Monday, September 03, 2012

Seal Backtracks - Says He Was Not Implying Heidi Klum Cheated

I don't know what world Seal is living in, but yesterday he seemed really freaked out about calling Heidi Klum a cheater and his rep came up with what could be the worst spin ever. Instead of saying something like Seal was misquoted or was on some pills which affected his judgment but are necessary for his relief trip to help child burn victims in war torn countries, the rep said that Seal was not implying that Heidi cheated during their marriage. I know Seal was not implying it. He flat out said she was having sex with the bodyguard while the couple was married. The rep wants us to think Seal meant separated. Nope. Not going to happen. Seal used the word fornicating. He went Biblical. Only one way to read that. He was ticked off, but didn't want the money train to be affected so tried to change his story. Last time you used the word fornicated in a sentence?


  1. When discussing Seal. That's probably the only time, too.

  2. I love that he used that made it sound all the more sinful. ;)

  3. "Fornicated" is a funny word. I say it as much as I can.

  4. Not gonna lie, last night I played "Kiss From a Rose" on the jukebox. We had a high quality drunken sing-along.

    *and if I should faaall...*

    1. Every time I hear "Kiss From a Rose" I think of Jody from Shameless who has to have that playing while he has sex, and then he cries.

  5. EmEyeKay, what's the story on the avatar change? I missed it, sorry.

  6. Lol, yesterday, as a matter of fact. But, it was referring to this story...does that count?

  7. @Libby it's a mix of hoodie cat and that mug shot. Opinions were split over which one she should use.

  8. So is Heidi the subject of Lainey's "not a doting mother not a kind employer" blind? It mentions getting footrubs from the bodyguard...

  9. OH! Thanks djphob. I knew both parts looked familiar.

  10. Ut oh! Someones bike shorts are on fire!!

  11. "Kiss From A Rose" is a beautiful song, as well as "Don't Cry"...which, ironically, always makes me cry lol.

  12. Crimanny. He is a good looking guy.

    Everyone loves to point fingers until they are held responsible. I think Seal was deflecting and now realizes he was probably quick to judge, since he was a cheater and all.

  13. I love how Sheldon will use "fornicate" or "coitus."

    I'm watching Friends and Bruce Willis is on it. Dang he looked good.

  14. Wow I can't believe how everyone is siding w Heidi. Well I don't take either one of their sides...I think it was probably a two way street as to the infidelities that were being committed, However, after reading the discussion on the blinditemsexposed website, it appears that Lainey outed Heidi as the subject of that blind (she said the subject worked w Christian Siriano). Therefore, Heidi was definitely already quite involved w the bodyguard early on.

  15. @Don't, even if she was cheating, I don't care. It's not my life, I wasn't in the relationship and I'm not going to judge. We get so black and white about cheating and saying "it's wrong" forgetting that there are reasons people cheat.

    I like her based on Project Runway and I don't like Seal based on the fact I think his music sucks ass.

    I also don't put much into blinds, here or anywhre else. Remember there was a blind on this site that said that Heidi and Seal were the nicest people to their staff (ooh, there's a joke in there).

  16. Well I'm guessing that Enty's source for the kindness blind was the bodyguard. ;)

  17. anita---I like her from PR too, for so many years.
    Remember those black eye photos/blinds? The stories started coming out right before they split...I think Enty had a blind too. If those are true I'm SO glad they're finished!

  18. I have nothing against either of them, I do enjoy his music though I must confess. he is one of the few artists I will shell out money to buy the CD's, I realize he doesn't get much of that cash but better than no-one buying them.
    I never really saw the appeal of Heidi over the other Victorias Secret models but I think I prefer the real Heidi over her carefully air brushed persona for the media. I think being fake will always end up biting you in the butt.

  19. I guess she paid Seal to shut-up.

  20. Actually, Seal really meant adultery if Heidi was still married to him. It's fornicating between two people who are not married.

  21. @Don'train, there's the joke!

  22. Sounds like Heidi sicced her army of attorneys on him.

  23. @djphob @libby - yes, exactly. Thanks for answering. I fell back asleep today BECAUSE I'M OUT OF COFFEE DAMMIT. I'm attempting to please both pro-kitty and pro-mugshot camps at once.

  24. LOL Prada!

    I was just thinking how hot that bodyguard is and how I would sure like some kindness! Wink ;)

  25. Easier to just say FUCKED

  26. he must of thought that Austrialan Voice money was a lot more than it really was to pop off like that.

    I would of loved to be in the room when his divorce attorney explained what he doesn't have money wise and what Heidi has money wise.

    Seal is a bitch, hope he gets nothing in the divorce.

  27. Wow--an ex husband accusing his wife of cheating while they were married. Not the first and certainly won't be the last, but given his celebrity status people take what he says as gospel. Usually the one who does the accusing is the guilty one. And yeah his music sucks ass big time.

  28. I have a friend that is married but separated and has sex regularly. I use the word "fornicated" as often as possible. For example, I'll ask her if she fornicated this weekend or if I'm missing out on any great fornication stories. Every time I'm in the throes of passion, I try to exclaim it at least once to replace the other "F" word. But that might just be me. I like to giggle during sex for reasons other than a man with a small peen... that wouldn't be funny at all.

  29. If the tables were turned, people would want Heidi to have some of the money that was earned during the marriage. If there was no prenup it's far.
    Didn't the earnings change proportionally while they were married?

  30. What the fornicate? :/

  31. Hahahahaha! @ lambkin

    What the fornicate indeed....I think I'm going to start saying that lol!
