Thursday, September 27, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today. Keanu Reeves goes shopping for his daily clothes. I feel like he always just lives for that day only. Except for showering.
Pamela Anderson already had a gig outside the country. That was fast wasn't it? What if she had stayed on the show? Guess that is why she didn't try that hard.
Rihanna loads up on magazines in London.
Rooney Mara tells Ryan Gosling to talk to the hand.
"Do you have Prince Albert in a can?"
Teresa Giudice at a launch party for NBA2K
Jay-Z was there too, but didn't look too thrilled.
Sammi and Ronnie were there representing Jersey Shore with


  1. A bunch of realty stars and JayZ. No wonder he looks less than thrilled.

  2. Daddy, Daddy, are you there? Pick up the phone Tom!

  3. Yeah, reality isn't J's thing.

  4. Keanu needs to reunite Dogstar. Maybe he can tour a double bill with Johnny Depp and P.

  5. I love Suri's iPhone case!

  6. Suri looks like such a little socialite there.

  7. Pammy looks to be on her way to her next paycheck....

  8. I saw Pamela on The View today and the whole time I couldn't help shake my head in shame for her. And her over the to sexuality just reminded me of Courtney Stodden.

  9. Suri is for sure talking to Tom - that will be the photo on the next Kneepad cover!!!!

    Is it really bad that I find Keanu kinda hot!! I always like the weird ones!!!!

    1. I agree, don't care how odd he may be, Keanu is still very extremely yummy :-)

    2. I agree, don't care how odd he may be, Keanu is still very extremely yummy :-)

    3. you are not alone :) keanu is yum yum I agree

  10. Vinnie is a doof and Ronnie looks terrifying. Does anyone else think that Ronnie keeps getting bigger and bigger? It is gross...

  11. Keanu, please make more movies. *pouty face*

  12. Keanu *sigh*. Made my long day better, thanks Enty.

  13. When does Jay Z ever looked thrilled?

    Is that picture of Suri supposed to back-up Tom's claims of talking to her 20 times a day on the phone? I bet she's talking to the Barbie hotline.

  14. @Ijsmed- agreed, I can't wait to see a pic of him leaking milk, Sammi is so pretty I wish she had a personality and a brain

  15. Enty just exposed us all to the std cluster of pics here

  16. I know he probably smells stinky, but I still lust for Keanu...

  17. Keanu can do what he wants, he's amazing

  18. Agree on Keanu, he still makes my heart skip a beat!

    I see a couple of BI reveals, Pammy for the absent mother and Vinny for the Jersey Shore blind.

  19. Can someone dissect Pam's outfit here? It looks like she threw on all the stuff she's left in the trunk of her car over the last month. My head hurts

    I love the leather bomber jacket that Vinny's friend is wearing. Really cute

  20. Why is Jay-Z at the same event? Like him or not, way different caste level.

    Keanu in Speed.... sigh....

    How tall is Rooney Mara? Ah, desktop IMDB is better than mobile IMDB, she's 5'3". It's funny, when you type her name into the search engine and the results start coming up as you type, her name is credited to The Social Network and not the one where she had the bigger part and Oscar nod, Nightmare on Elm Street.

  21. I'm guessing Rooney and Ryan are filming in this scene, but I would totally ship them together.

  22. I meant in this picture, not scene

  23. Sunny, Pam is in haute couture from Forever 21.

  24. Am I the only one that cracked up out loud at the Suri caption? I swear sometimes I have the mentality of a junior high boy.

    I bet Ronnie reeks of Axe or something comparable.....ew.

  25. M
    Are you lie-telling? I need to know if such a thing exists :)

    Keanu was hot as hell in Speed, but also pretty easy on the peepers in Point Break.
    Plus there's the stellar acting . . .

  26. The showering issue aside...I hate Keanu's beard. He grows a patchy beard and it just looks crappy. He needs to use some of that spray-on hair to cover the patches.

  27. Sunny, I be joke making. No such thing as haute couture Forever 21.
    Cheap knock off junk, which is what that mess of a dress looks like to my eyes.
    Sigm & co-sign Keanu Love 4Ever. Speed & Point Break (with added attraction of the late great Swayze) are art action films aimed at women,who want to really enjoy the view.

    1. Love keanu too!!! Watch matrix every time its on. He rocks!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Meant sign, not sigm, mere sight of Keanu makes me dizzy.

  29. I've never seen Point Break :o
    The most I know of it is from Hot Fuzz. But I've seen Speed a bazillion times, mostly on Sundays spent hungover on the couch.

  30. Pam looks like she's wearing a satin pillow case.

    And why is JayZ at an opening of a video game? That is the lowest tier event! Soooo below him... Did he need a mortgage payment or something? I expect Snooki and Lindsay and Tara Reid at a game opening, not JayZ.

  31. Thanks for clarifying, @M. And I meant I need to know if it exists so I can avoid it, not so I can shop there. Yiiiikes!

    I can't find the thread now, but I love our love of 90's supermodels. I forgot about Helena - she is divine

  32. @M HA!!!

    It's a good thing Jay-Z is rich because he is fuuuuuugly.

  33. Rooney Mara looks like a younger Winona Ryder... pre-shoplifting meltdown et al.

  34. Anita! Point Break is required viewing, especially for a hung over Sunday!

  35. Brenda - I just came back and saw your comment about Keanu's patchy beard. We need to send him a link to that spray canned-hair infomercial. Immediately!

  36. I'm late to the party, but count me in on the Keanu love. That is one fine man! He loves motorcycles! He loves to read and devours books. And he's a gentle private man, plus the whole super sexy hot dreamboat thing.

    I <3 Keanu.

    Sunny, can we start that club. The "I openly love Keanu club and don't care who knows about it!" club. I think I am abandoning the TC club for this one, K?

  37. Point Break! Speed! Even that weirdo one My Own Private Idaho (bc of him and my other love River).

    I even love Bill and Ted! And the first Matrix!

    Sigh... Please make some movies Keanu. It's been too long :(

  38. Dia
    I will head up the fan club, but only if it's Speed era Keanu. My nowadays hot cha cha dudes are Ryan Gosling and David Beckham. Dear God, Ryan Gosling in Ides of March or Crazy Stupid Love. Whoo!

  39. Completely agree about Ryan Gosling. He has such an intense sexiness about him. HOT!

    David too. But I feel weird lusting after a married man with those cutie pie kiddies.

  40. @Char - I never realized that before but you're totally right!

  41. I loooovvvvveee keanue!

    And thanks to Bill and Ted I still say Socrates the way it is spelled LOL

    My boys who are both in AP history classes totally cracked up watching it with me.

  42. It's well know that Pam works as a prostitute overseas.
