Sunday, September 02, 2012

Rihanna Goes Crazy

Rihanna was about to be kicked out of a London club after jumping on a table and breaking it which sent glass all over the club, but then she started screaming about don't you know who I am and the bouncers didn't but when they found out they let her stay. Apparently if you are famous you can break everything you want. When the table broke, about $4K in champagne went down with it. Oh, and you know what else you get when you are famous and do crap that gets you kicked out if you are not famous? According to The Sun, the manager offered Rihanna free drinks for the rest of the night.


  1. Once again proving the old saying, there's no such thing as bad publicity as long as they spell your name right.

  2. Enty,
    "Goes" crazy? I'm confused. I thought a collective readers decision was made that she had already gone crazy?

  3. Agree Merlin, all the club cared about after finding out It was Rhianna was the publicity...any other person would've been kicked out & billed/sued for the damages....she is such a mess, she needs rehab even if she isn't an out and out alchi/druggie bc that's the path she's headed down

  4. Agree Merlin, all the club cared about after finding out It was Rhianna was the publicity...any other person would've been kicked out & billed/sued for the damages....she is such a mess, she needs rehab even if she isn't an out and out alchi/druggie bc that's the path she's headed down

  5. Someone said she was on the Lohan express earlier- I think s/he might be absolutely right...

  6. ...and this just fuels "celebrity" self-entitlement.

    "Move that cone! I'm Lindsay Lohan!"

    Anyone know if Drake or Chris Brown were ever held responsible on any way for the damage to that NY nightclub they trashed suring their little bitchfest? I'm sure they weren't. Sigh.

  7. Enty, in the future, please head all Rihanna articles with "Rihanna Goes Crazy, Part II/III/IV", etc. I know it will be difficult to keep track of, but it would be FUNNY. :)

  8. ^^^^^^^ I miss your caped cat:)

  9. I will be SO happy when she finally disappears off the radar. Self-entitled coonts are 10-a-penny, and I'm not a fan of her music anyway, so no big loss to me if she isn't mentioned for the next 5 or 6 years. Make it 10 to be on the safe side. I know it's whistling against the wind, but I really hate that all you need to be famous now is either bad behaviour or a sex tape. Or both, to be really sure. There are so many talented people who will never get a shot at the big time because they don't look hot enough, or have too much self respect. Rant over, but I feel better for it. Time for my meds...

  10. @Agent, will bring kitty back soon. Just for you :)

  11. ^^^^^^ But I missed Thor Face. LOL!

    How soon until Rihanna crashes a car? I have no idea why, but I like her and I like her crazy ways. I like her music too.

    Trashing the club was not cool, RiRi. There is a fine line btw cute crazy and LiHo crazy. Looks like she's pretty close to crossing it (see in the pic? the line!) Haha.

  12. Em, how to please all your fans? What a dilemma!

  13. She's a wild one!! Ot, i just read playboy rejected Stodden fir their mag as " too enhanced". Are u f*cking kidding me?????????

  14. Her new music sucks. Her older stuff was tolerable with a good beat. Clean the fuck up Rihanna

  15. Love when people use the ole don't you know who I am?

  16. Oh Em I vote for the cat since I'm a cat lady :)

  17. If she and Lilo ever get together to party I GUARENTEE one of them will either OD and/or get into a nasty car accident since it'll double the amount of drugs and alcohol flowing.

  18. I think we can all agree that she is bat crap crazy. I am so over all the misbehaving, classless celebrities and musicians.

  19. She reminds me so much of the drunkards I pass tearing shit up outside the liquor store until they collect enough change to buy some Colt 45.

    "Works every time."

  20. Somewhat OT, did anyone see Lohan tweet last night about a Chanel bracelet she wanted? Greg Gutfeld replied, "Please don't steal it" ha ha.

  21. Being the wild child that I am, my hubs and I were watching a rerun of SNL before we went to sleep last night. We got 45 seconds into Rihanna's performance and at the same time said "Oh my God, I can't watch this". It was so bad! (This was the cooch-slappin' performance for those who are keeping score)

  22. Oh, and my dad is a homeless drunk who begs for money outside the liquor store, so please don`t jump on me for not understanding the plight of mental illness and homelessness.

  23. I love RiRi. I just do. Girl, go'n. Break them tables.

  24. I am sure it's made, but I need to design a black T-Shirt with "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?" in silver glitter lettering on the front.

    1. Yep, they're out there by none of them are sparkly. You should definitely make a sparkly one.

  25. Sunny, I missed that one. Was it really that bad?

    I just listen on the radio. And honestly they all kinda sound the same these days...

  26. Anonymous12:02 PM

    She's talentless and obnoxious, obviously "don't you know who I am".

  27. Okay, I spent a few minutes in Photoshop...

    1. This one Em! Love it! The crazy face with the red cape :D

  28. ...and there's this one, too.

  29. Did anyone else look at her shirt and think it said Trampstar or is it just me? Maybe I've had too many margaritas and sangria.

  30. I loathe celebs (or anyone of privilege) thinking they can do whatever they want and then acting entitled when there are consequences (don't you know who I am). She's been lucky in life, so she gets to act a fool and do crazy shit 24/7 without ever paying for it. I wish they'd lose all their fame/money and have to go work at McD's. Only those who appreciate it (and act as such) should be allowed to stay in that club.

  31. @Sunny, lol, you wild child.

  32. Poor poor Ri. I sincerely hope she finds happiness and health.

  33. Poor poor Ri. I sincerely hope she finds happiness and health.

  34. @Munch, I totally agree with you. Used to need talent to be noticed. Showing my age.

  35. I loathe her music and think she is an obnoxious, self-entitled mess that is eventually going to fall super hard.

    Em, I'm lmao over the Thorface with the cape.

  36. @bobbi No Trapstar. I don't know anything about the brand but she wears it a lot. So much so that it makes me think she's trying to say something. :(

    @EmEm Girl, the crazy cat lady train has arrived! I'm jumping on the back of that sheezy!

    No, I don't know what that word means. It just sounds cool.

  37. @Sunny, oh my gosh...we had the privilege of watching that SNL ep the first time around. I couldn't figure out why she was slicing her nonnie like a cake, then smacking it (hubs said the song is about cake?) It was so confusing. But wasn't she supposedly late/drunk/skipped rehearsals all week? Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else.

    My gosh, I can't keep track of these young celebs and their nonnie-smacking-table-crashing-champagne-wasting ways.

  38. Smh. She's heading for the 27 club.

  39. So apparently a celebrity who was most probably invited to the club went all ' Don't you know who I am', when she is sure to have had club workers attending to her and the management would of alerted security she was there. C'mon Enty, you must do better. Oh and CDAN fam, can't believe you accept a tabloid story as truth. How sad.

  40. Em- holy Shizuoka!!! (my phone replaced shiz with this lovely word, so it stays. :) )
    The one with the red cape zombie lady is hilarious!

  41. After my couple days of wilderness living I will come back and put my cats vicious yawning picture up. He is a tuxedo terror. :)

  42. mildred pierce thank god someone else is sane on here!! wish people wouldnt be so quick to swallow everything they read!

    1. @slgkrc when I read that I didn't notice MP's username and thought you were using it as an expletive. "Mildred Pierce, it's hot today!"

  43. @auntliddy - I'm pretty sure in the early 2000s playboy went through a kick of 'natural beauties/girls next door'.

    Playboy seemingly prefers to avoid obvious surgery cases and goes more 'classy', whereas Penthouse has the full on porn stars.

    I'm pretty sure they turned down Audrianna PAtridge from the hills too, and I think for the same reason.

  44. Artemis: Sorry about your dad. But thanks for the giggle--I LMAO at that old "Works every time" tagline. Ah, those Billy Dee Williams Colt 45 ads were/are hilarious.

  45. She's back with the trash king, Chris Brown, so what else can we expect from her?

  46. @ EmEyeKay , can't stop laughing ................... :)

  47. @Em - both of those avis are sheer genius!!

  48. She is such trash, and the people who enable her are just as bad.

  49. EM - both work for me. Both hysterical! Love it :D

  50. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I should do the whole 'don't you know who I am?' thing.

    Don't you know who I am? I am the great granddaughter of the king of spain's 3rd mistress! I don't know which king, but I do know he was from Spain.

    Does that get me a free night of drinks?

  51. @MILDRED PIERCE said...
    "So apparently a celebrity who was most probably invited to the club went all ' Don't you know who I am', when she is sure to have had club workers attending to her and the management would of alerted security she was there. C'mon Enty, you must do better. Oh and CDAN fam, can't believe you accept a tabloid story as truth. How sad."

    *shrug* Logic goes out of the window when you are given an excuse to bash a female celebrity you despise already.

  52. She needs to study Tara Reed.
