Friday, September 14, 2012

The Most Loyal Dog Ever

Six years ago, Capitan's master died and was buried. The man had died in the city and was taken to a cemetery that was extremely far from the home where he had lived with the dog. After the burial, no one in the family noticed the dog was missing. Then, one day they went to the cemetery and there was Capitan at the grave. The dog had found it on his own. Now, everyday, at 6pm the dog makes the journey from his home to the cemetery to lie beside the grave of his master. He has done so everyday for the past six years.


  1. This is an amazing story, and once again I'm reminded that we underestimate animals emotions. How people can abuse them they way they do, proves we, as humans, are the most untamed beast.

    He's also a beautiful dog.

    1. My thoughts exactly

    2. when i was a kid i was playing outside with my friends one day and this dog came walking by and i ran up to him b/c he was so pretty & none of my friends would go up to him for fear that he might bite but he was the sweetest dog ever & we found out who he belonged to in the neighborhood & returned him & i wasn't even halfway down the street when i heard this loud smack and then a yelp and i knew that he had hit that dog. well the dog kept getting out & he would only come to me & no one else, he would wait on my front porch for me & i would take him in & feed him & then my parents would make me return him to that evil man. one day i kidnapped him & kept him at cousins house who was nice enough to take him in since my parents wouldn't let me have him. but i always felt that our connection and that fact that he would only come to me & wait for me was b/c we both know what it's like to be abused --- to be hit with a belt. he truly was my bestfriend, we understood each other, i miss him but i'm glad the rest of his life was filled with happiness & that i got to see him as much as i wanted.

  2. Awesome story. Reminds me of the movie Hachi: A Dog's Tale.

  3. I have a German Shepard too. Best dogs ever!

    *wipes away tears*

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This makes me want to cry.

  6. Can't help but tear up when I read that. It is my believe that cats and dogs at least are as smart as toddlers. I could see that extending to many more mammmals than just cats and dogs too. So when people make up really lame excuses to foist off their pets on animal shelters, toss them from moving vehicles, abandon them in parks, etc, it is truly disgusting. You have to ask yourself, would I be comfortable doing this to a toddler?

  7. Yes, animals have emotions and souls. I so wanted this to not be true and haven't looked to see if that is indeed the case because that would mean he misses his pack leader. It's very sad, and now I'm crying! damnit!

  8. Pass me a tissue. I'm gonna go cuddle my puppy.

  9. oh my god, I'm crying.

  10. Dogs rule, people drool.

  11. Big ugly tears from me!!! My girl is right next to me and it makes me break down whenever I think of the day I will have to say goodbye. Thankful I should have atleast 10 more years with her. I had never had a dog. Now I understand that bond.

  12. Dogs rule, people drool.

  13. Beautiful loyal friend...tears

  14. What a good dog. Sweetest thing I've read in a long time.

  15. I wonder how the dog knew where to find it's buried master, people are not like bones covered under a few inches of soil. And if the body was embalmed and in a coffin I just don't know how it would be possible.
    Of course animals grieve. It was very sad to see one of my cats wander around the house looking for Honey the dog who I had to have put to sleep. The dog and cat were besties and the cat protected the dog from the other cats who liked to pick on her sometimes. This cat sat with the dog was she was having seizures. How do you tell a cat their friend is gone when you can hardly believe it yourself?

    1. when my mom had to put one of her dogs down a few years ago after she came home and let the other one in the house he ran all through the house looking for him he did that everyday until we had to put him down about 6 months later

    2. Both times I had to put a pet down I brought my other dog to the vet with me so that they would know what happened to their buddy and could say goodbye in their own doggie way. I truly believe it helps.

  16. I saw this story yesterday and I'm still blown away by the fact that he found his own way to the cemetery and found his master's grave. He sleeps on the grave every night. It is a story of true love and true loyalty.

  17. @FSP I love that movie!

    The ones I hate are the people that think "its just a dog" or "its just a cat". They have feelings too, if you wouldn't do it to a human, don't do it to animal.

    That is one beautiful dog!

  18. Really, animals ARE better than most humans!!

  19. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Reminds me of how when I was about a year old, my mom would leave me playing with the dog outside. I think it was either a bull or a boxer. That dog would bark at anyone walking past our house when I was outside. It was also a bit racist, wanting to bite the black people in our neighborhood. White people and hispanics were fine with him.

  20. I hope someone's driving the dog to the cemetery every day at 6pm.

  21. What a beautiful story about the enormous capacity of love, human and animal both.

  22. Doggies are teh awesome.

  23. Shit! This site is a pendulum of bipolar emotions over here! One minute I'm laughing my tits off, the next I'm in the fetal position rocking the tears away. Pass me the Kleenex please. While you're at it, ask Amanda if she can spare a nugget...maybe a Prozac.

  24. So sweet. I read this right after cleaning dog diarrhea out of my shag rug. So it puts things in perspective.

    Also we had a German Shepard when I was a kid. My dad was not a dog person and tried to give him away to a policeman when we were moving out of state. Every day, that dog would walk 3 miles back to our house from his new home. My dad finally gave in, and we were able to take him with us.

    He also would climb a ladder by our carport and then jump from the roof to get out of the backyard. He was the most clever dog!

  25. Shit! This site is a pendulum of bipolar emotions over here! One minute I'm laughing my tits off, the next I'm in the fetal position rocking the tears away. Pass me the Kleenex please. While you're at it, ask Amanda if she can spare a nugget...maybe a Prozac.

  26. He would also let my sister and I dress him up in our clothes. Such a good-natured boy.

  27. Blackcat- you officially made me cry again. I am sorry for you and your kitty.

  28. Enty got the story a little wrong. The dog stays at the cemetery now. The family has tried to bring him back home several times but he runs away and goes back to the cemetery. The grounds keepers say that during the day he will walk around the cemetery grounds sometimes but at 6:00 p.m. sharp every night he lays on top of the grave and sleeps. The crew make sure he has food and water.

    The amazing thing is that the man had adopted the dog and only had him for a year when he died. This has been going on for 5 or 6 years now. This is why animals hold a special place in my heart and life.

  29. Awkward tears at lunchtime! This should have come with a warning. I love dogs. They're more human than humans could ever be.

  30. oh lord New Life that makes it even more gut wrenching. This just kills me and that the cemetery workers are taking care of him...that put me over the edge.

  31. That dog looks exactly like my dearly departed dog Dutch. I was blessed with having him for 14 wonderful years. Dogs are incredible.

  32. @smashbash - I'm in the same boat as you. Didn't grow up with dogs or cats, never had a dog, never wanted a dog, didn't like dogs. But my husband really wanted one and I finally gave in...and now I love that slobbery bitch! :)

  33. @loubea - we had a German Shepherd also when we were kids and I distinctly remember my sister and I dressing him up in doll clothes. He always tolerated it well. German Shepherds always look like they're smiling.

  34. Another Hachi! Love it. I think our pets are here to remind us about the true meaning if unconditional love and loyalty.

    That being said, I'm convinced Kleenex searches fir these stories and gets them published. *sniff*

  35. New Life and Attitude - thanks. I had read the same articles as you yesterday. I wanted to know more about this story. :)

  36. We've mourned at our dogs passing, but they mourn each other as well.
    Our Mastiff died when she was eleven and half years old, ancient for a Mastiff. Our Chow Chow mix took her morning treat and laid it on the spot where the Mastiff died every morning. It would break my heart again every morning, then six months later she died suddenly at thirteen.

    We can only hope to be a loyal as they are.

  37. This made me cry. And reminded me of another dog story I saw, probably on PBS. A German Shepard would meet his owner at the train every afternoon to greet the owner when he came back from work. One day, the owner had a heart attack and died while at work, so never came back on the train. The dog still goes to the train stop every afternoon in hopes his owner will show up.
    And now I'm crying again

    1. Here's the rest if the Kleenex for you ^^^^

  38. Dogs may be the best species on the planet:)

  39. I love this story. I'm at work though and I really want this lump choking me up to go away.

    The movie Hatchi made me bawl for days!!! God, animals have so much to teach us.

  40. New Life...The idea that this dog had only known the owner a year, makes me sadder, thinking how awful his life must have been before he was adopted, to have bonded so.

    That poor dog.

    Black Cat--I have lost my share of elderly cats over the years, and have seen my cats grieve over a guy they pretended to despise for 15 years.

  41. I never wanted a dog either. My first Shepherd came with the boyfriend. We had a rough start, but he kept at me and I fell in love. He lived to be almost 15yo - a long time for a Shepherd. I was so devastated by his loss that I didn't get another dog for 4yrs.

    I think Shepherds are a lot like people. They are very emotional and sensitive beasties. It makes me sad that so many people are afraid of them. Big sweet loveable friends! And they are very smart, which is hard to handle sometimes. I have to be one step ahead of his brain all the time. My new guy is a handful and needs constant training. The smiling face and giant ears more than make up for it.

  42. Aw, Dawgfriend.

  43. In 2006 I adopted a Mastiff from a Dog rescue. He had been in 8 different homes. My daughter came home from College the day he got here, to meet him. It was Love at first sight. She came home every weekend after that and he would wait for her, they slept together and he would try to sit in her lap. He liked my husband because he would feed him cookies. He was a big Mastiff not fat at all, all muscle. Took him to the Vet for a check up and Mastiff's drool a lot. The Vet had a paper towel dispenser on the wall and we told the Dog they were his towels, so he stood on his hind legs and got one down. We had him for 8 months when he got sick one day (Bone Cancer) he died 2 weeks later in my Daughter's lap. He waited for her to get home to die. He is buried with her.

  44. Old;ady- thank you for putting your daughter and her best friend to rest together. You are a wonderful soul.

  45. @old;lady, My deepest sympathy to you on the loss of your daughter. The Mastiff was meant to be with your daughter.

    Ours was loving and faithful as well, she didn't have to be trained they just naturally want to do what
    pleases you.

    We were lucky to have them.

  46. Maja with a J- I almost killed my bf after we got our first girl dobe. She is the most sweet, gentle, kind girl. She whines like a baby would cry sometimes but other times she is a doll. She should have been a therapy dog! (long story why she isn't but shortened the trainer was not nice and made me cry a lot). I have been crying while reading this whole thread, I never thought she would mean so much to me. (here come the waterworks)

    Dia- German shepherds are amazing dogs, if it weren't for the hair that is the dog we would have got. :)

  47. Old ;ady - You are an amazing woman. I want to come to your house and give you the biggest hug! I'm going to an angel workshop this weekend and would love to send you some love if that's ok with you :)

    1. Dia papaya, I don't know if you'll be back, but what is an angel workshop? I know this not :o)

  48. Smashie - the hair is a problem, but you get used to it. I brush and brush and have a whole dogful of hair! I vacuum a LOT.

    But I LOOOVE him. Hair and all! And I love the expressive ears! The are so big, like satellite dishes.

  49. Yes this story and all animal stories bring me to tears. I have a german shepherd (she's all black) and she is such a gentle and loving dog. She looks scary to others until they realize what a baby she is. The other night she woke me up in the middle of the night standing on me (she sleeps on the bed along with my other 2 dogs and cat). Literally standing on me. She looked like she had had a bad dream because as soon as I woke up and said her name she collapsed on me and laid her head under my chin and "hugged" me while she whimpered a little until she fell back to sleep. The other dogs all seemed to sense she was upset and came and laid closer to her too (one is a little mix dog and my boy is a boxer/lab mix). They are all the best of friends along with the cat. I cried just looking at them all being concerned.

    I joke with people about how I'm not a baby person. Like someone brings their baby and everyone scrambles to hold the baby and I kind of step back, but someone brings a puppy or any kind of dog and I'm all over them.

  50. I'm officially a puddle of tears here. Where's a story of Lilo behaving badly to pick you back up when you need it.

    All these comments are bringing back the tears. Our 2 and half year old Frenchie died of a heart attack while we were away on holidays this summer. He was my world. We dropped him off at the kennel, and it never once occurred to me that I would never see him again. It was horrible when the kids started back at school 2 weeks ago. That's when it really set in that he was gone and I was all alone.

  51. Since I can't figure out links....
    Google Greyfriar's Bobby. His statue is a highlight of many trips to Edinburgh. :)

  52. @dia papaya, that is okay with me. I am a life long Dog and Cat lover. I got my first rescue in the 70's a 140 lb. German Shepherd. Sam, he was all heart. Every Dog has a different personality and Sam was like "Steve McQueen", so cool.

  53. I saw the movie Hatchi. If you haven't seen it I recommend it. It's a very nice story.

  54. Thanks old ;ady!

    I love your Steve McQueen dog story. The personality of animals! My new pup is so feisty and wicked. But then he'll lay on you and cuddle for hours. 85 lbs is a big lap dog!!! My first dog would never cuddle; only when I was really sad. But that one had the sweetest temperament. A kind old soul. He was a tiny Shepherd too, only 65 lbs.

  55. Like others have said, it's just like "Hachi." I can't recommend watching that movie. If you're anything like me, you'll practically suffocate on your own tears. I was literally gasping I was crying so hard. There are other movies like that. One is "Eight Below." As an animal lover, I just can't go there.

  56. I love stories like this...I feel bad for people that are not "dog people" or do not understand the amazing connection and comfort that animals, especially dogs, can bring to people. I still get tears in my eyes if I think of my childhood dog, who lived for 17 years.

  57. old;ady: how much shit have you had to endure? Oh woman I hope you win the lottery or have something amazing happen to you because you have been through the ringer..I wish I could hold you and rock you and give you love like no one ever has. You've had so much pain it seems.

    Del, Black Cat et. al. with the animals missing one another: You are making me cry all over again...

  58. This story sounds like bullshit. I don't buy it.

  59. Ten years ago I was living in shared accommodation. The sister of one of my roommates bought herself a puppy and she'd come and visit. That puppy was not treated well at all - I told the roommate and her sister that they had one chance and one chance only to get their act together or I was going to take the puppy and find her a better home. Cut to two days later and the roommates *hole friend throws the puppy from the mezzanine level of our home.

    Happy ending. I gave the puppy to my bridesmaid and they lived happily ever after. I told the roommate that the dog had run away as they were *holes. My roommate and her slack-jawed sister threatened to throw me off the mezzanine level of our house. This went down like a cup of cold vomit with the preacher landlord (I was pregnant at the time) and the roommate was evicted.

    Puppy 1 - *holes 0

  60. So beautiful and I'm not at all surprised. Animals/our pets are simply amazing.

  61. I'm not an animal lover like so many here (I mean, dogs are cool & all, but I don't get all moony over them) - and this story still gave me a serious case of the awwwwwws. Thawed my frosty little heart.

  62. i started a new job this week, working with hospice patients. today, a woman who is very close to dying was agitated and i asked if she wanted her dog. she said yes, the first word she had spoken in 2 days. i got her little dog and put it on her bed and placed the woman's hand on the dog. the woman smiled (first in a long while i'm told) and they sat like that until the woman died. at the end of life, you don't want to sit with your red soled shoes or your stock certificates. i think i'm getting a dog.

  63. I seriously believe there is nothing better then the loving connection you get with a dog, we have had loads of dogs growing up on the farm but we recently lost one called Del. He was so special, a real character and i have never met a dog who showed you as much love as he did, growing up he always followed me and my bro everywhere round the farm to look after us and would come running if he heard you scream or shout. He would always look you directly in the eyes and watch your facial expressions, in fact the neighbours used to call him the 'dog with the human eyes', he was something else that dog, i miss him :(

  64. @old;ady, i look forward to your posts even though i know i may cry. You are SO brave, strong, wise and kind in all aspects of your life that i'm in awe of you. You are an inspiration! All i can do is send best wishes and hugs to you.

    And re our four legged friends and babies -- They are far better than we are. We are the lucky ones to have them in our lives.

  65. @ jennifer hansen and @ Bad Secretary

    I'm so glad those dogs got their happy endings. I only wish that each and every abused pet could be so lucky.

  66. Red Dog is another good dog movie....

  67. Since this is turning into a general thread about dogs, to anyone still reading, that "dog in the water" picture dog is doing better, for being 19 years old. People moved by the picture have donated things like orthopedic dog beds, elevated food bowls, money for laser treatment for his artritis, and a "lifetime" supply of specialty food. The owner said the dog is acting 15 again (or something like that). The vet agrees that the dog is still happy and enjoying a quality life. It made me happy to read the update, so I thought I'd share it.

  68. Well folks, that's a dog for ya.....
    Started crying while reading all your great stories....and Dora, my 12 year old shar-pei Shepard marched over and flopped down on my feet.

  69. Okay between this story and the story about the blind man and his guide dog in one of the twin towers on 9/11 mixed with a little PMS will have me going through boxes of tissues.

    The 9/11 story was that when the first plane hit this guy was in his office with his seeing guide dog. The dog started to panic walking around back & forth in the office. They decide to evacuate and as they are going down the stairs the dog is trying his best to get his human down safely. Well with everyone else going down and the firemen going up the stairs, one fireman tells the guy to let his dog go and that the people will guide him down.

    He lets the dog go and the dog starts to go down and then stops, turns around and goes back up to be by his humans side. Next thing I know I have friggin tears pouring down my cheeks. I have such a soft spot for dogs. <3

  70. Love this story.

    We had a German Shepherd when I was growing up. He was so loyal. We took him in as a stray, my grandfather made hang gliders and he turned up to the factory where my parents both worked. A coworker took him with him when he went out for a glide (didn't ask to take him). When he returned from his glide the dog was gone. We were devastated. A week later the dog turned up at our house. He had to have walked 30 or so miles, across freeways. His paws were a mess and he wasn't in great shape, but he recovered. This guy did it again. And he never came back this time. :( I am so amazed to this day that he found his way home, I mean how??? We had a cat go missing and she came home five months later, healthy as can be. Guess she lived somewhere else for a little while! She was pure white, Mum said it was like seeing a ghost when she saw her at the glass sliding door. We have two 8 month old Husky sisters, loves of our lives. Hubby had wanted them for years, our girls are six and eight and adore them. One of the pups is the biggest lovebug, she makes me day with her lovin'! Her sister is super smart. Gorgeous dogs. Makes up for their destructive nature. A little... :D

  71. @Mari - My mother told me about Greyfriars Bobby and I've watched two movies about it. It is definitely tops on my list of places I want to see when I visit Scotland.

    Dogs are amazing, wonderful creatures. The end.
