Monday, September 24, 2012

So, Everyone On RHNJ Is A Stripper?

Last night when I finally managed to watch the RHNJ season finale last night, I knew the whole Melissa Gorga stripper thing would be played out because it has been brewing for a year. That was no surprise. I don't believe her about the bikini bar thing. There were either private shows where they took off the bikini or some kind of alternative to just the bikini. I wonder if she has Joe convinced it was only bikinis though. He probably does not want people thinking his wife used to make her living getting naked for other guys and giving them lap dances which is why Teresa has never trusted her and claims she will leave for a guy with more money. Another former stripper on the show, Jacqueline somehow became the subject of Teresa's wrath. Teresa felt like she was set up for busting her sister-in-law after she herself had just set up her sister-in-law so Teresa blamed Jacqueline and said it was because Jacqueline is a former stripper. I think it would be crazy if it came out that Teresa was a stripper. Oh and Dina.


  1. In nj you can't serve alcohol where there us nudity so it is very possible that she is telling the truth. The girls come up to you in a bikini and grab their bewbs and you give them dollars. Its dumb.

    1. They do have Byob strip clubs lol
      So trashy

  2. I want to see Greg and Albie stripping, if they're taking requests.

  3. So long as it's not Joe Guidice stripping, I really don't care.

    I missed it last night because of football, but did see WWHL and Andy gave a preview of the reunion. Jacqueline totally goes off on Teresa.

  4. Well it's about time Jacqueline went off on SOMEbody, for cryin' out loud. She has been a real wuss.

    And who wants to see hard, fake little snap-on boobies anyway? (I know the answer is "men.")

    Teresa is either a really good actress or she, too, was set up by Kim D. Kim D. seems very conniving and was probably saying to people that "she and Teresa" were doing this-n-that, when it was really her alone and dragging Teresa into it.

    This is the first time I've felt like Teresa was NOT being conniving, actually. I really believe she was trying to "save the family;" after she burned all the non-family friendship bridges, of course she wanted to make it "all about family."

    Blecchh. And she accused Melissa of being jealous for years but it was obvious Teresa and joe were jealouse of the other family members becoming famous and rich(er) too once they got on the show.

    But I can't wait for the Reunion show!

    Also, I never heard sufficiently why Dina left RHONJ after the first season, anyway. Was it husband-related? Anyone know?

    1. I completely agree, teresa is dumb as rocks and has never been a convincing liar. The way the situation played out, its not suprising that the other housewives reacted the way they did but for once they might be wrong.

  5. There are restaurants all over Texas called Bikinis and Hooters (you may have heard of Hooters, It is a food joint where ladies walk around half dressed yet they are not stripping)and Bikinis is exactly what Melissa is describing as her former place of work. The girls wear bikini tops, daisey dukes and cowboy boots. No private shows, no secret appointments, no sleazy lap dances.
    It gets on my nerves how sometimes Enty will place blame or accuse people of things that are just as crazy sounding and defensive as the shit Teresa spews.

  6. but why did that guy say she danced at his club? is he just lying? i could see her dancing. she has a dynamite body and it was probably even better back then. just her reaction to that guy made me think she's lying about what she did.

    but then, WHO CARES? if she and her husband are happy, what difference does it make what she used to do? that line of work pays very, very well, and i just don't see what the big deal is---they did it when they were young. so what?

  7. I always heard Jacqueline was a Las Vegas "convention escort", not a stripper.

  8. I think it's time for Teresa to be off the show. She's become toxic for her castmembers, just like Danielle did, and Jill from RHONY. It's gone beyond entertainment to just being mean and painful to watch. If Bravo wants to keep her on the network, give her a spin-off, but take her off housewives. She clearly can't play nice with others anymore

  9. I couldn't care less what Melissa or Jackie did when they were younger. I did a lot of things in my 20s that might not pass Theresa's inspection of right/wrong. It's none of her business, it's none of Kim D's business, and it's about time that Theresa did a little introspection about how she creates so much chaos and anger around her (not that I expect that). I do agree, by the way, that it was probably Kim who did the setting up, not Theresa. But karma's a bitch, and so is T.

  10. Teresa isn't smart enough to set Melissa up, and the guy seemed even dumber than any of the housewives repeated his "lines" to Melissa and about her.

  11. @selenakyle Dina claimed to leave the show to spend more time focusing on her daughter and "charity". Danielle was supposedly the reason for her daughter not being allowed on the second season of the show. She contacted Dina's ex and trash talked.

    I'm seriously dying to know the real reason. And what the real deal with the husband is/ why her and Caroline don't speak. I can't find anything..

  12. I always assumed Jacqueline was a stripper since she was described as a former show girl or some such thing.

  13. I'm more interested in what went down between Caroline and Dina. All I've heard Caroline say is that they will work it out eventually and everything will be fine.

    I watched Theresa on Celebrity Apprentice and while she was a very hard worker, didn't stir up drama, it was obvious the poor thing doesn't have much going on in the old noggin.

  14. Teresa did not start this mess. It is clear that Melissa is a fame whore shit-disturber, for one thing. Everyone who follows the show knows about her and Joe Gorga putting together an audition tape without even telling T. they want fame at any cost.

    Second of all, T ain't that good of an actress and she was completely blindsided by Angelo's appearances. That was ALL orchestrated by Kim D., Angelo -- who admitted in an interview that T had NOTHING to do with it -- Andy, and the rest of Bravo.

  15. forgot to mention--I LOVED Tre's ensemble on last night's show. Love, love, love bright fuschia, and adding square paillettes to it? Gorgeous.

    Even if that was from a year ago--I must have it!

  16. So which show is this? Is this "Dancing With The Dirtbags"?

  17. I doubt that Teresa was a stripper. She did not buy her boobs until 2 or 3 seasons ago.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Teresa had no idea. The other housewives had it in for her already so who better to blame? It is unfortunate for her, because she was really in the dark and I thought she was being very admirable to step out of the room. But, I too agree that she has become too toxic for this show and probably needs to go, which is exactly how the other wives want this to play out, so whom is setting up, whom?

    By the way, I can't stand Caroline Manzo.

  20. Teresa actually did set it up - she did the whole going to get makeup done with Kim D to cover her ass - so they had it on film that she was innocent..problem was they got the bald guy on mic saying that Teresa and Kim D set the whole thing up weeks before. Why would Teresa, who has her own make up and hair people, suddenly go to some shitty NJ salon, who has a hospitality manager?? come on - it looked like someones house.

  21. The better gossip has nothing to do with Melissa being a stripper. Teresa hates Melissa and knows she is just in it for the money because she knows her brother likes a lil man on man action. Melissa is willing to look the other way she gives him kids, she gets the house and the singing career and gets to be on TV...he gets he men on the side. That is the real elephant in the room..Melissa claims she does not know why Teresa does not like her, but she knows exactly why.

  22. Hey, Unknown:

    "In an exclusive interview with All About the Real Housewives last year, Angelo admitted, “I did not know Teresa at all. Teresa knew nothing about this [his confrontation with Melissa.]”

    When she [Teresa] was at the salon getting her hair done, I introduced myself to her, and Kim D was there. I said hello and told her, ‘You know I know your sister in law. She used to work for me.’ And she was very shocked. I never met the girl before in my life. That was my first time.”

  23. I believe her. Stripping isn't allowed in that city and vice cops need something to do. Gawd Theresa's acting skills are terrible. It was so obviously a set up. She has every symptom of a pathological liar. She is sick. The finale said Kathy is now speaking to her by text - how horrible. I understand family but she is a rotten, evil human

  24. Hey AKM - he admitted last night they wanted to set up Melissa. That Kim and Theresa are tired of her acting "holier than thou". Why would a man (that doesn't work at a salon) happen to be hanging out ("working for a day") in a salon nobrow doesn't normally go to? He went to that party specially to tell Melissa that he "knew" her and left. Then Theresa fakes heart palpitations because she is "so concerned" over what the dude said. That's her sister in law... if she was really outraged she should have called her (in private) minutes after this dude claimed she was a stripper. Theresa is a rotten person and a terrible actress.

  25. At Unknown - who the fuck cares is Joe likes boys? It's their marriage and they are obviously happy. Theresa hates to see anyone happier and more successful than her. She sells out her family and self-respect to tabloids weekly - who is the real gold digger??

  26. He admitted it where? If so, that's two different stories that he's told, while T's had the same story the whole time. So who's the liar?

  27. Ok I'm someone who lives in nj and has probably the best info on these women. I worked in nordstrom and the older women loved to come in and spill every bit of gossip on them because they are in the manzo "circle". Dina left the show because her husband is FULLY in the mob. Hence the reason he never wanted to be filmed. albie manzo is in it as well the brownstone is just a front. he has a girlfriend whom he bought a beautiful home for and caroline is fully aware. Melissa never danced the place she worked at in Elizabeth is a titty bar. That's it. she really can't dance either anyways so she wouldn't have made much money as a stripper. me and my friends run into her and Joe at clubs all the time and she can't dance a lick. Sweet as pie, but cannot dance.

    1. Oh my God I love you @ashie!

      I'm confused is Albie the father or hot but boring son?

  28. And yeah I always knew mob "ties" bc Caroline/Dina's uncle? Was murdered by the mob. They said they had no mob ties but no way.
    Any idea on who set up whom in the finale? I think it HAD to be Teresa. She put it out that she wanted to "get" Melissa and others helped orchestrate it. They are ALL dirty bad people. Remember how mean and snobby Dina's daughter was and Dina would laugh? I can't figure out Caroline. I do think she raised her boys to be hard workers, mafia or not but Lauren is such an annoying potato. I can't wait for her to gain all the weight back bc she opted for lazy surgery like her dad. The Gorgas fund their lifestyle through business loans n then don't do the job. Notice on the finale it said they were selling their home to get away from Teresa? Isn't the bank after them? Teresa works her ass off to support the family but she's insane and the new Danielle.
    Ugh sorry I'm on my iphone n this seems long and I'm getting sick n tired of long posts.

  29. I'm pretty sure Ashie meant Albert Sr., not Albie. And I'm not surprised. Caroline is a bitter, ugly liar. Her whole schtick of not putting up with B.S. is a crock. I can't stand the harpy.

    Around here, a "titty bar" IS a strip club. And ya don't gotta be a good technical dancer to grind on a pole, ya know. I still think Melissa did, but I don't really care either way.

    I can't remember anything about the Laurita family (Caroline/Dina) being in the Mob, but Albert's father was found naked and dead in a trunk, you'll recall. Hmm.

    Ashie, what's the scoop on Teresa?!

    1. Yes I meant big Albie! And excuse my titty bar reference that's what we call Gogo bars here. The place she worked at was a bikini bar-no nudity. I have to get new scoop since I haven't seen the little gossips in a while and boy do I miss them! SN Caroline did not lose that weight with portion control and excercise...she got that lap band thing- but I'm sure you guys would already know that ;)

  30. Jackie was not an escort in Vegas. She and I worked together at the Original Crazy Horse on Flamingo and Paradise and she was as sweet as she could be. A really sweet girl who loved her daughter and the men loved her innocence. And she danced under her real name, which is why I immediately knew who she was when I saw her. Hey Jackie girl, if you're reading this, it's me Cleo. Hey mamma! Hold your head up and stay above the fray.

    And this is the real Bubbles with a capital B!

  31. Theresa totally set Melissa up - That Angelo guy admitted that Kim and Theresa wanted to set her up to take her down a notch - He was shown standing talking to another woman I didn't recognize, saying just that and apparently didn't realize that his mic was still on. Can't wait for the reunion! Apparently, Lauren Manzo doesn't believe that Theresa writes her own blog posts so she brings flashcards with words used in the blog to the reunion and of course, dumber that dogshit Theresa doesn't know what the words mean. Ingrediencececes anyone?

  32. bald guy admitted it on the show that night that T and Kim D set this up weeks ago that they wanted to expose Melissa. IT WAS ON THE SHOW....Seriously have you seen this show? Teresa never goes to get he make up and hair done, she has people come in and do it, she has done that for the past 3 seasons. Suddenly she is going to some rinky dink salon that has a "salon manager" who happens to know Melissa and says she was a And what possible reason would he have to be at the fashion show and why come up to Melissa at a whole table full of her family and friends....especially if Teresa just got done telling him 'I don't want to hear this' hours earlier?

    Set up.

  33. "Albert “Tiny” Manzo, the hulking father-in-law to two of the Housewives, ended his life naked, bound in plastic, and stuffed in the trunk of a Lincoln Continental with four slugs in his chest. It has been reported that Tiny was whacked after he was caught skimming the take from an illegal casino owned by the Gambino crime family in Staten Island."

  34. Producers tweeted that Teresa played no part in this. I think she is way too stupid to create such a set up. I think it was Bravo's doing. The fact that it was a former producer texting Jaq, and that the bald dude even had a mic solidified it. Of topic, but I loathe Caroline. She is absolutely miserable.


  36. Love the insider opinions! Love m'housewives, usually only dish with my sisters about it since they don't judge my terrible, terrible taste in television.

  37. FINALLY!!! A RHNJ post. Thank you, Enty!!

    I ain't buying ANY of this shit that Bravo is trying to sell. Teresa had NOTHING to do with this stupidity. I felt like I was watching a game of Telephon unfold last night. Melissa couldn't keep her story straight: She's not a stripper, she worked there for a week as a bartender, men paid her $100 for a drink. Who wouldn't work there? And on and on. Teresa looked horrified. I think she and her brother are well aware of Melissa's past, but the old-school parents probably have no idea. That's why Teresa looked horrified. And she totally knew she was going to get blamed for this shit. Last night's show did not prove AT ALL that Teresa was involved.

    Can not wait for the reunion.

    I heard a producer is the person who sent The Text That Shocked the World (NOT) at the fashion show, and that producer has been fired for being too involved with the cast.

  38. well they're strippers alright, they're stripping themselves of dignity and any shred of class on every episode.

  39. AMEN to PuggleMommy and Susan. ALL Bravo. And Angelo and Kim D. Why the frack do we ever even need those hags The Kims?!

    E Gee Be, I'm ashamed of my RHONJ love, too, hee hee. No joke...usually I'm watching PBS documentaries. This is my Big Horrible Secret Vice. ;-)

    (And it's the only one of the franchise that I watch. I keep telling myself that, as though that makes it better...)

  40. Cat Rodriguez is a former producer. She was let go over conflict of interest. Not only was she texting Jaq, but she also regularly went out with the Gorgas.
