Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tameka Foster Says Usher Wants To Have Sex With All Their Bridesmaids

I really need to go back and look at the wedding photos of Usher and Tameka Foster. Oh wait. I am not supposed to call her that. Apparently even though she hates Usher with every ounce of her being and thinks he is the most despicable person in the world and that she is her own person, she prefers Raymond to Foster. If someone cheated on me with half my wedding party, I might have to rethink that. Tameka says that usher didn't just sleep with one bridesmaid but has slept with two multiple times and did so while Tameka and Usher were still married. She is not sure if Justin Bieber watched or took notes. Oh, and Tameka would also like you to know she is not a gold digger.


  1. wow, this is surprising, I always thought Usher was more like a Ricky Martin, just married the ho to have his sons...I guess not?

  2. Sounds like she needs better friends.

  3. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Find it amusing that women marry musicians and athletes and expect fidelity.

  4. She got exactly what she deserved. Who marries someone famous and expects them to be faithful...
    That would be a miracle ..

  5. So, Tameka had males in her bridal party? :| I swear, she and Wendy Williams got into it after their relationship was announced and the issue of blackmail came up, with Tameka being the perp.

    Anyway, I'm sure it's possible to be married to a athlete and have them not cheat...look at Doug Christie. His wife has him living in fear of his shadow.

  6. Normally, i wld use cute anagram like stfu. But this trick is not remotely subtle, so I say: Shut the hell up, please, u r making an ass of yourself, plus think of your children reading this!!!!!!!! So narcassitic!!!! Ugh!

  7. if you get married you have the right to believe in fidelity. no one should get a pass because they're famous. we can't be this jaded.

  8. Disagree. Not saying there might be the few "good ones" that don't cheat and are famous, but fame and $$ puts celebrities in way too many tempting situations you'd have to be pretty naive to think they're never going to cave once.

  9. Errr, we can turn that around, right?

    Usher should expect to be bled financially dry because he is famous and chose to marry.

    It doesn't work that way.
    People have the right to expect fidelity from someone who puts a ring in their finger and makes a solemn promise, famous or not.

  10. I can't stand when people say you shouldn't expect your husband to not cheat because he is famous. You shouldn't get married if you plan on cheating.

  11. She probably kept the name for her kids. I kept mine even though it's 12 letters long and I truly hate my ex.

  12. Um, are we sure she didn't mean to say groomsmen? Surely Usher is not sleeping with the bridesmaids?

  13. I find it hard to believe one word this woman says. She never has a good word to say about anyone. It's complain complain complain.

  14. Why get married if you plan on cheating?

    The fact that so many of you believe that because someone is famous they will automatically cheat is very, very scary. Maybe I'm jaded, but I would like to believe that people going in to marriage believe that their partner will be faithfully. Who's to say she didn't go into the marriage, hoping for forever?

    And to say that she got exactly what she deserved? That's harsh. Not only did her oldest son die, now she is only able to see her other 2 children 11 days a month. And why? Because their father is rich & famous. If the roles were reversed, don't you think she'd be the one with physical custody?

    1. No, I don't, because she doesn't actually have custody of her other children either. They all live with their respective fathers IIRC. Although I'm no Usher fan, this is apparently not the first time she has been judged unfit so maybe there was a compelling reason the judge decided the way she did.

    2. Tameka has joint custody of all her kids. She lost primary custody of the little ones. Meaning that Usher now has them more than her. But she still has joint custody--she was not judged unfit. Oh, and Usher still has to pay Tameka child support given the disparity in their incomes. I read the Order.

  15. I thought they got married in Usher's lawyers' office? What bridesmaids?

  16. I agree with the above. Why get married if you're going to cheat? This just baffles me.

  17. What a mess. I agree that all these celebrities who get married only to cheat repeatedly are idiots.

  18. They marry for image purposes to solidify their careers and ability to make huge dollars
