happy Labor Day Cdaner's!

  62. @Just Me. The walls are being chipped away and will come tumbling down. Happy Labor Day! WHERE 'S SHELLY?

  63. Where is Shelly indeed? I've got to believe she's 10 feet under, permanently out to sea, or doing hard labor running crop circles.

    Cannot believe Vanity Fair outed the little guy and CO$ in such a way. I SOOOO believe every word of it. Times ten.

    Read elsewhere tho, that a celeb friendly pub like VF typically won't "out" a star like this until after they've passed away. It's a serious challenge to Cruise. As in, he's no longer on their list of important people and won't be getting an invite to the VF Oscars party. They're clearly voting team "anything BUT Tom."

    And I love the way that Katie and Naz are silent. What they AREN'T saying speaks volumes. Like no outraged denials.

    As for our girl Katie, not worried about her a bit. I'm convinced she landed plenty of settlement money. It was just done through a pre-nup and thus not filed with divorce. So yes, no "divorce" settlement, but she got her paycheck and residuals from "playing the wife" for a few years.

    How can Tom not see that CO$ has now cost him 2 marriages and his romance with Penelope? He is so ignorantly BLIND to that which he follows.

    Not much different that the Kris Kardashian church, right?
