Sunday, September 16, 2012

Snooki Goes Back To Work

Now that Snooki has a child to support, she went back to work after just taking three weeks off for the birth of her son. Snooki was out filming Jersey Shore after hours with the rest of the cast of Jersey Shore. She looks pretty good for just having a baby three weeks ago. After the rest of the Jersey Shore cast left, Snooki and Jwoww shot some scenes for their show. That is a very busy day. Does her boyfriend have a job?


  1. I always wondered the same thing but I don't think he had a job.

  2. Good for Snooki. I hope she has good childcare people.
    I'll ask again, what on earth do you need such a big purse for? Is the baby in there? A weeks worth of clothes?

  3. I just cant with that outfit.

  4. There seems to be a misprint in your headline. It says that Snooki is going back to "work".

  5. Yep, he has a job; I think Snooki said he was a teacher.

  6. yes, he has a job. being Mr. Snooki for however long that will last.

  7. "Mr. Snooki" sounds like some kind of fairy tale character that Johnny Depp would play in a Tim Burton movie.

  8. Wow, I'm sort of impressed. But then, she's only, what? 22? I guess at that age you can still bounce back pretty quickly! I'd need 3 months off at this age!

  9. I guess he owns an ATM business, & coaches HS wrestling. And is going to school to be a teacher. Not bad.

  10. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Snookie. Gotta work while you still have a job !

  11. I guess having a baby didn't make her feel as though maybe she should class it up a bit.

    I'm still kind of a closet Snooki fan.

  12. call me old fashioned. but it would kill me to be away from my newborn that long. I had to work after 8 weeks with my first but with my second...she was 7 months old before i went back

  13. The purse is probably normal sized but anything next to Snooki looks ginormous.
