Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Penn Badgley and Michelle Trachtenberg continue to film the last season of Gossip Girl.
Probably my favorite photo of the day. Pink taking a photo of her daughter in Australia.
Reese Witherspoon doing some shopping yesterday at Barney's.
Seth MacFarlane and his new girlfriend, Emilia Clarke. Love Game Of Thrones. Just had to get that in there.
Gwyneth Paltrow giving a tribute to her father last night in London.
Hello Winona Ryder.
The master himself, Tim Burton.
I feel like Marcia Gay Harden might have been trying to out cleavage Elvira.


  1. The Kahleesie and Stewie... Who'd a thunk it

  2. You should never try to out-cleavage the Mistress of the Dark. Old girl still has some rockin' knockers.

  3. I wonder if seth picks up girls by talking lik stewie. By the way he was my favorite emmy moment. He must be so much fun to hang out with.

  4. Enty can we please have a seth macfarland blind.

  5. OMG cannot believe Seth MacFarlane is with my Khaleesi! That is crazy! And god I can only imagine that Seth MacFarlane blinds would be awesome and disturbing.

    That is the best Winona has looked in years, good for her.

  6. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Is the woman in Reese's photo straddling some guy? Looks that way.

    Seth MacFarlane seems like the taller, better looking, richer version of Quentin Tarantino. Which the stories on him would be legendary.

    Winona looks great.

    Elvira still looks good. Can't believe she's pushing 60.

  7. Khaleesi is dating Seth MacFarlane? That's an...interesting pairing.

  8. Winona looks so beautiful!!! Best she has looked in a long time. I love her entire ensemble. Perfect.

  9. Wtf is with goops ill fitting blazer? Unsightly!

  10. When is Reece's baby due? Wasn't she just in the hospital maybe having the baby early? I'm so confused but she has been pregnant forever it seems...

  11. I really, really want Winona Ryder to have a real comeback. I love her.

  12. Ok. For a second I thought Goopy was Fergie!

  13. Love the beach photo of Pink and her lil' one.

  14. When Goopy came on the scene, she hardly had a mis-step in fashion (that GAWD-awful sheer black oscar dress was the exception, fo' sho'). Now, she's hanging by her stringy hair copying every latest trend poorly. The girl has great hair. Yes, she processes it to within an inch of it's life, but she actually has thick, wavy light brown hair. Why she irons it straight and shaves the ends to look jagged and cracky, I don't understand. I've seen meth-heads with better mops. And, I love the Radar article about her and Angelina claiming they've never had work done. Pul-EASE. Noses and breasts for both ... oh - my p.s. Winona looks stunning and fresh, and Elvira is awesome.

  15. *khaleesi - sheesh after five books and over 5,000 pages you'd think I'd have spelled it correctly!

  16. My hearts on fire!

    Love me Winona, named for my college town, and she looks beautiful and I so want her to come back! She just looks so tense in the chest, neck, and shoulders.

    I cannot stand Goop's hair. it always looks so dull and just hangs there, lifeless. not unlike my own.

  17. Could Winona be the answer to the blind about the anorexic actress? She looks VERY thin.

    1. THANK YOU @Ladida!

      I was scrolling down to say the exact same thing that Winona looks 90 pounds past so many "Winona looks great"'s. wtf? And I get harped on when I make a comment about fat people not even referencing a picture and Winona looks scary skinny here.

  18. Could Winona be the answer to the blind about the anorexic actress? She looks VERY thin.

  19. *shakes fist @ Emilia Clarke*

    I do have to admit, that as much as I have a girl boner for Seth MacFarlane, I thought he was pretty awkward at the Emmy's.

    Also, I haven't really been following Games of Thrones, but if I were that chick, I'd dress like my character on the show all the time. Shit, you'd be up to your neck in dick all the time!

    1. Up to your neck in dick! Favorite comment of the day!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. How old is Elvira and who is her surgeon?!? I've seen her on TV a few times this year and she looks...wait for it...Supernatural!

  22. Khaleesi is my girl crush!! Yay for Seth!!

  23. Looks like the same dress on Marcia and Winonna?

  24. This trend of dresses that have a different colour startung at the breast line... It doesn't work for the most part. It makes the wearer look like they have saggy boobs.

  25. Wow. First Jon Snow and Ygritte start dating in real life and now Dany and Brian from FG? It's odd to see GOT actors in real life situations.

    1. Jon Snow and Ygritte are dating? Had no idea but it makes sense, a lot of chemistry in the show between those two.

  26. " Shit, you'd be up to your neck in dick all the time!"

    I love you, Maja!

  27. Nooooo, I want khaleesi with drago, iRL! Haha, I guess Seth will do, he is a talented, funny, cutie......

    Maja, you summed it up perfectly-I love it! ;)

    Gonna have to see who Jon Snow is with since damnit, it's not me!

    Just catching up with Season 2, glad the hubby read all the books, or I'd be uber-confused!

  28. @rejectedcarebear I had no idea Jon Snow and Ygrit were together IRL... STFU! Although I am hoping ultimately for a show (maybe real life too?) hook up btwn Jon Snow and Khaleesi before its all over.

    As for the Khaleesi/Tuue Heir to the Throne of the Seven Kingdoms, I do admire Seth MacFarlane's creativy, but he seems kind of gross.... Note to Emilia- get the GoT props department to let you borrow your dragon babies as backup, and if gets out of line, have them set him on fire. You know how to do it!

    It is totally wierd to see GoT actors in normal life though.

    On the Winona tip I agree she does look rather thin but compared to the Jolie yesterday she's practically plus sized. I just haven't seen her looking so well put together and like at least part of her is genuinely happy in a while so I thought she looked lovely. But I can see that she is indeed very thin even by Hwood standards.

  29. Sooooo rooting for Winona. I <3 her to death!

    And what is up with the Goopster's stringy, cracky hair! God, just stop straightening and bleaching and processing it already! And get a fucking trim. You're rich I presume you have a stylist? And go to the drug store and get some fucking moisturizer. I just can't with her.

  30. I love that photo of Pink with her little one!

  31. Oh! It was Elvira's birthday about two weeks ago.....that's all I've got.

  32. I thought the blind about a guy who takes girls home and then has NO idea what to do in the sack was about Seth McFarland

  33. Game of Thrones!!!!!!

  34. Love the picture if Pink with her baby

    Winona, please come back! We need real actresses! To paraphrase Maja, we're up to our necks with no talent twats!

  35. I don't know if I should be embarrassed or just embrace our differences, but I actually came on here to say how much I loved Gwyneth's hair!! Sorry! I have super long thick hair, and if I don't cut some weight out and razor the ends I look a little too Little House on the Prairie

  36. @popnursing, I was thinking the same thing. I remember that.

  37. ITA, Sunny...My daughter has super thick hair and even at 12 she has to have layers cut into it and have it razored to prevent limp, "Little House on the Prairie" hair. I've always thought Goop has great hair.

    I also think her blazer fits like a glove...don't see how it's ill fitting.

  38. But Lola,
    We both irrationally love the Goopster :)

  39. I was just in New York & saw that scene with Penn & Michelle being filmed in Central Park! I'm surprised you can't see me in the background.

  40. I was just in New York & saw that scene with Penn & Michelle being filmed in Central Park! I'm surprised you can't see me in the background.

  41. goop has curves, her clothes fit tight at the belly, and her jeans are oddly fitted below said belly. pregnant?

  42. Ive been to Barneys. I cant believe the place exists. A thin pair of boxers is $250 a decent looking tie over $500

  43. Winona looks happIER in the photo but there is no way she looks good with that thinner frame. I'm not a fan of pronounced collarbone and bony chest combo. I weep for her missing boobies. Where did it all go?

  44. Love Seth...when he hosted SNL a few weeks ago, it was awesome! He was in nearly every sketch. It was such a big difference from seeing hacks like Lilo host (a ratings stunt, I'm sure). Didn't Ted C. have a blind about Seth? I know it was related to bedroom behavior. I bet the girls at Blind Items Exposed have it archived.

    Winona has always been thin, she's just petite. She reminds me of my mom. And sometimes, posing a certain way for a photo will make you look thinner than you really are. I'm also rooting for a Winona comeback.

  45. "up to her neck in dick"

    "I weep for her missing boobies."

    Two examples of why I am a long time lurker on CDAN. I just figured out that the "Crazy" in the site's title really refers to the commenters. Love you guys. Thanks for the daily laughs!

  46. I'm glad Seth Mc. has someone -- he seems to be a workaholic with not much time for romance...
