Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Sun Says Robert Pattinson Has Forgiven Kristen Stewart

The early part of this century brought us never ending tabloid headlines about Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt and now it appears the next part of the century is going to be all about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. I guess they must sell tabloids, but I'm not all that interested, but perhaps lots of others are. The Sun says the two recently had a heart to heart discussion and that Robert has chosen to forgive Kristen for her "dumb mistake," and that everything is fine between them. Mirrors kind of what Kristen said. What I see is the two of them getting back together in tabloids but that they will each move on and the fans and the tabloids will wish them back together like Brad and Jen. My only curiosity will be how the whole press tour thing goes. Will they talk about it? Pose next to each other? Smile?


  1. The photos were fake. Whole thing was a publicity stunt.

  2. Filthy Pattinson. He was never good enough for my little Kristen.

  3. Since I don't believe they were ever a real couple this is just PR for the film.

  4. I think kristen looks like a skanky meth head. She's not good enough for anyone! Lets fight somemore about peeps we dont know, lol

  5. Yep, this whole relationship was fake from day one. I also thought the pictures with the director looked set up, but I can't figure out why Kristen would do that seeing as how she is the one who would no doubt be trashed in the press..

  6. They will forever be linked--like Liz and Richard
    Britney and Justin
    Brad and Jen
    Jessica and Nick
    Sonny and Cher
    Elvis and Priscilla

    And whenever a tabloid needs to sell a few extra copies they will make up a reunion story despite both halves of the couple having moved on, died, or stated loud and clear that the relationship is over.

  7. The PR guys are working overtime. I always thought they were at best platonic roommates.
    Neither are a prize catch in my estimation.
    The Twi-hards will have to eat this one up, I'm not having any!

  8. OH THANK GOD! Now I can sleep at night!

  9. I wish the people who consume this stuff would stop and think, "Um... Kristen isn't the one that needs the guilt and heart-to-heart talks, it's Rupert, who was married with children."

    I know it's fake and all, but they are still sending out a bad message. Then again, it's the mainstream media.... >.<

  10. How convenient. The last installment is in November. They definitely hooked up, but I don't know how far their relationship went. She definitely wanted those pics of her with the director taken. She's too wiley that way.

  11. Good. Now can we go back to never reading about this again, LOL? Or else I just need to step away from the computer and get stuff done instead of bored-clicking every link that looks semi-interesting.

    Are we sure they even had a relationship in the first place? If they did, it seemed to be mostly speculation.

  12. Arg, this whole this is so comical. I seriously doubt they were ever a couple...I believe they have been in several blind about a couple that never have sex (and that his only relationship is to alcohol)...then they got caught when KS had a thing with her the whole PR thing backfired. Now of course they have to make up so they can promote the hell out of their next movie--which they seem to be doing, as none of their non-Twilight films do any business.

  13. @T.E. Cuz She deserves as much if not more guilt as the director. She knew he was married with kids & still had sex with him. That's just as bad in my book if not worse.

  14. I'm still not at all sure how "together" they were from the first. Angelina Jolie came right out and said, as quoted by the L.A. Times, that the whole Stewart-Pattinson "relationship" had been a PR ploy, at the best of the "Twilight" series producers, according to her. That coincided with one or two blinds I'd read here that was sure referred to Stewart and Pattinson.

    It would appear the couple have met and have reached some sort of modus vivendi, but we are probably no more likely to find out what that actually amounts to than we were last time.

    1. That Angelina Jolie twitter account was fake and has since been deleted...I'm pretty sure Angelina has more important things to worry about than the status of Kristen Stewart and Rober Pattinson's relationship...

  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- Even though she looks like a skanky meth-head, I love Kristen Stewart because she looks like she texts during sex.

  16. I think it's all been a publicity stunt, but I can't figure out what they were trying to accomplish. I alway found Kristin very A-sexual , and just not sexy at all! she and Pattison have NO chemistry together in the twilight movies. Maybe they are trying to sex up her image and generate some sexual tension that is non- existent for the release of the last movie? Just a thought.

  17. So.. The Sun says.... well.. most reliable source :>

    Regards from a Liverpool Supporter...

  18. @Robert Do you happen to have a link to that article?

  19. This is a PR fauxmance and they've got a movie coming out. I think they will keep the charade up until the DVD comes out next year and then "break up" for good and Robert will be out in the world openly getting his freak on. I am sooooo looking forward to that day, I'm completely tired of this fake story.

    Whatever happened between Kristen and Rupert is between them and Liberty. Shame on both of them for hurting his children, and if that whole affair was some type of PR ploy, then burn in hell to whatever genius thought it up. Again, two innocent children were dragged into that mess.

  20. I think there was a relationship of a sort at the beginning, and then when producers realized that a possible romance was setting off a frenzy of teenage hormones and under-sexed moms, the PR train hit the track.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. KStew's PR team is working overtime, huh? Rob is over this Twilight shit and can't wait for it to be over.

  23. Dunno bout now, but I've never gotten the whole "fake" vibe from them. They have so much in common and pre-twilight their careers paralled each other in content.

    In any case:
    Everything matters, and nothing is real.


  24. I find it interesting that so many people feel like they know the "truth" behind Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson's relationship when I doubt anyone commenting here has ever met them or had any contact with them aside from seeing their movies and reading about them in magazines. As for myself, I don't know them or their relationship status, but if they are truly in love then I hope they find a way to make it work. And if they don't, I hope they both move on and find happiness elsewhere.

  25. After watching Snow White last night, well, I suppose one thing that KS can do is draw the twilight fans to her movies. As for the acting, the penguins in Mr. Popper's Penguins showed more emotion than KS.

  26. I find it hard to believe Kstew has ever had sex with any man, I have gotten a total lady-lovin' vibe off her since she was in "Panic Room"...

  27. ITS NOT REAL!!!!! Ack!!

  28. I think it was a real separation, because Jodie Foster wrote a long article about Kristen Stewarts' being vilified...I can't imagine Jodie Foster being a party to a deception, or being deceived by a concocted Hollywood romance.

    I also hoped they would get back together. I think he's the one that loves more - otherwise a reconciliation probably wouldn't have been as likely to happen.

    I also thought (really) that they would get back together, because they have so much time invested in each other, personally and professionally.

  29. Uhuumm... Told ya the day the 'split' they were magicaly getting back together for the premiere....

  30. Am I the only person who notices that Kristen Stewart is not pretty? I don't even think she hits average. She is a little strange looking, I think. I would put her at about a four. I just don't get it.

    Of course, I also don't think Angelina is attractive either, so maybe it's me.

  31. A. They were never together in the first place.

    B. Rob is a huge pig himself...and possibly even bi-sexual if the rumors are true.

    C. Kristen is 22 and the guy she slept with is a 40 something year old married man with Children, who should have known better as the adult.

    D. This is all nothing but a publicity stunt for the upcoming Twi-hard movie.
