The Goopster Does It Again
Just when you thought it was impossible for Gwyneth Paltrow to get any more pretentious, she finds a way. She obviously thinks she is better than every human being on the planet and she is not shy about saying it. It is like she has no self censor button. Do you think when she gets drunk, if that ever happens that she becomes someone sweet and easy going who would share cigarettes and have burping contests? She gave an interview to InStyle and immediately got on my nerves because she says her kids get cross with her sometimes. Gwyneth, just because you are married to a guy from England and live there a few months a year does not make you British. Just say your kids get mad at you. Anyway, the reason they get mad at her is not because of what she named them. That will come later in life. It is because she only lets them watch television if it is in French or Spanish. I'm assuming it is because she wants them to be able to speak several languages because she has grown up feeling inadequate because she can't. Either that or she thinks any English language television programs suck which means her kids don't have to watch her in Glee although she probably tells them they can watch English television and movies as long as it stars her. Great. Shakespeare In Love tonight or View From The Top.