Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tara Reid Falls Down - Goes Boom

I guess Tara Reid got a last second call for some work in St. Tropez because last I had seen she had packed up and moved to London for the fall, while she could find someone to winter with or even to do some actual work. In the fall, is Tara's best time to do work. If you need her for a show or a quick cameo in a movie, the fall is your best bet. Anyway, back to St. Tropez she went and while she was there she decided to have a drink or 17 as is usually the case with her and then she saw these men who looked solid and well built and she went to say hi, but it turned out to be a bunch of motorcycles and she went down, but not before the cameras could go click click click.


  1. The video is worse. You can hear how wasted she is.

  2. Em - Psshhh...she's not wasted she's just tired! :P

  3. That is just sad. :(

  4. Her face looks very bloated.

  5. What happened to Team Jedward Intervention?

  6. Video? Please post!

  7. @Sandbox, here you go:

  8. You guys have it all wrong! She's a mechanic now and she's just down on the ground fixin' those cycles!

  9. Thanks for the video Em.

    That is a Hot Mess situation!!! And her hair has a family of squirrels living in it. Is she 27 yet?

  10. Time is running out for this poor girl. Her liver isn't going to last much longer.

  11. She was tweeting that someone at TMZ shoved her and THAT'S why she fell down. Sounds like she and Lindsay must've taken a class together at some point...

  12. Anonymous9:05 AM

    At the age of 30 (if she makes it) she will look like 60.

  13. LOL Sugar! That's it!

    If she makes it til November, she'll turn 37.

  14. Doesn't this poor girl have any friends or family who care about her? Not one single person from the AP franchise? Has she driven them all away? If anyone was in dire need of Celeb Rehab or Dr. Drew's interference, it's her. She was so sweet and likable in American Pie--I think she could have had a nice career. I could see her in the Amanda Seyfreid type roles had she kept her shit together. I'm torn between pity and disgust.

  15. She has got to be much older then 30.

  16. She was born in 1975. A little too old to be acting like this. She definitely needs someone who loves her to help her get to rehab.

  17. Are we going to start the Reid Death Watch soon? Because....damn.

  18. A friend had pancreatitis like Tara did and his doctors told him to quit drinking or die. He quit. Tara may not make it to the next yachting season.

  19. She is just dehydrated and exhausted duh.

    Jedward is probably in London, they need a leash for their Tara.

  20. I think I've posted this before on a TR story, but a girl I went to HS with reminds me so much of her - was a HUGE party animal. When she was 21, she was admitted to the hospital for both kidney and liver failure. Doctors told her to give up the booze if she wanted to survive. She did.

    She's 29 now, and in decent health. But it was very touch-and-go there for about six months. Tara needs to clean up, or she won't make it many more years.

  21. A friend of my daughter's died at 36 from liver failure, she was drinking a bottle of Vodka a day, sometimes more. A woman that worked for me who never missed a day of work, or seemed intoxicated died of acute liver failure from booze at 40.

    Tara must have someone who cares about her. If not, how very sad.

  22. She had pancreatitis? Already? That is not a good sign. At 37 her body won't put up with this for much longer. Alcohol abuse damages women much faster than it does guys. She was sober for a while there - what happened?

    I feel bad for her. She is hooked on alcohol (maybe also drugs?) and fame, possibly the most addictive drug of all. People who try to hold on to the limelight long after their moments have passed are driven as low as any addict can go.

    She must've alienated family or anyone who truly would care for her. Sad...but if she did experience sobriety at one point, she knows what she has to do.

    (Her friend looks to be as bad as her, BTW)

  23. Sad and sloppy.

    I'll quote Amy from Lizard Lick--Tara is becoming both a slore and skootch.

    I thought Tara has family who loves her. Whey must she behave this way and follow this hardcore lifestyle?

    Then again, why does anyone do anything destructive to themselves?

    Sigh. Just a rhetorical question, obviously...

  24. I surely don't know too much about treating alcoholics, but I did have an aunt who died from alcoholism. My uncle got power of attorney, forcibly sent her to rehab, and she maintained sobriety for a year or so in an assisted living situation ( she was in her 60's, and had health complications from a life of boozing).

    My uncle realized (lots of therapy) he was keeping her basically trapped there, and brought her home to make her own choices. She was back on a bottle a day of Jack Daniel's immediately, and didn't live much longer.

    My long-winded point is, for whatever reason, my aunt got a real taste of sobriety, and then chose booze over everything else life could offer (they were wealthy business owners - could literally go anywhere and do anything). Maybe that's where Tara's at, and maybe her family knows it. Maybe they forcibly cleaned her up, and she didn't want sobriety in the end.

  25. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I gotta give tara props. The girl cleans up really well. As messy as she gets (shes a sloppy drunk) she cleans that shit UP. Ive never seen someones looks go to such extremes.


  26. Where's her husband in all this?

  27. @Frufra you're so right, darling. When it comes to sobriety, you've gotta want it.

    Tara never had much talent to begin with. She was a pretty girl next door. She ruined her looks fast, then "fixed" them with plastic surgery, which she was lucky to be able to afford.

    This amateur celeb psychologist thinks she's desparate to believe she's still a big name...and she can't hold on to this illusion unless she's drunk or high. God forbid reality kicks in and she has to look at her life and actually change it.

    Like I said, sad. But at this point, the choice is hers.

  28. I wonder if she drinks and drugs to makr the yacht girling tolerable?

  29. she tweeted afterwards that the paps made her fall. tropped her or pushed her, can't remember. and added something like "i will fight this for 100% always". uh huh.

  30. She must have been bruised all the colors of the rainbow the next morning. FWIW, motorcycles are hard to tip over, despite what we see in movies where a nerd will bump up against one and they all fall down like dominoes. I think that was a scooter she was next to. It would be interesting to know exactly what happened.

    Anyone know whose yacht she was boarding? And yeah, where's her husband??

  31. This happened to my ex-wife on our 18th anniversary, the one where I knew It Was Over. So humiliating that it's still difficult to face the neighbor who helped me pick her up and carry her two doors home. I have no idea how she can face him--she still lives there. I wonder if she has any idea how humiliating it was, even if she may not be drinking any more. Maybe she has no shame.

  32. Didn't Pee Wee Herman do the same thing outside the biker bar? Tell her to jump on the bar & do a dance to "Tequila". All will be forgiven.

  33. Bunny Lebowski. She was the light of my life.

  34. I think I just contracted herpes from that second picture...

  35. Man, it's tough to watch someone throw themselves down the drain. @Snakeoiler and Frufra, I feel for you.

  36. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I didn't realize Tara was already 36 when I commented yesterday. Still...
