Monday, September 10, 2012

Ryan Reynolds & Blake Lively Get Married

You have to give to Ryan Reynolds, he is willing to keep on plugging away at marriage until he finds someone who he thinks he can be with forever. He also prefers if they are willing to give up their careers or at least not be as famous as him. With Gossip Girl ending, then that is a real possibility with Blake Lively. The couple got married in South Carolina but had the cake shipped from two states away because Blake said she could not find a cake suitable in the state. The couple got married on a former plantation and had the reception under a white tent. Something about that sentence does not feel right. Anyway, it seems like that the whole thing was put together by Blake and Ryan just showed up and said, "I do." It also goes to show you that things that start on movie sets while other people are married can still work out in the end. Of course, Blake had to spend some time with Leonardo DiCaprio first and Ryan had to do that whole divorce thing, but in the end.


  1. Congratulations to the happy couple!!!

    *now everyone can be snarky without feeling guilty*

  2. Hmmmm. That sounds like a reveal.

    Good for them. They seem better suited for each other, than Ryan and Scarlet. This is also the second time he's married under the radar, which just proves that it can be done.

  3. Yeah...a reveal about a controlling guy who doesn't want GF to work. I think he had a divorce under his belt too, in that blind! Somebody find it! I'm too impatient & not too bright with the computer-machine.

  4. I'm from SC. They were married in charleston. News says Bette Midler was in for the wedding. Seems random.

  5. I want someone to announce it before I believe it. If it's true, congrats! And I think it's mean, Enty, to say "keep on plugging away at marriage" when he's only been married once. Maybe that's my headache talking.

  6. When I first read this, I went back to try and find the reveal about when he was treating Blake like shit when she was following him around like a lost puppy. Couldn't find that one, but there was a post speculating that their affair is what broke up his first marriage.

  7. No 'suitable' cake in all of SC? Sounds like bridezilla, doesn't it? Is your marriage about a sub-super-duper cake no one but you notices?

  8. Maybe it's under the radar bc no one really cares about them?

    I agree that they seem to be a better fit. I bet he was too stifling for ScarJo. Handsome but controlling. Blake seems like she will follow the rules a bit better.

  9. I think it IS the reveal for that blind! I can't remember all the guesses, but it sure sounds like it fits! I just don't get his appeal, except from Two Guys...he was awesome in that.

  10. What Enty is insinuating is interesting because this contradicts what Lainey said about it not starting on set. Hmmmm, wonder which one is right? I hope Lainey is but that's probably very naive of me.

  11. There was this one from 9/1:
    "What A+ list movie actor decided to handle negotiations directly for his B list movie actress wife. The result? She was passed over for someone who made far fewer demands which makes her actor husband ecstatic. He does not want her working at all. He wants her available to him at all times. The only way she will work is if it suits his needs and fits his time schedule. He just has not told her that though."

    Looking to see if there was another, though, because that was definitely recent.

  12. Libby, Virginia has MUCH better cakes than South Carlonia. Every body knows this!!! Why begrudge Blake her perfect cake for a perfect man and a perfect day!


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  16. @libby - wasn't it his ex (scarjo) that was in the avengers?

  17. Em---I had my super-hero movies confused---MOSTLY because I was trying to force RR into an A+ (which is more TC, RDJ, etc territory).
    I deleted it. thanks.

  18. Green Lantern was horrible! ITA

    Can't wait for more Avengers!!! I think it's kinda funny that both ScarJo and RR played super heroes on the big screen. But ScarJo got to be in a better film and IMO has a much cooler power!

    *geek moment over*

  19. Is it wrong for me to say i would love to see Mila Kunis play a Russian black widow style superhero? Is it so wrong for me to like her more than ScarJo?

  20. Em - People Mag announced it last night. I first heard about it while watching the new about TIFF - one of the reporters was holding her BlackBerry, and said this just had just been announced.

  21. I'm back to the July blinds, and haven't seen another one about an actor not wanting his wife/GF to work. I think the one I pasted above is what was triggered in our minds by Enty's wording, though the BI says "wife" and they weren't married yet. Regardless, Enty seems to be airing a number of things in this post - yikes. I thought the whole deal with Ryan/ScarJo's divorce was because of something she did? Anyway, Blake and Ryan make a cute couple - not that that determines success.

  22. @surfer: okay, I'll believe it!

    Really, they're the perfect couple, because both of them drive me nuts. Not in a good way.

  23. They are two boring people, she had a bit of zip before but since him nada.
    Also he's shy and she never met a pap she doesn't like...
    So she got what she wanted but for how long ? Can't see this lasting.
    Also does anyone else think she pregnant besides me...?

  24. MISCH - I kinda think so. Wasn't there a rumor about it in the last couple months? I've been trying to figure it out when I see photos from the set of GG. In all the shots I've seen, she was either wearing something where you wouldn't be able to tell, or had a bag in front i.e. the shot from last week? of Serena and Dan on the motorbike and she's holding her bag up.

  25. A majority of weddings are planned by the bride with the groom just showing up, LOL.

    And a celebrity wedding can be done under the radar if the celebs want it to be.

  26. Now that I think about it...Don't y'all remember that in the divorce, Scarlett was cast as 'too ambitious' and/or 'cares more about career than marriage'?
    Am I mis-remembering their divorce? Because those would be the words of a man who doesn't want his wife to work at all.
    If it's true, good for Scarlett. Actresses have such a short shelf life, it would be totally unfair for any actress' husband to try and cut her off so early.
    Scarlett J has done two AWESOME things IMB, Penn notwithstanding: 1. wouldn't give up her career when she didn't want to.
    2. Snuck out when The Cruise took her to his $cio-Center, left him hanging. THAT was funny!

  27. *yawn* I would've cared once upon a time but now I just don't. I wish them the best and hope they don't give the kid a stupid name when it pops out in 5 months.

  28. Ha! Misch and Amber... we're all on the shotgun wedding train together.

  29. I heard the divorce was because Scarlett and Ryan both worked nonstop and spent only a few weeks together during the marriage, but I can see how his people could spin that to their publications that she put work first.
    Blake was definitely after Ryan on set of Green Lantern, remember her dragging him to cooking classes? Very date like. Scarlett hated her then, I bet she's on the bottle today. As much as I dislike her, it would feel bad to lose your husband then have him marry the girl you suspected him of cheating with, or at least you knew she was scamming on him.

    1. Oh yesss, I so agree @Sarah. It DOES feel like shit. Fuck you Blake Lively-s!

  30. nice! but ewww getting married where countless ppl have suffered is kinda creepy.

  31. Man I think Blake lively may be one of those women that women hate if she really did sleep with Ryan when he was married because it was also rumored she slept with Ben affect on the set of The Town. If that is the case...karma may just bite this chick in the butt now that SHE is the wife.

  32. Blake is a big baker so i'm sure whe wasn't going to settle for anything but the perfect wedding cake.

    Happy she finally landed her whale.

    May they live happily ever after with their mirrors.

  33. "Affleck". I hate my iPhone sometimes! 😖

  34. @libby - I agree w/you - Mila would have been better in that Avengers role than Scarlett - I didn't really dig her in that movie. Maybe it was all about who could fill out the suit better :-).

  35. I wonder if Blake really is like how Ted and other gossipers painted her. Always after the A list married man? Who knows.
    Anyway, I wish them well. I like Ryan, he was hilarious and gorgeous in The Proposal and The Change-Up. I have never once seen anything Blake is in.

  36. Frufra--I have such a girl-crush on Mila (I blank out any Ashton residue). I would love to see her be a strong ass-kicker, and conjure her accent back.
    Scarlett was an easy choice for it, i think. For the reasons you said.

  37. congrats! as i'm not interested by them as i think they're a real couple

  38. Oh, ITA about the Mila-love. I've loved her since That 70's Show. She has a real presence about her - she was so confident, even when she was just a kid at the beginning of that series. I think she's got that "it" factor, ya know? Great comedic timing, too.

  39. Congrats! Am I going to hell for feeling Schadenfreude? Probably. Can't stand that bitch Scarlett.

  40. and his first marriage broke because ScarJo and him never were together(always working)

  41. I also prefer to think that Mila's bossing Ashton around just like Jackie ran Kelso :-).

  42. Oh, Frufra! When will our Mila shed HER douche?
    They'd have to be together for 10 more years for me to accept him as a reasonable choice for boyfriend.

  43. wasn't there a blind a couple of days ago that said this actress only wanted to be with guys that treated her like shit cause she had low self esteem.she was with one A list guy that really treated her well and she couldnt handle it? most people thought it was scar jo. doesnt mean it is definitely her obviously. i like ryan, always found him funny. can say what you want about blake but she is smoking hot. Married to Scar Jo AND Blake? man, some people have all the luck :)

  44. isn't blake one if harvey's casting couch girls? skank will do anything to get A++++++ famous

  45. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I just want to see that Green Lantern's power is AMAZING. Having a ring that works based on your will and can build any construct your mind can think of is super cool. :-D

  46. Maybe Mila has what it takes to whip him into shape. But I don't really think you can change another person. Maybe he's just been waiting for someone to demand more out of him?

    I am clearly overly invested in Jackie and Kelso :-). She also dated McCauley for all those years, and he appears to be a wreck. Maybe she's a fixer?

  47. @Layna - ITA. And my kids and I liked that cheesy movie, too. It was fun - summertime popcorn movie!! He was super-cute, too in his little outfit.

  48. For 25 years old Blake has been around.....and around.

  49. I irrationally dislike her.

  50. Ryan's good as long the part calls for some comedy. I can't take him too seriously, and to me he's more cute than hot. Blake's mumbling gets on my last nerve and I think her looks are exceptionally average. In other words, they're a good match.

  51. @dia papaya, what was ScarJo's superpower? Acting vulnerable while secretly scheming?

  52. @Lola -

    I irrationally dislike her.

    Is my favorite comment of the week. And it's only Monday!

    Thanks to all of you for smarts and laughs. I am off to meetings with mediocre excuse-makers! Best to all of you!!!

  53. I just had to post this quote from Dlisted. God, how I love Michael K.

    'We all found out the answer to the question "What's blander than a piece of boiled cauliflower sitting in a puddle of cold tap water?" about a year ago when Blake and Ryan started humping..'

  54. I just had to post this quote from Dlisted. God, how I love Michael K.

    'We all found out the answer to the question "What's blander than a piece of boiled cauliflower sitting in a puddle of cold tap water?" about a year ago when Blake and Ryan started humping..'

    1. Love Michael K, he always has the right words!

  55. I am just irrationally happy to read a post about Blake Lively that doesn't repeatedly ask 'How did she DO that?'
    I thought Lainey's use of 'Non?' was bad, but the above quote makes me want to break things!

  56. I wonder if Teen Witch was her maid of honor. Someone tell me they remember that movie.

    RR is super fine and I enjoy his sarcastic presence in movies, he is a perfect Deadpool except they fudged that character up in the Wolvie Origins movie. Heres hoping they use a MIB mind eraser on the general population so we can forget about Origins and GL movie, and they can finally give Deadpool a great movie.

    1. Know the movie, had to google the Blake lively connection. Holy crap that was her sister??? That movie is sooo cheese-tastic! I war g it whenever it's on tv haha!!

      "TOP THAT!!" rap=best thing ever.

    2. I liked his character in Wolverine... Once they sewed his mouth shut and took his shirt off ;)

  57. There's a photo of her in a vintage looking dot bathing suit from last piece, I thought she had gained a few pounds but now I say Shotgun..

  58. Dear Blake, South Carolina doesn't have one of the highest obesity rates in the nation by having tasty kale chips.

  59. I watched The Change-Up recently and thought it was horrible. What a waste of two good actors.

    The only thing I've ever seen of Blake was The Town and she was very good in that.

    I hope she's not the skanky ho hubby chaser everyone makes her out to be, but chances are...

    Oh well, happy Monday and congrats to the newlyweds.

  60. Call me crazy, but I like that RR is bland. For once we have an actor who isn't constantly catting around. He seems to want to simply do his job, go home, and be quietly married. Yes, it's boring for gossip sites. But it makes me like him, because I might actually like him IRL. And if he prefers a wife who doesn't have her own career - well, plenty of guys still want a SAHM that they can support. I wouldn't marry him, but plenty of women would.

    I don't get Blake's appeal, but I'm not the target demo. Many guys seem to lust after her. So even though I find her plain looking, obviously she has something going for her.

    Of greater concern to me is that last night I had a dream that I was engaged to LiLo. Yikes!

  61. @Sea, I will 'call you crazy' !

  62. Oh, and I wish Ryan would stop using foundation. Really, dude... lay off the make up. It's looking ridiculous.

  63. @Seachica - there have been several reveals about RR that paint him as anything but bland. There was the one where he had sex with Lively and when she asked when she'd see him again, he said something along the lines of, "maybe when we're promoting the movie, if you're lucky." There was another where he was sleeping with lots of women, some of whom couldn't even speak English. He was divorced at the time, so I don't think he was doing anything wrong in that one, but it still makes him a little less bland, don't you think?

  64. Off topic but who believes in saving the cake to to eat on the one year anniversary?

    1. I did that! We saved the top tier in the freezer and ate it on our first anniversary :)

  65. @Baka - I always thought that would be kind of gross, eating defrosted cake. But I'll probably do it if I get married.

    1. Yeah it didn't taste that great but it was fun to talk and remember our wedding day

  66. @g.strathmore

    Her super power is her giant boobs! Haha! And the fact that she is a bad ass martial artist and deceiver of men!

    In comic world, Green Lantern is way cooler BUT that movie was so lame. Almost unwatchable. However I loved watching ScarJo's fight scenes! I like that she's a bad ass and fills out her costume, as all female super heroes are required to do by the men who draw them ;)

  67. Ryan seems generally likeable on most of his films and may do something memorable in the future.

    Never seen "Gossip Girl" but Blake Lively was good in "The Town". And, to her credit, she nailed that Dorchester/Townie Boston accent. Her pronunciation of "daughter" was spot on. I read a story that Affleck thought she was native-born when she read for the part. Good actresses (e.g. Diane Lane)savage the accent. So there may be some upside to her acting yet to be seen.

    Hope they're happy. It's a fleeting thing and everybody deserves a chance.

  68. Blake Lively is beyond boring! Her biggest PR was who she was dating. That's going to end with this guy. I think she is perfect for RR.

  69. Ryan Reynolds is bland-LOOKING. That's what I mean. I have no idea what his personality is. His LOOKS though are the cutesy bland Tigerbeat kind.

    @dia papaya, I refuse to acknowledge doing martial arts and spying as superpowers. Now hypnotizing men with boobs on the other hand is a totally legitimate superpower.

  70. For anyone interested, here is the revealed blind about them:

  71. Having been to South Carolina a number of times, I can't fault her for getting her cake elsewhere, though I bet if she'd really looked, she could have found a good one in Charleston.

  72. They got married about 20 minutes from. Pretty cool. I hope they are happy.

  73. homey likes 'em young, eh.

  74. I saved the top of my cake. I expected it to be gross, but it was actually quite enjoyed. I'm Holly, by the way. Reader of over 6 years, and very rare poster...

  75. If the Blind Reveal is correct, I guess this marriage is one long press event.

    My hubs at our cake by mistake two months after the wedding. It was a Vegas wedding, so it was a pretty small piece.

  76. Wow, they are an exceedingly bland and boring couple, aren't they? And Reynolds is marrying to match the downward trajectory of his career - Boobs Legsley is a big step down from Scarlett Johansson.

  77. I don't find Blake smoking hot at all. I've never liked the expression "butter face" but it seems tailor made for her. Hey Ryan, remember, any kids you have have a 50/50 chance of having her OLD nose!

    @ Libby - I think pretty much everyone prefers Mila to ScarJo.

  78. He sure loves a lady with a deep voice.

  79. We ate our cake on our one year. It was disgusting, which was sad because it was so good at the wedding

  80. If one of my marriages ever made it to one year, I might have had some cake!

    I'll have to remember this tradition and try to stick it out a little longer the next time.

    Anything for cake.

  81. I actually prefer Blake's old nose. At least it had more character than...well than her character.

  82. Not my favorite people these two. Blake is so blah! Scarlet was more exciting! They had no chemistry in the Green Lantern I thought so it was surprising that they were dating

  83. Carebear, anyone who can toss out a robin lively reference is ok in my book!

  84. ? Just because the girl may have a favorite baker (and, from all accounts, Blake LOVES to bake and is quite good at it, visiting bakeries, etc.), and just because her favorite baker may have offered to bring in her cake, doesn't mean Blake thinks a decent one can't be found in the Carolinas. That's just a massive unnecessary presumptive leap. I hope they are happy. Maybe they are bland, but I like them and their lack of arrest records and cat fights and glass throwing and track marks. Scarlette treated Ryan like sh9t and admitted as much. Blake seems in love with him, and Leo's an ass. So, more power to 'em. Be happy ...

  85. was blake having an affair w/ ben affleck? or is that someone else?

  86. @rejectedcarebear
    There were SO many continuity problems with Wolverine they can totally fix what they messed up with Deadpool.

    1. Prof. X is seen (as Patrick Stewart) standing on his feet and helping the kids escape from Three Mile Island, yet he was paralyzed as a younger man in the 60s (as James McAvoy) in X-Men: First Class.

    2. In 1979, Emma Frost was a teenager (Kayla's diamond-skinned sister) in Wolverine (Three Mile Island meltdown) and an adult played by January Jones in the 60s in X-Men: First Class.

    I know there are others but those are the two main ones that stick in my mind.

  87. I agree with you, g. strathmore-- I've always found him to be bland-looking.

  88. Charleston is a very popular place for a destination wedding, so that fact that it was there or at Boone Hall doesn't really surprise me. I'm just surprised they are getting married, period.

    Sidenote: Part of "The Notebook" was filmed there. Maybe Blake was envisioning a Gosling/McAdams reenactment? ;)

    I also read elsewhere that she is friends with Florence Welch and she performed at the wedding?

  89. Blake probably had Sprinkles send a giant cupcake. Didn't they have a 'Blake Lively cupcake' earlier this year?

  90. There was a blind, to which many people guessed her and Affleck, and it was revealed instead to be her and Ryan Reynolds. So instead of people remembering that they had their guess wrong, people are "remembering" that she had affairs with BOTH Affleck AND Reynolds. As far as has been revealed, it's just Reynolds.

    This is the part of gossip that I don't like: people become so convinced of their guesses that they don't let them go when the truth comes out. They just add their guesses to the truth. Now, obviously *I* don't know whether or not she had affairs with various co-stars, but the only one revealed to us on this site is the one with Reynolds (and it was that one that was popularly but evidently wrongly guessed to be Affleck).

  91. Nope, she had a fling with Affleck too and it continued after she got the role. Isn't this RR's 2nd blonde, big boobed, 23 year old bride. I see a pattern forming, like Cruise and that 33 thing. Remember, you lose them how you found them.

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  93. Oops. They started sleeping together when she was 23 and he was married. Now she's 25. My mistake.

  94. Blake doesn't have big boobs, but otherwise, Jazzy, I agree with what you said.
