Monday, September 17, 2012

"The Master" Sets Box Office Record

The Master was shown on just five screens in New York and Los Angeles over the weekend, but the anti-Scientology movie shattered the per screen record and ended up taking in an average of over $145K per screen. At one point it was thought the movie might make $150K per screen. It beat the four month old record of Moonrise Kingdom which had the previous record of $130K per screen back in May. I did not get a chance to see the movie this weekend but can't wait to do so. I get the feeling that this weekend there were probably a bunch of SeaOrg people inside each theatre taking photos and writing down license plate numbers.


  1. I can't wait to see this. PSH is a great actor as is JP.

    Dia! I am comin to Portland tomorrow. My friend and I would love to meet up with you or maybe try some acupuncture. I will wait till later when I find you to post
    My email address :)
    Everyone have a great day!

  2. It's so cool to see Co$ exposed more and more every day! Little by little these thugs are being taken down.. My newest example came this weekend .. There's a kiosk in a mall here in Portland that had been Co$ for as many years as I can remember. Saturday my gf sent me a pic of the kiosk and it is now a " How was your experience at our mall? " comment drop box! This certain kiosk was well known to have Co$ members call you drug addicts if you ever walked up and questioned them about their beliefs or reading material. It's a little victory but I am glad slowly but surely they are being run out of all their old familiar places! I have no affiliation with Scientology but half my family escaped a knarly Christian cult about ten years ago so after reading all the VV pieces on Co$ I have made it my mission to tell everyone I know how kooky these people are and hopefully spread awareness..
    Hopefully this movie will help liberate a few more people from these nuts

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Replies
    1. He is an awesome actor. Weird, but awesome.

  5. Will this be released worldwide? I'd be into seeing it. Was anyone here at any of the screenings? I'd like to see a review.

    Glad Joaquin is back.

  6. I think Joaquin should be Oscar nominated for this.

  7. I wanted to see this yesterday, but part of me was scared there would be Sci-Ti peeps there who might do something crazy.

  8. I saw it on Friday in NYC Licoln Center no Scientology protesting very relaxed atmosphere in the theatre. I thought the movie was great. Nothing big happens, it's a very subtle movie. It shows how easily you can be swept up into a cult. Joaquin and Philip deserve Oscar noms. It doesn't bash Scientology either but you see clearly its based on it.

    I can see why Tommy would have "issues" with it.

  9. Tony Ortega is leaving Village Voice this week. He will be writing a book about Co$.

    Hopefullly, he'll find Shelly

  10. Hey timebob, we're neighbors!

    Wow, Tony is leaving Village Voice? His book will be awesome but that kinda sucks. :(

  11. If JP doesn't win an oscar for this the oscars are dead to me.
    this film was beautiful - but drink coffee first. It's a long'un. And it CLASSILY confronts the CO$ - imho.

  12. I'm more interested in seeing Argo than this but I will see this so I know the scoop. I know I will leave the theater thinking "How has CO$ managed to get this far?"

  13. it's not an anti-scientology movie, it takes inspiration from l ron hubbard. that's it

  14. Seeing this on Saturday. Cannot WAIT.

  15. Don't worry, Enty - the Scientologists have had your number for a long time!

  16. Can't wait, can't wait. And ha ha Sea Org I can walk to my theater. No license plate taking for you LOL

  17. I unfortunately have no one I know that wants to see this - so I will go alone - this weekend - and I will love it - I'm sure of it!

  18. Even though he's batshit crazy, there is something I find sexy as hell about Joaquin. So, yes I will see this movie.

  19. Okay, I'm gonna say it-maybe it's because I mostly only join on this online community, but the way I hear anti-scientologists talk is so much more conspirital and creepy than any pro-scientology experience I've had (though that is not much, from the sounds of it, it is the same amount as those who hate it).

    The first time I ever heard about Scientology was as a freshman in college in SoCal. There was this "girls gone wild" cute, very cool, local chic, livng on my loor.
    I found her sitting outside her room in the hallway looking intensely off into space, saying nothing. I asked her what was wrong; "sick" she whispered; I touched her headed and it was burning. I immediately went full African, "why haven't you taken any drugs??" Her roomate piped in, "her parents are scientologists, they don't believe in medication." whaaaaa?? I thought. The girl went back to staring off into space and breathing in shallow breaths-hardly at all.
    I walked away and thought, "something that teaches you to master pain without drugs; she is even cooler than I thought!"

    No I'm not one of them, never wanted to be, thought about it, looked into, whatevs. I'm just saying my experience and how it made me see how the things we are raised in can give us such different strengths.

    That zen fever shit was COOL. Contrived spews of paranoia, not so much.

    It's ok to bring the hate-I'm feeling mighty fine today...;p

  20. There's overlap with posters/lurkers here & VV so FYI check out Tony's goodbye Running Scared. In the comments you'll find the link to the new Google Group the Rodeo Watchers are going to. Deckard Cain set it up. Hope to see everyone there!

  21. Hey Smashie! Great news! I have a full day tomorrow, but maybe I could see you for lunch or a coffee? How do we do this? I don't want to put my info on here.

    1. I want to add that I'm getting my 3rd acupuncture treatment tomorrow and I'm completely hooked! Yes I was a little scared the first time on my back (so the needles were in my front) and the second time I was on my stomach so piece of cake. But I leave with such a huge feeling of euphoria that it's addicting! I even convinced my friend who's half way across the country to go! Do u do Chinese or Japanese acupuncture Dia? What do u feel on if it should "hurt" or not?

  22. **why don't u guys add on Facebook Or twitter or make an instant message account just for this that u can delete after or don't post your personal info so u can use it again for this purpose?

  23. Good idea katsm0711! My style is a mix of lots of things. I tend to be very gentle though with my needling, then I throw in some Reiki and sound healing. It's a wacky mix but works! You never know, but sometimes dead relatives show up too. My upstairs "helpers" are always there though. Haha!!!

    So glad you are having a good experience! High Five!

  24. I've been doing acupuncture for about 3 yrs for chronic pain from a really bad leg/foot injury. I also did reiki to get through the 3 surgeries I had to put my foot back together.

    It has kept me off drugs and I think I would have lost my mind without it. I wish my insurance covered it...but I paid off my car the year I got hurt and now the acupuncture is my car payment, lol.

  25. Dia! Hopefully we will catch eachother tonight. My phone has been down all day until just now. Coffee or lunch sounds good. I have a twitter @antiquesashley. I have an etsy page and you could possibly message me over there

  26. I saw it on Saturday and completely agree, Philip Seymore Hoffman and Joaquin were brilliant. Amy Adams was really good too. Paul Thomas Anderson is such a gifted director and one of my favorites. I hope he does a documentary on the making of The Master like he did for Magnolia.

  27. Smashie! I twittered you!

  28. Hey dia! I will go check now.

  29. @ Dee Lurker: Are you sure she wasn't a Christian Scientist and not a Scientologist? I thought Scientologists just didn't believe in psychotropic drugs. Christian Scientists don't believe in taking any medication, or receiving medical treatment.

    1. LOL...I was thinking the same thing.
