Thursday, September 06, 2012

Scientology Should Let Nazanin Boniadi Speak

One way for Scientology to prove they are not lying about the whole audition process to find Tom Cruise a wife would be to release all the participants from any confidentiality agreements they signed and let them speak freely. They won't of course because they know that no one involved can contradict them because they have them all legally wrapped up in agreements which would cause them to get sued. If there is nothing to hide though and the Vanity Fair story is "hogwash," then let Nazanin speak. Let her say what her experience was like in that time period and let people judge if Vanity Fair was right or wrong. Everyone knows Vanity Fair was right. Scientology does too. The thing is that no one will ever trust Scientology because of exactly this. They could show they are open and that like almost every other church on the planet their members are free to discuss what happens in church and their lives with anyone without fear of recrimination. Until that happens, Scientology will be viewed with distrust and hatred. Let Nazanin speak and tell her story. Let Nicole Kidman speak. Let Katie Holmes speak.


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