Brooklyn Decker sheds a tear after

watching her husband, Andy Roddick, lose in his last pro match ever.

So, yes it is Bar Refaeli in the front, but look behind her. Another person wearing the same pants. Ooops.

I hope this child has had their vaccinations. You don't want to get too near Courtney Love otherwise.

"Hi, I'm Kim Kardashian and I really love attention."

Looks like Nicole Richie took some lessons from her old friend.

More modestly dressed was Amy Adams.

Katharine McPhee practically went Amish compared to Kim and Nicole.

The amazing Iman. She might have got top spot if it was velvet. It was velour.
HOW is Nicole Ritchie a style icon? She goes from hippie mama to hoochie mama. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteI like Amy A.'s dress. Wonder if Jessica Alba has one just like it.
ReplyDeleteEnty must be obsesses with attention vermon since he's always posting nicole icky and kartrashian pics. Can we say vomit inducing?!
DeleteI think Nicole looks HOT there! Kim looks trashy all the time, because she is always spilling huge tits and ass.
ReplyDeleteBar, those pants are just plain awful.
How can you tell if they are velour or velvet?? It's ugly either way!
ReplyDeleteAfter looking at that photo of Kim Kardashian I'm convinced she's in no way shape or form an actual human being and she's actually one of those Blade Runner style Replicants. She just has to be.
ReplyDeletewas it her dead, soulless eyes that gave her away or was it the overall appearance of one of those custom love dolls?
DeleteIman!! What a goddess, I may be more jealous of her than any other woman on the planet. Bowie totally does it for me!
ReplyDeleteNicole looks good, I think. And I don't know about Katharine's dress, but she is just so gorgeous. People like to rag on her but I'm a fan.
ReplyDeleteAnd Iman...she's just incredible (and I heart her husband so).
Peterson found GUILTY. For those of you that have been put in the abyss because of a murdered sibling this is a personal message of vindication. Bless her family...
ReplyDeleteGood!!! He's such a POS!
DeleteI can't get past all the globs of lip gloss that's always on KK's lips. Yuck
ReplyDeleteIman! She is amazing, such a classic beauty and he has such elegance!
ReplyDeleteGREAT news, Agent. I wish he'd give up what happened to Stacy.
ReplyDeleteHes a f*cking pig, wldnt dream if doing anything remotely altruistic. And still women lined up who want to bang him or marry him. I do not get it.
DeleteI love Iman, but I'm not crazy about her in this picture.
ReplyDeleteHigh five for the guilty verdict.
Thanks - High 5 to you both . Stacy's story will eventually come out.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Courtney's back on her meds...
ReplyDeleteIman has said she never married David Bowie, and has nothing to do with him - she married David Jones. LOVE both of them.
ReplyDeleteOh Iman, you are so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteDavid Jones is David Bowie's real name. Is she saying she's not married to the rock star character David Bowie? There have been so many different ones over the years.
ReplyDeleteIman is rocking that velour pantsuit, Love her and David Bowie! *swoon*
ReplyDeleteLooks like there is a big spider on Kim's chest, yuck!
@karen, I see what you did there. ;)
ReplyDeleteKK and Parasite like 2 plastic dolls. Both are fakes.
ReplyDeleteI normally like some of Iman's clothing but this time her outfit and blond hair are not doing it.
I'd never put my babeh that close to Courtney Love. More like I'd throw myself btw CL & my child. Where's her maternal instinct? :D
ReplyDeleteI follow David Bowie's son on twitter, his name is Duncan Jones (formerly Zowie Bowie) and he is hilarious. He also made a really fantastic movie called Moon with Sam Rockwell.
ReplyDeleteI feel like you all needed to know that!
Cute baby!
DeleteII love Sam Rockwell .. He is amazing and so sexy without the taint of Hollywood schmooz.. He's my favorite underrated actor.
DeleteCB - I loved that Moon movie!
DeleteWoo Hoo Agent. Hopefully they will go after Drew next for Stacy's murder as well. Good for the Illinois jury.
ReplyDeleteGreat news about the Peterson case. "To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness." - Oscar Wilde.
ReplyDeleteRemind me how many wives this guy had who got "lost." Can you imagine the horror of losing your best friend or sister and always suspecting him but being helpless to press a claim?
Justice was finally served. Too little and too late, but I hope it brings some peace and vindication to the families of the victims.
Katherine Mcfees dress looks more Ukrainian than Amish :-)
ReplyDeleteI could see many of my husbands family hanging it on their wall
Thank god for the guilty verdict. I was scared they wouldn't convince because of circumstantial evidence
ReplyDelete@rejected carebear who did he play in Moon?
ReplyDeleteOoh, and Iman. I always thought she should have played Storm in the X-Men movies. She just has so much more presence about her than Halle Berry. She would have been perfect.
ReplyDeleteNever mind I just realized, that was a stupid question.
ReplyDeleteBaka- he wasn't in it, he wrote and directed it. He also directed Source Code with Jake G.
ReplyDeleteWhat Jason said. Keep fucking up your face, Kim!
ReplyDeleteKK always looking trashy and plastic, Nicole looks nice but different.
ReplyDeleteIman is a goddess, enough said!
I may be in the minority but I don't like Iman's hair here at all. Katherine, Nicole & KK all thumbs down on the outfits.
ReplyDeleteCourtney Love has been quiet lately, maybe she is growing/cleaning up!
Another sigh of relief for the guilty verdict. As for Kim K, didn't Kanye make her change her wardrobe because she looked like a low class floozie? Now she looks like a high class one.
ReplyDeleteThat is NOT velour, it's velvet.
ReplyDeleteI wonder of Kanye picked out that Klassy outfit Kimmy is wearing!
ReplyDeleteI wonder of Kanye picked out that Klassy outfit Kimmy is wearing!
ReplyDeleteWhy would one person wear leopard-print pants, let alone two?
ReplyDeleteAgent, great news. He is a scum bag! I hope we find out what happened to Stacy. I feel so badly for all the kids. How horrible to know that your dad killed your mom. Really sad. :(
ReplyDeleteLainey's blind solved: Will Arnett and Amy Poehler split.
I freaking hate pointy toe heels, hideous.
ReplyDeleteIman was the host of Canada's Project Runway. What an incredible woman. I don't like a messy look, this woman is impecable. She would come out on the runway, strike a pose and hold it while she purred, "designers..."
ReplyDeleteShe wore a Bowie t-shirt once.
Agreed, I don't think the blond hair suits her. And I don't like the outfit either.
I saw that January Girl. Thanks for the link!
ReplyDeleteSo Duncan Jones is Zowie Bowie. Thanks, Care Bear. He's a very talented guy. Love his movies. Been a Bowie fan forever. Got to see DB in concert in the 80's.
ReplyDeleteSaw the Peterson verdict earlier. So relieved. Wish they would put him away forever & hoping they find a way to get him to tell what he did with Stacy. He's such an arrogant POS.
Iman is gorgeous. Don't like the hair, but I love her outfit. I would totally wear that.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for the Duncan Jones/Moon factoid. I liked that movie, and it's cool to know it was directed by David Bowie's son.
ReplyDeleteWell played.
Sads to will and Amy. Super duper sads.
ReplyDeleteAnyone know which of Entys blinds referred to Will and Amy? He tweeted that he'd written a couple.
ReplyDeleteI am wanting someone to find the blind as well. I believe it was along the lines of a breakup that people would be upset about, and I THOUGHT it was because of an infidelity. The was a clue in the blind that pointed to something in Parks and Rec, and lots of people were guessing Wil and Amy.
I'm bummed too. I love both of them and they have young kids
OMG. Freaking re: Poehler and Arnett split. I was minding my own business, doing a search on the meth-addicted Cali. politician and I come across THIS bombshell. Here's the link to the Daily Post:
ReplyDeleteTotally wonder if the blind about him Applegate is true. Gah!!! Enty, Where are you?!?!?!
him AND Applegate. Sorry. Should probably go to sleep.
ReplyDeleteI think one of the blinds might have been about co stars having an affair with each other and popular guess was Will and Christina Applegate.
ReplyDeleteOops I was too late.
ReplyDelete@skittlekitty, I think Enty had reposted a blind from Lainey's website that concerned a well-liked comedy couple heading toward divorce. If you go to the Dlisted website, Michael K has a link to the original blind.
ReplyDeleteBa ha ha Enty, the fact that you know there is a velour and a velvet!!!
ReplyDeleteAmy looks way older than her years, hair pulled back, no make up, too harsh for a gorgeous girl.
Since we are OT here about the twitter blind, so sad to know it's Amy and Will.
ReplyDeleteIman is, and always be amazing.
That is a very tiny baby next to Courtney!
I could never imagine wearing anything as archtecturaly challenging as Kim K's top
Enty didn't repost the blind; a commenter posted it on an otherwise slow moving-thread. The clue that made people think Amy and Will was a line about Waffles (Leslie Knope's favorite) and Maple syrup (Canadian reference).
ReplyDeleteI don't know why I remember it; I just do.
OT: Thank heavens for this guilty verdict. Finally a jury stepped up to the plate and considered all the evidence, circumstantial or not, and and made a logical decision based on the admitted evidence.