Monday, September 24, 2012

Scientology Spent At Least $10M To Spy On Power Rival In Church And Others

The now Governor of Indiana was spied on by Scientology private investigators while he worked for Eli Lilly. The reason? Scientology hates psychiatric drugs and Eli Lilly makes them. The big expense though each year was to have the man that David Miscavige feared the most in a any kind of power struggle and had him followed and his calls recorded and his trash mauled through on a regular basis. From 1988 through 2012, this one firm alone received $500K a year in cash to do spying on people Scientology hated or distrusted. Or, in the case of Pat Broeker, the man who Miscavige always feared, jealous of. The reason all of this is becoming public now is because these two men who had been paid for 20 years claim that Scientology had promised their jobs would be permanent, but let them go earlier this year. The case is being heard in Texas.


  1. Can we not just revoke their tax exempt status? There are several lawsuits for human trafficing against them for seaorg (they pay something like 34 cents an hour, work you 100 hours a week).

  2. So why did Miscabbage fear this Pat Broeker dude?

  3. These spy people might know where Shelly is....

  4. I agree, we should remove their tax exempt status, we're basically subsidizing them!

  5. This just keeps getting better and better...

  6. I am reminded of how Bronson Pinchot said TC's conversation was "larded" with loathing/jokes about teh gay...

    When I see this photo, all I can think is TC saying, "Thank god there aren't any gays here."

    (Of course there's nothing wrong with being gay, it's the closet and the fact that these two have NO idea how ridiculously bromantic they always look. If they haven't had sex already, they need to, to get it over with.)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This might well be the gayest picture I've ever seen.

    And @libby, Bronson Pinchot, on his HGTV show is not ANYTHING like I would have imagined now. Very cool guy, too.

    @MISCH, I agree that this keeps getting better and better. I just cannot get enough of the $cientology news. Watching them teeter towards their inevitable fall is just deliciously entertaining.

  9. One of the biggest tragedies in mental health history in the US is the Scientologists' bungling intrusion into psychiatric medication. It is a fact that the drugs are overprescribed and overused and that cognitive-affective-behavioral interventions work as good as or better than the drug therapy, but because this stupid cult has gotten involved, it makes the drug skeptics look like fools. Bad cult! No biscuit.

  10. Pat was of L Ron'S right hand man before he got really sick and David munipulated the situation. Pat B was going to be the next in charge before David took over.
    This is big.. Where is Shelly???

  11. Tony Ortega is now searching for her. WHERE'S SHELLY?

  12. Man, Scientology just can't seem to get a break lately. I feel so bad for them. Wait...NOPE. Crumbling, crumbling...

    @Barton - Do you think part of their views on psychiatry/psychology are more about manipulation than anything? As in, they prey on mentally vulnerable people, deny them legitimate psychiatric care, therefore making them easier to manipulate/recruit/trap? I feel like the Gov't HAS to be secretly investigating them. There is just too much shadiness to be ignored.

  13. My thoughts EXACTLY, Amber. If everyone were mentally well, who would even follow them?

  14. The linked article was written by Tony Ortega "freelance writer" so you know the coverage is going to be consistently good. They are being investigated by govt:)

  15. @Agent - at the risk of being a little lazy, how do I follow Tony Ortega now that he's left VV? And TG they are being investigated. It's kind of frustrating how slow that process can be, though, even when they KNOW something is wrong.

  16. Historically, the paranoia about "psychs" started around 1950 when the AMA and other groups announced that Dianetics was bunk, so the Scios decided to fight back as viciously as possible. They seized on psychiatric skeptics and mounted an anti-psychotropic campaign -- I wish they hadn't gotten involved, personally.

  17. @Amber - wasn't it kind of common knowledge that Co$ has "infiltrated" for lack of a better word, the IRS, and that is how they got their tax-exempt status?

  18. @surfer - I'd never heard that before. How lovely.

  19. This is some serious J Edgar Hoover shady sh*t! Spying forever on your rivals!?!

    I don't know if I'm more concerned about the spying or the possibility that Mitch Daniels (Senior VP of Eli Lily and now Govenenor of Indiana) was involved in Scientology at some point. What is the real connection btwn Eli Lily and $cientology? My first thought was sci fi paranoia about the two working together to create mind control drugs and then their relationship soured.

    This is some scary stuff. Stay safe Tony!!!

  20. Please note that I don't actually believe that. It's where my movie script in the making mind went.

    I think what Barton said is probably closer to the truth.

  21. Tony Ortega better watch himself! From all the shit you read about them we may soon be saying "Where's Tony?"

  22. dia, Mitch Daniels' being a $cio would explain why his tv speeches are so creepy-looking.

  23. @ Libby, are you smelling your armpit in your avi?

  24. I think I have proven myself to be an immature commenter, but I thought Barton Fink said BULGING Intrusion and could not stop laughing.

    hmmmmmh hmmm hmmmmmm (trying to suppress said laughter)

  25. Now I am laughing and trying to suppress it - work people don't like laughter:) Your such a child Sunny:)

  26. Don't look at the photo of Tom 'n MisCav and say "bulging," though -- it's ... it hurts.

  27. Happy Bulging Monday, everyone! Haha! Bulging.

    Sunny, you and I need to go to the glasses store. I couldn't even find that word in Barton's comment.

    Libby - I want to hear more about Mitch Daniels and his creepiness. I used to have ties to IN but not anymore, so I don't get the wacky dirt like I used to. I had a friend who used to work for Lily back in the day.

  28. Why us everyone so hell bent on tom cruise's being gay? Just asking.

  29. Hee, every time Enty slams CoS I have to laugh, thinking of his (maybe) motivation.

    Payback is a bitch.

  30. Ohhhh spare me with your fake insider bullshit.

  31. auntliddy I do know a friend of a friend, who was presented with, and signed a DOC with Tom, when he lived in Sydney.

    The old saying where there's smoke there's fire. Well, Tom has been smoldering for years.

  32. @Libby - they look creepy because he's like, 5'5". Love me some Mitch though. Heartbroken he decided against the big run. :(

  33. Eli Lilly invented Prozac if I'm not mistaken. Hence co$ hates them
