One way for Scientology to prove they are not lying about the whole audition process to find Tom Cruise a wife would be to release all the participants from any confidentiality agreements they signed and let them speak freely. They won't of course because they know that no one involved can contradict them because they have them all legally wrapped up in agreements which would cause them to get sued. If there is nothing to hide though and the Vanity Fair story is "hogwash," then let Nazanin speak. Let her say what her experience was like in that time period and let people judge if Vanity Fair was right or wrong. Everyone knows Vanity Fair was right. Scientology does too. The thing is that no one will ever trust Scientology because of exactly this. They could show they are open and that like almost every other church on the planet their members are free to discuss what happens in church and their lives with anyone without fear of recrimination. Until that happens, Scientology will be viewed with distrust and hatred. Let Nazanin speak and tell her story. Let Nicole Kidman speak. Let Katie Holmes speak.
I wanna hear from SHELLY!
Deleterejectedcarebear has it right. Given her role in the audition story, how can they keep Shelly Miscavige silent?
ReplyDeleteWhat I find really interesting wrt Shelly is that even the prolific whistle blowers like Rathbun and Rinder won't acknowledge Shelly. Nobody is talking about her at all.
ReplyDeleteIt's bizarre to me that there are any worshippers left in Co$, because Internet. They should all just leave at once. DM can't possibly take down EVERYONE.
ReplyDeleteButter - has anyone asked Rathbun or Rinder directly about Shelly? Couldn't we just ask them on Twitter or something? lol
ReplyDeleteDidn't this woman finally leave COS?
ReplyDeleteSo...I go to click on the story, and there's a big ol' Scientology ad right on top... GAH. Really? Why? If I accidentally click on it, I'm gonna be tracked for the rest of my life!!! Why, enty, why?
ReplyDeleteNaz left CoS, yes. But many think Shelly is in the hole or even dead.
ReplyDeleteFYI Marty Rathbun is on Twitter - @martyrathbun - I may or may not have just tweeted him "Where's Shelly?"
ReplyDeleteWow you guys are good and really keeping up w the Co$ news. Used to be I was one of the only people who knew what was up.
ReplyDeleteYes, Naz has left the church and Shelly is either in The Hole or dead. Nicole & Katie can't speak due to confidentiality agreements but I think that is not sooooo uncommon for celebrity life though obviously Scientology plays a massive role there (but I suspect Tommy Boy's sexuality may also).
Ooooo, Amber - nice!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAmber- I have no idea. I just know that on Marty Rathbun's blog:
that he really only tells the truth about a person and what they've been put through after that person leaves the church.
Shelly has to be alive, like Heber Jentzsch. But probably just barely. Someone just needs to put a hit out on Tiny Gay Elfin David.
Personally, I think she should speak up, confidentiality agreement be damned.
ReplyDeleteThink about it for a minute - if she did speak up and Co$ went after her, they (Co$) would be opening themselves up to be exposed in a way they probably could never have anticipated. She could get a lot of former members to testify on her behalf.
This would be so juicy if it happened, but it probably won't. I would just like to see one person call their bluff.
Wow. What the hell is up with this Who Is Mike Rinder? twitter feed???
ReplyDeleteI don't think anybody will ever hear from Shelly again, the stories she could tell!
ReplyDeleteFWIW, Marty Rathburn has been catching quite a bit of shit for essentially supporting external Scientologists who still want to follow the teachings of L Ron without the madness and corruption of David Miscavige.
ReplyDeleteSome are accusing him of trying to start his own church of followers from those who have blown and seek salvation of some sort in the comfort of a culture they have become accustomed to.
Don't be mistaken and think Rathburn has entirely left Scientology behind, that is not the case. He just left DM and the shitty corrupt organization, not the belief structure.
She's probably already been labeled as 'Suppressive' just by association with this story, so she really has nothing to lose. The people who can get screwed with their pants on in beings declared an SP are the ones who don't have people looking out to their well being. Hundreds were not visible enough. Katie and Nicole are too visible. Nazanin is just right.
ReplyDeleteAmber- let us know if he answers!
Um....who the hell is Shelly?!
ReplyDeleteshelly is the wife of david miscavage no one has seen or heard from her in over three years... rumours have it she wanted to leave him but he of course would never let that happen.... if shes not in the rpf shes dead... if you are what they call out ethics they stick you in rpf or the hole. growing up by the celebrity center i know many ex scios who have some real horror tales about dm and his crazy temper.
Deletehunter- Definitely! That's why I can't really totally get on board with these guys. Sure, they can see how crazy Miscavige is, but they still have plenty of crazy. Their mission is to get Scientology back to its good name in honor of the amazing L. Ron.
ReplyDeleteStill kind of shady, especially considering they were involved in a lot of bad bad things in the past.
Amber, please keep us posted if you get a reply:)
ReplyDeleteReese's- Shelley is David Miscavige's wife who is missing. But no one is talking about it. She hasn't been seen in a few years I believe
ReplyDeleteWhy the police can't get involved in some of this is a mystery to me. Why hasn't Shelley been reported missing by someone? Then CO$ would have to produce her. Surely someone who knows her could file a missing person report. And all these stories about the kids (Seacos or something - can't remember) why isn't DFACS or the local equivalent looking into this?
ReplyDeleteAmber - check out the website that twitter feed is linking to.
Unlike the confidentiality agreements signed by Kidman and Holmes (which were linked to divorce settlements) I doubt the one signed by this girl is even enforceable due to lack of consideration. I could throw a few other defenses in there too: fraud, duress, illegality, unconscionability. It's probably not worth the paper it's written on...spill!
ReplyDeleteWow. That website must be what they get the low-levels to work on putting together when someone leaves the Miscavige church?
ReplyDeletedisco - it's totally weird. If you click on the FAMILY SPEAKS OUT section and read the posts, they pretty much say nothing. They make claims about how horrible he is, without actually providing any examples. They must still belong to Co$?
ReplyDeleteThat website is a perfect example of Scientology-run sites where the entire purpose is to slander someone who dares to speak out against them.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that, in the face of internet skeptics, they don't change up their approach slightly? I mean, they are not being very sneaky about all of this.
Where's Steppy?
@Amber, members of Scientology are told not read articles or go online and find information that is negative towards Scientology. They tell them it's lies, so most members don't realize the shocking truth.
ReplyDeleteButter - they're not even good at it! I'm literally laughing at my desk at the stuff on that site. It's written with the vitriol of a 2nd grader. "I HATE MY MOMMY. SHE IS THE WORST. SHE WOULD NOT LET ME HAVE A SLEEPOVER WITH SHANNON AND SHE SAID I HAVE CLEAN MY ROOM FRIST AND I DIDN'T NOT BRUSH MY HAIR WHEN SHE ASKS. I WILL RUN AWAY."
ReplyDeleteRose - it's still bizarre to me. I'm told not to do a lot of things that I still do. Hell, I even jaywalk. :P
ReplyDeleteRathburn is not entirely trustworthy. If you really want to get educated read V V along with the comments. The Master opens general release soon. That will prompt a lot of net activity. This is much bigger with the Tommy Davis element. Interesting. Search for Narconon in your area and give them a call and ask them Where 's Shelly?
ReplyDeleteRose- it's true that most clams are told not to look up things on the internet, but they have a specific team of people whose job it is to discredit people on the internet and try to push people off topic. Tory Christman came forward after she left the church and admitted that it was literally her job to spend hours and hours on the internet creating false info and trying to cause arguments with people who were speaking out about Scientology.
ReplyDeleteshit is scary
ReplyDeleteSo Tory is Steppy???
ReplyDeleteI think Nazanin was the unnamed source for this story. The writer won't reveal who it is/they are, but I really think it was her. She won't say anything publicly. She's letting this story do the talking for her.
ReplyDeleteBoth Surfer & Lawyagirl are correct.
ReplyDeleteIf the confidentiality agreement is with Co$, then it's unenforceable due to the fact that no judge & definitely, no jury will ever uphold it.
If the agreement is with Cruise, then there's the possibility of his winning.
But beyond that, they would never sue her for breaking it. It would be the PR nightmare to end all PR nightmares. Instead, they would have her terminated with extreme prejudice!
Or they'd have her killed.
ReplyDeleteBTW No response yet on twitter. I feel like you guys should ask as well :P
ReplyDeleteI asked! I feel so rebellious now.
DeleteHi Enty.. Longtime reader and first time poster. I'm surprised no one has brought up that during this period, Tom "dated" Sophia Vetgara ( who was a total unknown at the time).. I also remember reading that before he met Katie Holmes, he "interviewed" both Jessica Alba and Scarlett Johanssen to be his girlfriends. I remember reading that one if them (I think it was Jessica alba) pretty much "ran like the wind" as soon as she caught on to the deal...
ReplyDeleteMarty Rathburn has left & started the Peoples Front of Judea. Not to be confused with the Judean Peoples Front. Those guys are splitters.
ReplyDelete@Lazyday!! Loved it!
ReplyDeleteMy belief is that Shelly died while being hidden. Do not know why but I feel like she had breast cancer or some other illness and they never got her care. Sounds stupid but I am getting that psychic conx there.
Beautiful, lazyday! Now I have to watch that when i get home!
ReplyDeleteWow, thanks for answering. I did a google and...just wow. :/
ReplyDeleteSomeone just needs to put a hit out on Tiny Gay Elfin David.
ReplyDelete@ Butterkwup - David Miscavige probably has more security than the POTUS.
@ Alex Denise - It might not have been mentioned in this particular thread but trust me, Sofia, Scarlet et. al. in connection with the GMD has been hashed and rehashed here. If it's about Tom Cruise/Co$ we are all over it like flies on, well, you know. :)
Ww- I agree. Some of the details sound like they couldn't come from anywhere else... I think she spoke to the reporter
ReplyDeleteOT the writer Maureen Orth is the wife of the late Tim Russert.