Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sons Of Anarchy Actor Dead

If you thought this was going to be some spoiler from Tuesday night's episode of Sons Of Anarchy, you don't have to worry. I won't spill anything but you need to watch it right now and not wait. This is about Johnny Lewis who played Kip "Half Sack" Epps for two seasons of the show. This was the most bizarre Hollywood death in awhile. Johnny rented a room from an elderly woman. At some point Lewis got into an argument with a neighbor and a person who was working on the home where Johnny lived. Johnny beat both of them seriously with a piece of wood. He then somehow killed the elderly woman and then killed himself. Police are still trying to figure out how Johnny Lewis killed himself and why all of this occurred. I'm guessing drugs. I would not be shocked if it was PCP or bath salts. The guy just snapped.


  1. Wow. SOA is an awesome show. This is just crazy.

  2. I was shocked to see this! I loved Half Sack, and he seemed to not be a crazy in real life. Sad. Maybe he was like the rest of us and was pissed about Opie getting killed and flipped!

  3. @shauniebear - Right! I can't believe they killed off Opie.

  4. FSP, I'm a HUGE SOA fan, but it will never be the same without Opie! It should've been Tig!

  5. @Shauniebar...thanks for the spoiler :( Holy F. Im only finishing up the season prior to the current.

  6. Spoiler alert guys..I didn't watch job interferes with my ability to keep up on shows :(

  7. Nooooooooo!!! Not Opie!!! In Ireland we have to wait til January for series 5. I knew I shouldn't read the comments but I did it anyway.

  8. Omg I feel like such a butthole now! I'm sorry for the spoiler...I thought it had already been discussed on here somewhere yesterday!! My apologies!

  9. maybe you should delete your comment. that was so not cool.

  10. According to ABC news, he even killed the lady's cat. And he attacked two other neighbours who were attracted to the scene because of the screams of the lady & handyman.

  11. It's pretty obvious with posts about a particular tv show that the show will be discussed. Avoid the thread if you're worried about spoilers.

    And it was discussed yesterday, but I was careful not to mention Opie's death.

  12. @Idle- I can't delete comments from my phone..I apologized, so let's move on. Kthanksbye!

  13. Does sound like a bath salts event.

  14. I remember him from his guest stint as the serial killer who was trying to find his calling on Criminal Minds. According to IMDB he was also on Quintuplets, one of the worst shows ever. This is just weird.

  15. wow i'm a huge SOA fan and I remember Kurt Sutter said that Johnny asked to be released from his contract becuase he felt the role was too small and he wanted to pursue bigger roles. Kurt did and wanted to give half sack an "honorable death" as a thank you. Loved half sack was so bummed when he was killed off.

    He was a good actor to be renting a room seems like things weren't going well for him and just lost it.

    Fun fact TMZ posted that he and Katy Perry dated in 2006 they had a picture of them and lets just say Katy really has transformed herself ooofa.

  16. Wow. Reading all your comments makes me want to start watching SOA. Maybe after I finish S5 of Breaking Bad...

  17. TMZ is saying cops think it was PCP or meth because the men he attacked spoke of his extraordinary strength.

    @ Timebob
    the house is in an upscale neighbourhood and the lady regularly rented rooms on a short-term basis to established actors and producers.

  18. @ TimeBob
    I didn't know he asked to be released from his contract. Kind of stupid thing to do. The role was small enough that he could take other gigs, yet benefit from the profile of the show.

  19. Silence on Twitter from all SoA associates. Ryan Hurst's friend, Jackson van Houten, just tweeted condolences to Johnny's family.

  20. Im so sorry to hear this. RIP. again, if we cld map the brain, and get rid of addiction, world wld be happier place.

  21. TMZ is now reporting that Johnny was fresh out of jail on charges unknown at the time and recently in rehab. Looks like he was on PCP as witnesses are saying he showed "superhuman strength" at the crime scene.

    Another Hollywood tragedy.

  22. Wow. I had such a crush on him after his stint in the O.C. And I loved him on criminal minds. Drugs were clearly involved here. Very sad, for his family and friends and those of the woman he killed. Don't do drugs kids.

  23. So sad, I hate fu€#ing drugs!!

  24. Kurt Sutter just tweeted this:

    not sure if folks know this yet, but johnny lewis (halfsack) died last night. the sad irony of it happening two days after opie's death is not lost on me. it was a tragic end for an extremely talented guy, who unfortunately had lost his way. i wish i could say that i was shocked by the events last night, but i was not. i am deeply sorry that an innocent life had to be thrown into his destructive path. yes, it's day or mourning, but it's also a day of awareness and gratitude. sadly, some of us carry the message by dying.

  25. oh wow. so sad. I really liked him on SOA. My sympathy to all families involved.

  26. reports he was trying to get away by climbing a wall and apparently fell.

  27. I've never seen SOA but I did see him on Criminal Minds and I remember him vividly because he didn't seem like he was really acting. He actually seemed weird. So this is sad but I'm not surprised.

  28. @Chilie thanks for posting that.

    Now I am thinking Johnny didn't quit SOA maybe he was let go due to drug problems and Kurt tried to cover for him. Such senseless violence.

  29. This is just such a fucked up story! timebob, I think you may be right about the reason for writing him out of the show, considering Sutter's statement.

    I am a huge fan of SOA and I could not BELIEVE the last episode! This season so far has been really dark. I kind of love it. I had read in an interview with Sutter that a major character would be killed off early on in the new season, but I had forgotten about it by Tuesday. So when the episode went the way it went, I had calculated that it would be Chibs - his storyline was kind of over and I felt they couldn't lose anyone else at this point. Then again, it had to be something more shocking than that. And when they were in the isolation cell, I knew. What happened does kind of make sense if you look back...I just didn't think it would be THAT major. And the way the scene was filmed *shudder*. GOD I love that show...*L* and I can't WAIT for Jax to get his hands on that guard and give him the agent Stahl treatment!

    Normally I wouldn't have watched it until Wednesday night, but I know to stay away from certain places on the internet if I don't want spoilers. I would NOT have read these comments had I not watched the episode already.

  30. @Maja 100% agree with you, I have to watch it live otherwise I will be spoiled from too many diffrent sites. I thought Jax was going to try and make a deal with the warden to fake a death. But damn Kurt was not playing. Dead is dead can be.

    I thought Chibs also, but Opie makes sense, his life was over in a sense and when Jax made it clear Clay can never be touched. Opie just decided to check out at that point. He really was Jax's best friend to the end.

    LOVED the scene with the guard with Jax saying he was going to kill him and the look of "oh fuck" on his face.

    Charlie Hunnam is sooooo good and he is loyal to the show, just love him.

  31. Aw man, what a sad story. I was sad when Half Sack was killed off the show. I still need to watch season 4, hurry up Netflix and get on the ball! *I don't mind the spoilers- can't help and read the comments after the story. :)

  32. I feel terrible for the elderly lady Johnny murdered, but when I found out about what that f*cker did to the cat... I'm glad he's dead.

  33. Kids Wake up!! Holy Xenu, Johnny Lewis was a high profile Scientologist. One Scientology blogger, who says his daughter did much of her early religious training with Lewis, lists him in a category dedicated to the "Celebrities who use Scientology and Dianetics to help them live happy and successful lives" following a speech the troubled star gave crediting the religion. They are trying to erase this from The Internet. Spread the word, Scientology is a sick cult. Narconon is a front to bring in followers. The scions are trying to remove all mention of from their sites - especially their Narconon sites - they just pulled this:
    "One of the highlights of the year's activities was the Narconon participation in the Orange County Substance Abuse Prevention Network event. As part of the anti-drug presentation given by Narconon staff, Johnny Lewis of the new television show "Quintuplets" appeared and told how his mother used the Narconon drug education materials to teach him to avoid drug abuse, thereby helping him succeed in his career."
    TommyGirl, tell us again how great Scientology is, because I want to know why Johnny Lewis turned out so successfully as a criminal, violent, cat killing, murderer.
    Where is Shelly?

  34. Chilie - Same reaction here. HE TORE A CAT APART WITH HIS BARE HANDS. There is a hell and he's burning in it.
