Thursday, September 20, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

The Goopster hosted a fund raiser. She is actually showing some curves which means she will probably go on a four month cleanse and then sell it all to us.
Cameron Diaz was there too. With Drew pregnant, Cameron needs others to party with.
Not just a bodyguard any longer. Now Heidi Klum's boyfriend also gets to get coffee for her.
Jessica Simpson shows off Starbucks.
Kirstie Alley drags clothes out from her Look Who's Talking shoot.
Bristol Palin after DWTS practice.
Shocker. Star is accused of photoshopping a Kate Middleton belly.

Lady GaGa looks a little lethargic here.


  1. Awww! Little Maxie looks a lot like JS. She has lively, pretty eyes.

  2. I dont get the Jessica Sim shows off Starbucks, what am I missing?

  3. @Anotheramy - Starbucks = baby Maxwell (House - coffee).

  4. What happened to Gaga's short haircut?

  5. Gaga changes wigs every can't tell here, but she has packed on about 20- lbs.

    Jessica, GO AWAY. STOP whoring your baby out for more attention.

  6. I wish these tabloids would have to pay some fine to a charity or something every time they erroneously claim someone is pregnant.

    Now, there is NO reason not to make these stupid claims knowing how wrong they are, cuz there's no blow-back and it sells copies.

    So annoying.

  7. The baby is adorable. ADORABLE I SAY!

  8. Packed on 20 pounds? Who cares. She looks good.

  9. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I find it odd that Goopy held a fundraiser in London for Obama. Why are people who live in other countries raising money for presidential candidates? Since she's so British now, she shouldn't care who our president is.

    Gaga looks lethargic because of all the pot she smoked onstage in Amsterdam. Probably why she's gained weight, too.

    1. Maybe she was fundraising for an American candidate because... She's freaking American!!! DUH

  10. I think baby Folgers looks cute.

  11. @Texshan, I feel exactly the same way about Rupert Murdoch constantly giving money and weighing in on American politics.

  12. I think she's pg, but I find it so rude to speculate in tabloids before it's announced. What if it turns out they have trouble conceiving? Hovering never helps anyone have a baby; I can't imagine half the world watching MY uterus... has enough politicians watching it as it is!
    *rim shot*

  13. Snapdragon, she looks great there! In costume of bikini top and fishnet stockings, not so much....there are pics everywhere.

  14. Wow, Jessica's face looks quite slimmed down here....but it's probably photoshop I guess

  15. Who told Cameron Diaz that outfit was okay? Why are celebrities dressing like my middle-school teachers all of a sudden?

  16. Actually, Kate's belly wasn't photoshopped. The photo was blown up, her face was lightened because of shadowing and the woman in the background was eliminated. By blowing up her image it emphasizes her chest and abdomen. It's a really old, and basic, trick.

  17. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Unknown, I agree. I don't think that foreigners or people who live in other countries should be involved in our elections.

    Also, when will Hollywood people realize that stumping for a candidate makes a lot of people (like me) LESS likely to vote for that candidate, not more? The day that I vote for someone because some barely literate starlet said he was super-cool is the day I give permission to be shot in the face.

    1. So I guess that because their career is acting means they aren't allowed to have opinions and vote. Whatever.

  18. Why would who hosts a fundraiser influence your vote versus the information, the candidate and their beliefs? That seems a bit impractical and ridiculous.

  19. As Rupert Murdoch is now a US citizen he would be allowed to vote and the fore entitled to comment (however much we might disagree with him) and I'm sure Gwynnie was targeting the US expat community in London not the Brits.

  20. Does Goop own any clothing at all that isn't white? Inquiring minds would like to know.

    Also, Jessica's baby is soooooo adorable

  21. Gwyneth looks really good here.

    Jessica and baby look adorable.

  22. I'm are really sorry... But I kind of like the Goop, I think she is really pretty. She has a natural beauty that is rare today. I am happy she kept her natural boobies.
    I forgot to that Camiele in the next post, her boobs look Terrible. I don't think big fake ones of tiny older women are very attractive, that is just me though. Lots of people like big boobs.

    I like Heidi and the bodyguard. He is a hunk. :)

  23. Jessica's baby is adorable!

    Blogger ate my comment about the other photos from amsterdam of gaga. She is looking rough. That had a photo from 2009 and she was so young and fit. She has aged a lot and has not treated her body very good lately. She kind of looked like Kesha is the fishnet stockings.

  24. Paris sucks- posting a picture of your baby on fucking twitter is not whoring her out. Do you know what defines a whore? Receiving payment.

    Jesus fuck, can't the girl enjoy being a mother like a normal person? And guess what THEY all post pictures. Tori Spelling, Tiff Amber Thiessen, Solei Moon Frye, Pink, Britney, ALL of them.

  25. @Lucas - I can't believe you are the only one that has pointed out the hideousnous (sp?) of Cameron's outfit. That looks a stupid polyester pantsuit that my mom made me where when I was 5 (and it was 1975). UGGGHHHHH!

    1. Right? What is wrong with this world when a straight man on a gossip site is the first one to call a disaster like that out? Get with the program, people!

    2. Lol seriously. She looks like a walking penis.

  26. Lady Gaga has a brutal schedule. Its no surprise shes aged. "Packed on" 20 pounds? She still looks skinny to me. Must have needed it, it looks good on her.

  27. I actually like Gwyneth, she's pretty and I even like her singing voice, at least the one I heard in Duets.

    Jess and the baby look cute here.

    It mist be exhausting to come up with, wear, and be a different persona every day. Lady Gaga should just choose one and settle in.

  28. that picture of Jessica and little Sanka is adorbes.

    OMG, Kirstie Alley is One.Hot.Mess and a Half!

    and why is Cameron wearing a Polyester Pepto Pantsuit that make her look like she has thunder thighs and tummy bloat? That outfit should be illegal! Who goes to the store, tries that shit on and goes, "oh yeah, I'm rocking this, ring it up?" WTF?!? Where you high, Cammy? Cuz, that is the only explanation I got.

    Lady Gaga has been hanging with Uncle Terry and Lindsay Lohan. Girl has officially stepped up her drug habit. Sorry fans.

  29. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I hate it when people slouch like Kate is doing there.

  30. jax, ALL of them whore out their babies on Twitter. I was not singling Chestica out. I don't like when anyone does it.

    Jump down people's throats much? Asshole.

  31. What a pretty picture of Jessica and her baby. I didn't recognize her for a second.

    I love Kate. I just think she is adorable.

    Bristol looks good here, I must admit.

  32. I also actually like Gwyneth. I think she's beautiful and a good actress.

  33. I think Gwyneth is pregnant.

  34. That's a pretty shot of Jess and Max.

  35. Gaga openly admitted she's gained 25 pounds (article on HuffPost) but claims it's from eating at her dad's restaurant in NY so frequently.

  36. Kate not preggers.
    Jess baby totally adorbs.
    Goop rubs me the wrong way, snotty biotch.

    Why is she called "Goop? "

  37. PugsterMom, Fishsticks as Ted C. used to refer to her (reference to her skinny frigid self) decided she would share with "the poors" how to live as she does in her self titled newsletter/life style company. "In September 2008, she launched a weekly lifestyle newsletter, "Goop", encouraging readers to 'nourish the inner aspect'.The website's title is derived from the initials of her first and last names.Each week, the newsletter focuses on an action: Make,Go,Get,Do,Be,& See.It has been ridiculed by E-Online,Vanity Fair,The Independent,& the UK's Daily Mirror.I once read a piece that was titled "30 Days of Goop" in which an ordinary person attempted to follow Gwyneth's advice, became violently ill,& quit because bouts of loose um, stools & taking the subway to work are a bad mix.

  38. ONG!!! I want to pinch little Maxie's cheeks she is so cute:)

  39. What a beautiful baby. Jessica looks sincerely happy these days.

    Someone should tell Gaga that having a leftie every time she gets stressed is not going to help keep her thin.

  40. I'm fairly certain Rupert Murdoch lives in the US not Australia so he has a right to speak up about US politics.

  41. I love the pics. Thanks. Gwyneth looks amazing. That looks like a baby from the roaring 20's. Cuteness personified. And I am totally alone in tanking Cameron looks great?

  42. @ Texshan.. I usually don't say much because I'm not part of the "clique" here but you have to admit that your dislike of whatever fund raising is more influenced by that you dont like Obama than anything else. There are plenty of ex-pats in England who still get a vote. It's fine that you don't like Obama. While I don't agree with you, at least admit that your are partial to being against anything having to do with him.

    1. You are so right on so many levels. I once guessed a blind item (a first time) and some person very rudely replied that someone had already guessed that. I was thinking, wtf?? How many repeats do I see on here every day and no one is chastized. There are some real bullies here. I have lots of fun stories from our time owning a high end boutique hotel in southern california. No one ever asks. Coming new to this site is like starting 7th grade at a new school. Sometimes I'm entertained so I keep coming back. Andplusalso I also felt the obvious dislike for the canditate in that comment. You'd have to be hard of noticing not to.

  43. Baby Maxwell is so cute and this outfit is much better than the cringeworthy baby bikini. Let babies be babies. Honestly, I could see Jessica popping up pregnant again real soon.

  44. How I see it, if the US expects me to file and pay taxes, then I should get a vote (the US is one of the only countries to require citizens abroad to file and pay taxes if they make more than a certain amount - last I checked, filing was above $8k, paying was above $80k). That's just my opinion.

    I think Jessica's just a proud new Mama - and she's probably feeling good about herself and her little one.

  45. Portlandjewel I for one would love to hear your boutique stories please.

  46. There was a hotel in there


  48. PortlandJewel - please share. We want to know!!!

    7th grade sounds about right. Ignore the cliques! Just have fun!!!

  49. FairMaiden, Thank you for your kind words. The Goopster brings the haters on to herself with her hysterically funny suggestions as how "the poors" could aspire to her perfection. My favorite Goop example of how she pulls it off was the one re:what to wear as casual stuff on a plane. She suggested layering over a $600 part cashmere Donna Karan leggings as your basic piece. For $600 buckaroos, those babies should be pure cashmere. In addition, my idea of "casual comfy" on a plane is more like last season's Target collection of sweatsuits. Check it out: It is so touching, she is doing this for us: "Gwyneth started goop in the fall of 2008 to share all of life's positives. From creating a delicious recipe to finding a perfect dress for spring, Gwyneth began curating the best of lifestyle to help her readers save time, simplify and feel inspired. Determined to publish a genuine and resourceful issue each week, for many, goop has become their most trusted girlfriend on the web." She has offered herself up as your most "trusted girlfriend on the web". How can you resist? Peace out ; M

  50. Portlandjewel- please share your stories! I've been noticing you on the site recently (I think it is because this site has a huge PNW following) I try everyday to talk to someone I've never spoken to before on here, I want others to feel as included as I feel sometimes. So hi!

    And thank you M! That Goop info was great.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Lady Gaga needs a holiday. She looks absolutely exhausted. She's off her usual diet, probably eating sugary stuff during the day and smoking intermittent fatties.

    She's going to end up in the hospital unless she takes some time for herself.
