Saturday, September 01, 2012

Seal Says Heidi Klum Cheated During Their Marriage

Apparently Seal started putting some pieces together when he saw photos of Heidi Klum and her bodyguard holding hands and canoodling on the beaches of Sardinia last week. This is the same bodyguard that Seal used to hug and called a great guy when Seal thought all he was doing was keeping the family safe. Apparently he was doing more to Heidi than just keeping her safe. Looks like at least according to Seal that Heidi is not as squeaky clean and good as she would like everyone to know. If you think about her career, and if it really comes out she was cheating, I think people are going to have a very different impression of her than they do right now.


  1. That hat of his is interesting...

  2. Who cares...this should be a private matter.

  3. I have a different impression of THEM in all this. Regardless, when you have small kids, you suck it up, think of them first, and don't put you business on Front Street. And I think a lOt less of HIM for doing so, and using the words "The Help" than I do her right now.

  4. I'm sure she sought comfort in her bodyguard whilst Seal was off doing the same with others. I have a feeling they are both culpable to the dissolution of their marriage.

    No way either are innocent here!

  5. I never thought she was squeaky clean.

  6. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Right now everyone thinks Seal was cheating on her and possibly hit her. Maybe something happened with the bodyguard before, maybe not...but sounds like Seal's looking for an excuse to get money. This relationship is not the reason they got divorced.

  7. Urban Chaos is on the right track. It's going to get down to who cheated first, and we'll probably never know.

  8. Second to Urban Chaos being on target, I think.

  9. The wording of this is very similar to last week's blind about the model who got passed around by wealthy businessman.

    1. That's what I was thinking. Is this a reveal?

  10. "The Help" comment cheesed me off, too. Rich people problems...

  11. Well, I think the BI from a week ago showed that Heidi isn't as wholesome as people thought.

    I've always looked at Heidi as a dirty scallywag since she mentioned being attracted to Seal because of his junk...who the fuck even admits to something like that in public?

    1. Lol,she said that shit on Oprah.I'm surprise Oprah didn't say anything.

  12. @Jemtastic - i AGREE! i thought the same thing when i heard that back in the day. she saw him walk across a hotel lobby and i think, if i'm not mistaken, she said he had on bike shorts. and THAT is why she wanted him. i stopped liking her at that point.

  13. I'm so happy that the first bunch of comments above me aren't morally outraged, etc. I agree with that was said above, I don't care who cheated, it's not for me to judge and I wasn't there. And Seal, have some dignity and shut your mouth.

    I hope this thread doesn't devolve into the moral brigade calling for her head.

  14. Yes Jemtastic, don't forget the part where she was heavily pregnant when she was first attracted to him. she's never been a saint and anyone who thinks she is has blinders on.

  15. Nobody is completely wholesome. There might be a few grandmas around that are, but they were doing crap back in their day too.

  16. With the bad rep Seal already got from the press about the possible reasons of their breakup, the protective bodyguard taking care of the badly treated woman will work like a charm for Seal s PR ... not.

  17. Nobody is perfect. There is a possibility nothing happened with the bodyguard until after the breakup. It would make sense if they spend so much time together. She is likely to go to him for comfort and things happen.

  18. My opinion of heidi will probably not change, because she is a very likable person. In all those picturez with the bodyguard, i dont see any evidence they are biyfriend and girlfriend. They are hugging, talking, playing with kids. Im not saying they arent involved, saying these pics dont prove it. And seal shld stfu and show some class. Prob as cdan- er said above, bodyguard prob consoling her whilst seal off in his bike shorts with other girls. Who knows? I dont begrudge her any happiness. Seal probably cant stand being thought of as bad guy and creep. Sorry, that ship has sailed.

  19. I am sad to say. But I don't believe a word of that bullish. Maybe she flirted with him. But I highy DOUBT they were having sex pre her divorce.

  20. If Seal's goal in making accusations publicly was to show himself in a better light, he failed miserably. Her maybe/not relationship with her body guard is hearsay/speculation and irrelevant. She - to my knowledge - hasn't slung any poo in the press about him

  21. Amber- how is the salt lake? Hot I am sure! :)

    1. We haven't made it there yet! The place we went is not for swimming, so we need to go 40 mi north to this Antelope State Park where the proper beaches are. I think the BF is a little annoyed...

    2. Oh god forbid men have trouble finding something when they drive, lololol. They get all classes of cranky. Good luck, sweetie!

  22. These two jerks need to take this business out if the press! Think of the kids assholes

    1. He's the one mouthing off, not heidi.

    2. I heard she released a statement about it

  23. Sounds like both Seal and Heidi deserved eachother!

  24. I can understand him bringing this up because either her (or her friends/lawyers/family) have been hinting at him cheating and being physically abusive. They've compared his finances to hers and made it seem like he's money hungry. They also brought up a lot of crap from his youth and have been leaking that out too. They've basically been dragging him through the mud while making her out to be a misguided saint.

    That being said, I agree with Urban Chaos. This is definitely a two way street. There was probably a lot of wrong doing on both sides. I also blame them for perpetuating this "perfect couple" image with toothy photos and renewed marriage vows every day. I think that has caused the most damage for them and their kids. It's something they simply couldn't live up to.

    1. Sometimes you very much want things to be perfect, so u act as if they are.

  25. I'm FAR from a HK fan, however, this pictures, taken what, six months after their separation was announced, say nothing.

    Seal is probably just trying to either A) distract from his own X-tra curricular activities, or B) wants to make whatever pre-nup they have void.

  26. Amber- I hope your journey is safe. Maybe the place will be stunning and he will feel bad for being cranky. My bf is totally the same way if we divert from what the plan is. :)

  27. I wouldn't have a different impression nor would I really be all that shocked...nor would I care.

    I agree that these are current pics and say nothing about 6 months or more ago. She's allowed to move on (or to continue to move on, as the case ma be).

  28. Oh wow, bucket hat.

  29. These fights should stay private. I don't see how getting good PR will help either one of them in front of a judge who will make the money decisions.

    I don't think either of them has a lot of room to play with in the we are perfect war. If Seal is in fact abusive, he loses period.

  30. no opinion to offer here except the bodyguard is hot.

  31. I just don't care enough about either of them to have an opinion.

  32. Great. I was trying to think of some sort of joke involving "Kiss From a Rose" and now it's in my head.

  33. Who is to say they didn't have an open "arrangement"? So at the time neither of them cared, but now that we are talking about the moneys they're both trying to make the other into the bad guy.

    I don't know, I never got their relationship anyway. I agree with the commenters who were weirded out by her comments about his junk. A nice penis does not a good relationship make!

  34. Lainey gossip already posted a blind on this months ago about Heidi's foot rubs,

  35. Lainey gossip already posted a blind on this months ago about Heidi's foot rubs,

  36. Someone leaked things about Seal AND those things were believed. Now someone is leaking things about Heidi and everyone thinks it's about $.
    Both of them are playign PR games. If there was a prenup, honor it. If it was Seal that was super rich, folks would want HK to get her fair share. Can't see how this changes because she has the money. I thought he did the primary childcare while she traveled for work.
    They need to cut the PR games and settle this privately.

  37. I agree with the above poster about this hinting at last week's BI, especially the last sentence.

    The renewing of wedding vows *every* year on the same beach was a little much, IMO. Every ten years maybe but every year?

  38. Why is Michael Phelps on vacation with Heidi?
