Monday, September 17, 2012

Serena Williams Hooking Up With Her Coach

Serena Williams says her latest string of victories is all due to her French coach. Well, it looks like from these photos that he is way more than just a coach. Oh sure, I guess friends can walk down the streets of French towns with their hands on each other's butts. I mean that could just say, "Hey. Thanks for helping me win Wimbledon and The Olympics and The US Open." It could also mean they got into a fight with superglue and their hands were left in awkward positions. Just think if he had gone for her breast before her butt. How awkward would it be to walk down the streets like that.


  1. Serena's butt is magical.

  2. Hope he's not married...

  3. I have memories of Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp, but instead with Serena and her mammoth muscles squeezes Frenchie into orgasmic ecstasy.

  4. kudos to her and as long as she is happy.

  5. I recently read a profile of Serena that noted how she kind of blends in while she in Paris and is able to lead a mostly normal life, which is why she loves the city. For that reason I hate that these photos showed up. She has made it clear by her actions that she isn't interested in being in the spotlight when she isn't on the court. I wish people would respect that.

  6. No mention of them looking at properties together?

  7. Like PugsterMom said, as long as he's not married or involved, then good for Serena for finding happiness.

  8. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Good for them. If they're happy and everyone is single, more power to them.

    And what I wouldn't give to have a body like Serena. Y'all couldn't tell me NUTTIN' with that physique!

  9. Um so? As mentioned, if they are both single than I hope they are both happy.

    In the mean time, is this more evidence for Gabriel Aubry that the paps in France are not as respectful as Halley says. This photo set and Duchess Kate.

  10. Hooking up with your coach sounds like a fantasy!

  11. Good for RiRi. Her love life has not been so good to her in the past. Hopefully this guy works out for her.

  12. I have never in my life felt the urge to slip my hands into a man's back pocket. I don't get that. Anyway, they look content. =)

  13. What's wrong with this? Nothing!

  14. I adore Serena, and hope she's happy...that coach certainly is a cutie! Among her many other achievements, I think she does a lot for promoting an Amazonian kind of beauty.

  15. I wonder if that nice Gallic nose hits the sweet spot while he's down *there*.

  16. @MissCrop609

    "Good for RiRi. Her love life has not been so good to her in the past. Hopefully this guy works out for her."

    Maybe you should READ THE POST. If this was a joke.

  17. lord, she's gorgeous! i'm not really understanding the snark in this post though. is this gossip worthy?

  18. Um, Serena's nickname is ReRe, not RiRi. That one letter seems important.

    Some people think it's 'scandalous' that Patrick is 11 years or something older than Serena, that she is dating 'the help' or, of course, that she's dating a White guy. Whatever.

  19. @ALY lol that was well said.

  20. Whatever makes her happy!

  21. @fs i think he is actually a lot younger than her. Im happy for her!

  22. They look happy so good for them!

  23. The writer sounds jealous. I can only wish her well and wonder how amazing it feels to be in Paris.
