Thursday, September 06, 2012

The Real Salary Of Honey Boo Boo & Family

Yesterday, The Hollywood Reporter stated that Honey Boo Boo's family makes anywhere between $2K to $4K an episode for their hit TLC show. Then, TMZ called Honey's mom, June Shannon who said her family makes way more than that per episode. Here is what they actually make per episode. It is not the family that makes $2K-$4K per episode, but each family member. Yep. Whether the person is on the show or not that week, each of them makes that much per episode. June is the highest paid at $4K per episode and each of the kids and Sugar Bear make $2K an episode. A location fee of $2K per episode is also paid. So, if you add up the salaries of everyone and the location fee, the family makes $16K an episode for 10 episodes which is $160K for the ten episode season. When there is a next season, that number will probably at least double and should triple. Even at $500K for the season, TLC will be making money hand over fist with 3M viewers watching each week.


  1. Can you imagine the things these people are gonna do and buy with all that money? Can't wait.

    I doubt it, but I hope they save some.

  2. Are they still bidding for the day old baked goods? They can splurge now and buy them fresh.

  3. Hopefully they're smart and save it for later

  4. This is one of the most unfortunate looking families I've ever seen..however, I'll admit (not proudly) that I watch the shit out of this show.

  5. That'll buy a shit ton of Mountain Dew

  6. I watch the shit out of this show too! I freaking adore Honey Boo Boo and her family, they are so ridiculous it's endearing...

  7. They'll be the hillbilly Kardashians.

    I see June and the girls having their own fashion line at WalMart any day now.

  8. This is pathetic. I hope their 15 mins is almost up. And take the Kartrashians with you. Yuck.

  9. ^^^^awesome - lol

  10. I can't stand these people but I have to say they are great for encouraging dieters everywhere, one look at June and my appetite is gone.

  11. Oh my God. We watched this last night for the first time (the first two episodes). I thought all of the redneck/white trash "stereotypes" were just over-the-top, persistent jokes. THEY'RE REAL! They all exist in their house! I mean...June's "weightloss plan" is to fart a lot! Just think about how svelte Jessica Simpson would be if she just ate some beans here or there. I could've swallowed 100 flies, because my mouth was agape the entire time.

  12. I personally cannot watch this. I watch my share of reality shows, but I just have no desire to watch this trainwreck. I do appreciate that this show reveals trashiness and ratchet behavior is not characteristic of only one subset of the population, though.

  13. I don't have cable, so I only see clips on the Internet, but I love the fact this show needs subtitles in English!

  14. I don't watch it but I absorb it vicariously through the Internet and comments like these, including Mama June's foot flies from last week. Good enough for me, Michael K also does his part to provide coverage, don't even need to watch!

  15. I can't with these people! But yeah I get all the juicy details from here and Michael K too

  16. Maybe now they can shop at the REAL local department store and not the frigging DUMPSTERS.

    Jeebus H. Crimony, I cannot believe I watched a couple of episodes the other night and could. Not. Tear. My. Eyes. AWAY!!!

    Oh, and the "Shh! It's A Wig!" gal needs her own reality show. Just sayin'

  17. Oh yeah--the need for subtitles. Bwa ha haaa!

    (I admit, being from northeastern NC I don't need them. Scary.)

  18. I love it. I hope they get a big raise next season. How fabulous is it that TLC passed on all of those super spoiled brats that make up the majority of toddlers & tiara's and chose these hillbillies. You gotta know that all those other kids mom's from T&T are just super pissed that they got a show.

    I have a strong feeling that success will not change this little family.

  19. Last comment on HBBC, I swear--did y'all see the one daughter's baby was born with three thumbs???

  20. They appear to be genuiley good people and they are thrifty. It's like extreme coupon meets Beverly hillbillies.

  21. why is the theme to "The beverly Hillbillies" playing in my mind? lol

  22. How the hell is this even a show? Seriously WTF? I'd shoot my TV but then I'd miss Grimm, and I love me some Grimm

  23. I'm thinking I need my own damn reality tv show!

    A stay at home Mom, a Hubby who loves to BBQ, 2 teenage boys and a tween daughter. Crazy ass inlaws and an overbearing Mom (mine), 4 wacky cats

    My tag line could be "But I really did need another bottle of nail polish!"

    Ya'll would watch right?

  24. What's a Honey Boo Boo?

  25. Oh, that June lady is THIRTY-TWO. I thought she was in her 50s! I'm going to be 31 in about a month. Cannot wrap my mind around it.

  26. JoElla - I would definitely watch!

  27. how is Snooki or other reality show 'stars' different. So these people are overweight, got issues. Its ok ti watch Snooki get drunk, wonder aimlessly, watch JWOW turn into the joker. Never watched the show but if they go to pageants there setting goals work as a family unit, interacting. Im sure if they lived in suburbia, nice house, clothes the wouldn't be referred to as 'white trash'

  28. Peaceful - they refer to themselves as rednecks and are proud of it. In addition, I don't think anyone that comments here thinks Snooki and JWoww are awesome for being drunk shitshows. Most people I know only watch for the train-wreck factor, not because they're looking to emulate their lifestyle.

  29. I watch this show, too. They seem like nice, genuine people and little Honey Boo Boo is a sweetie pie. Yes, they are poor (or at least were), they are ignorant, and the world they've lived in is small. That doesn't make them bad people. After a few seasons, I hope they are able to maintain the essence of who they are and don't turn into a bunch of assholes. Right now, they have a healthy sense of humor, especially about themselves.

    As for the money, I'm surprised the amounts are so low for each. They should get more than that.

  30. oh, peaceful, honey, I think they would. Its their utter lack of wanting to engage in any sort of self improvement that makes them trashy. Other than that, I say, take the money and run!!

  31. The baby has two thumbs on one hand, not three. Or so I've read.

    What are "foot flies"? Do I even want to know. After I heard about her "neck crust"...I just...have nothing here. Does the woman not bathe? Being poor is one thing, but having proper hygiene is quite another.

  32. @auntliddy - you said what I was trying to formulate in my mind - their lack of wanting to engage in any sort of self improvement. That's what I can't stand about people like this (and the Jersey Shore crowd as well) They don't want to better themselves. That's why I can't watch that stuff. I just find a lack of drive to educate oneself or improve oneself just repulsive. I can't stand people who wallow in stupidity as if it were something to be proud of. (and excuse me ending in a preposition!)

    1. I know, i know! It used to be when you didnt know something you were kind of embarassed. Now people revel in it!! Look how dumb i am!!

  33. Don't watch this show. I live in the South and luckily, I've never met someone who gives soda to their baby.

  34. "They seem like nice, genuine people and little Honey Boo Boo is a sweetie pie. Yes, they are poor (or at least were), they are ignorant, and the world they've lived in is small. That doesn't make them bad people."

    I agree with you, however, that doesn't make them worth the airtime either. I can't get my head around the fact that people actually watch sh!t like this. Its depressing.

  35. My sister's friend works on the show and said she felt her IQ dropping the entire time.

    I've only seen clips, but from what I have seen, it makes me sad. Not because they're poor or uneducated (my background isn't that great either) but because I honestly worry about what the kids are doing to their bodies with all the junk food and soda. If the adults want to do that, that's their prerogative, but those poor kids are going to have long term effects from their diet.

  36. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

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  39. Honey boo boo is adorable. I hope she wins a higher title and the mom should do an episode of "I used to be fat" on mtv to bring in more money for her family even though I know that money will be used on honey boo boo's pageants

  40. If you take away the Cheez Doodles, farting, squealing baby pig, forklift foot, coupons, muffin tops, kitchen sink hair washing, Mountain Dew and foot flies, they really are a family who loves and cares about each other. And to me, that's worth watching.

    Of course I also watch for the foot flies. And for the made up words, like "vajiggle-jaggle." :)

    @AKM - Last week, June took her sock off to show her forklift foot (ran over in a warehouse accident) and the instant the sock was off, the toe was swarming with gnats. They wanted that toe funk. I almost lost my dinner.

  41. Good. I hope they make a lot of money and put it away. I can't judge these people because I did not grow up in the same set of circumstances. I will say, for all their "lack of education," they sure treat each other much better and than the "educated" women of RHONY treat each other.

    They aren't fake, they aren't mean, they love each other very much, they aren't verbally abusing each other, they aren't running around drunk or using drugs, there are 2 parents in the home who take care of the kids...might not be the way I take care of my kids, but those kids are loved in the only way their mom knows how.

    They are the anti-Kardashians...a slice of life that is very real for many Americans.

    1. God i hope not!!! For the foot flies alone!!!!!

  42. Maybe now that they're making all that money, Mama June can buy a can of Raid for her forklift foot toe

  43. With that dough, she should get her forklift toe fixed.

    Sorry, these people are gross.

  44. I am so unhappy I clicked on this and read it. Now I want to break something. I f'ing hate people.

  45. WTF are they going to do when the show is cancelled (it will be cancelled eventually, right? right) and they have to work?

  46. Tom Thumb and the Bearded Lady are rolling over in their graves. People in circus freak shows never made that kind of dough.

  47. T.E. Cuz..I grew up in the south and babysat for a 2 yr old that would not drink anything but 'co cola" or chocolate milk.

    Lord, please tell me why these people get fame and fortune and normal peopl struggle like hell. And YOU watch. They will be in a heaping pile o'trouble when they get some $$. Watch the fighting and death plottng to get the fortune start.

  48. I've never seen this show, but I don't begrudge these people their money. They could make five times that, maybe ten times it, and TLC would still make money. The whole purpose of these reality shows is to save the producers money because there's less spent on talent, acting, writing, directing, everything. But the ads still pay the same for the same viewership. To the producers, it's like working at a buffet and getting paid as if you are working at a five-star restaurant.

  49. Good I'm am glad they are profiting off THEIR lives just as TLC is.

  50. Sigh, TLC is the name of the channel, it's not The Learning Channel. They haven't called themselves The Learning Channel in years. That comment doesn't hold anymore.

    Sadly I watch but I find them revolting. I don't find them loving at all. The daughters take shots at their disgusting mother and she takes shots at them. They mock each other at their weigh-ins. The mother is a total bitch to her "baby daddy" and she's too ignorant to refer to him in any other way. They went to dinner on last night's episode and Alana got whatever she wanted because she wanted it. Nice boundaries.

    These people are horrid and I hate that the bar gets lowered to "they're having fun." Is that what's passable now? I know I'm kind of a hypocrite because I watch but there's nothing nice or real about them. Alana spouts off phrases no six year old should know but her idiot mother teaches her that and makes a puppet of her child.

    On last night's episode, did you see the creepy friend? Mama June is having sex with him, I guarantee you. And when the pulled stuff out of the dumpster, I'm certain they left the garbage everywhere. And I'm certain they are only wearing helmets because the cameras are there.

  51. One more thing, knowing their income from the show can truly hurt them. How pissed will people be knowing they're getting $160K for ten episodes while still trying to portray themselves as poor white trash? Could backfire on them. TLC can cancel them, there's always another trainwreck we'll watch.

  52. I don't watch any of the reality shit shows,but I've been subjected to pictures of that Jabba The Hut looking woman on web sites and she is disgusting. The whole family is gross as hell. It's not shocking that one of them has three thumbs,there has to be some inbreeding going n in that family. They're lucky it didn't come out with three heads.TLC should be ashamed of themselves for putting out this trash. The best looking smartest one in that family is the pig. I mean the 4 legged one.

  53. you have ryan seacrest to thank for this show.

    my kids watch it, so i have seen parts of it. in their defense, they seem very nice. which is more than i can say for most reality show folks. i usually end up feeling bad for them, because they are so unaware of their own ignorance. the world is really limited for people like this family. maybe the money will help move them out of their life style and the kids will do better.

  54. I love this family.

    They actually have souls, unlike PMK & the Kardasshole Krew, who whine, bitch & moan about their "trials & tribulations of being soooooo wealthy, beautiful, and fabu"

    Mama June is an avid couponer so she knows the value of a dollar and I'm glad they're getting paid. And this family really loves each other. They have a good time together & I wish them well.

  55. Oh, and that looks just like Teen Mom Amber Portwood putting the wig on Lil Boo Boo

  56. OK, reading all of the comments.....

    I can now come out of the Honey Boo Boo closet as I see that I am not alone. I just feel the need to watch; I find them inexplicably watchable.

  57. Peaceful- spot on about jwow turning into the joker...

    I am really glad to hear they are getting paid. No matter if you like te show or not, it's the biggest hit of the season and I'm glad try are compensated.

  58. I watched one episode one night when I couldn't sleep. It's absolutely horrifying and I feel really sorry for little Lana. She hasn't got a prayer.
