Sunday, September 30, 2012

Shots Fired At BET Hip Hop Awards

Something that future editions of the BET Hip Hop Awards might want to look into is this thing called a metal detector. Keeps people from actually bringing in their guns to awards shows. The Source Awards never quite learned that lesson. Last night, Rick Ross and Young Jeezy had some harsh words about whether they way out of the current economic crisis was a return to supply side economics or whether the United States should implement a more Freiburg School approach. Naturally, both of them had strong opinions and Jeezy, especially is a huge Freiburg fan and even has an Angela Merkel tattoo that he wears proudly to show his love of his favorite macro-economic theory. The next thing you know, shots were being fired and someone was shouting about a return to the gold standard. Crazy s**t at the BET Awards.


  1. In a conversation I had with an African American gentleman, he said the following: "I don't watch BET. You know why? Because even watching it during the commercials, I can feel my IQ points dropping."

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Rick Ross used to be a corrections officer.. He should know better than that! Ugh.. Can't stand that guy


  5. When you want to search for a particular post or person, go to. Google and enter your search terms (in this case, I entered the terms: music, industry, private, prisons), leave a space then this stream:


    So, it looks like this:

    music industry private prisons site:

    Voila! Search away.

    This works with any site, btw.

  6. (don't use commas between search terms)

  7. I wouldn't think the BET Awards would be scary these days.. 90% of hip hop men look extremely femme these days!

  8. Is anyone really surprised? These rappers have to keep up appearances which in their world means endless feuding and violence. Yawn. Over it.

  9. @Alicia, exactly. My husband brings that up every time we hear a Rick Ross song. Definition of a sell out.

  10. I dont understand their asshole-i ness. Are they children? " look at my shiny gun! Look at it fire!!! Look how i may accidentally kill someone!! Good times!" Such jerkoffs!

  11. Two things: A) Let 'em shoot each other, the world needs fewer idiots; and B) I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Enty threw in a bit about economics, being an econ nerd and all. And if Rick Ross supports that bullshit, widely-discredited supply-side horse puckey then I'm pulling for Jeezy when they go all High Noon.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. gold standard ftw!

  14. desensitizing the masses to violence, you're doing it right, music industry. #sadbuttrue

  15. excellent - not the shooting but enty's comment

  16. Well played Enty. I'm hoping at the next awards show they can also laugh at the income & payroll taxes their accountants are probably fucking them on because their heads are so far up their asses.

  17. I remember reading that blind about the hip hop meeting. I also remember reading someone calling public enemy gansta rappers! I almost fell out my chair laughing!

  18. A return to supply side economics vs. a more Freiburg School approach. LOL! Enty, you killed this. Too funny!

  19. Lola! that's an amazing tip

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