Thursday, September 20, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Love Matt Damon's new backpack.
Niiki Reed goes 80's school teacher with this look.
Everyone from parks & Recreation is trying to get a little edgier. Amy Poehler is smoking and drinking on Leno while
Rashida Jones does something very un-Rashida like.

Tom Cruise is still in London and last night he partied with
Benicio del Toro and
Tara Reid.
Uma Thurman makes her post baby red carpet debut. Looks good.


  1. Tara Reid & Tom Cruise?!?! A match made in celebrity heaven!

  2. PLEASE let Tara Reid be the next Mrs. Cruise. PLEASE, God.

  3. Whoa, Benicio Del Toro's face is melting off.

  4. I wonder if Tara yakked on Tommy's lifts.

  5. Actually, a Tom Cruise-Tara Reid thing might work out pretty well for both of them. She's apparently fairly brainless, so his religious gobbledygook shouldn't trouble her too much, and considering what sort of work she's been offered lately, being his "wife" might be a pretty good, very well-paying gig for her. From his point of view, she apparently doesn't give a crap about much of anything except partying, and she is still a looker. Hope it works out for both of them if it happens.

  6. Uma looks wonderful, as she always does.

  7. maybe Tom was trying to get Tara to go to Narcanon so she can sweat her troubles away.

  8. No! My Benicio partied with GMD??!! Nooooo!! Oh the besmirchment.

    Yay for Rashida, nothing sexier than a SMART woman who shows off her hotness sparingly.

  9. Uma uma uma (in my best Kramer voice). She looks youthful here!

    Maaattt Daaaammmooonnn... He is a cutie with his daughter.

    Tom Cruise- that's who you choice to hang out with? Yeeeesssh.

  10. I love Matt Damon.

    Rashida looks hot.

  11. Rashida has a nice figure.

    love the color of Uma's dress.

  12. I'm liking the Tom/Tara pairing LOL

  13. What figgy said about Rashida Jones. She is my girl crush. I adore her.

  14. Benicio, Benicio... mang, you could do soooooo much better! Step it up and pull it together, my man. I'm cringing for you, now.

  15. Big love for Matt Damon, a backpack and bubblegum! Plus, he OWNS it.

    I would love to have been an eavesdropper on that threesome hanging out. Tara could, and will, do much worse.

    Uma always looks lovely.

  16. I love Matt Damon...Uma not so much. Never got the "beauty" thing with her AT ALL.

  17. Maybe they were in the same location but no way would Tom party with Tara. He would consider her beneath his holy self.

  18. Enty, are you sure that's Uma Thurman in that picture? It looks like Hilary Duff.

  19. Stay away, Tara! It's not worth it!

  20. @g.strathmore Exactly. My first thought was, "Uma's had work done," not, "She looks great after having a child."

    I never want someone's first impression of me to be that. I'd rather they thought, "When is she getting rid of that baby weight?"

  21. Uma's dress is beautiful, but I wouldn't have known that was her if I hadn't been told.
    @ Robert - good analysis of the advantages of a Tom Cruise/Tara Reid pairing.

  22. I didn't think that was Uma either.

  23. Tom, George Constanza called and he wants his puffy jacket back.

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  27. Dear Matt

    You're in Yankee territory now. Lose the "B" cap. Mets would be an acceptable substitution.
    New Yorker now and always

    7:37 PM

  28. I don't get Nikki Reed. I don't get why she is famous. Average looking, average talent.

  29. Those pictures of Rashida are WOW! Amy Poehler is also looking really beautiful lately!

  30. Tom looks like he's lost weight (imo) recently. His thighs look really skinny here too, and his face looks gaunt from the side as well. Not just in this photo, but its the worst Ive seen of his thighs. Is he trying to lose weight for a part? I can't imagine him 'accidentally'' losing weight cause that dude has tremendous self control, nor using drugs or getting sickly since he's a Scientology demi god and is all clear on the Thetans.

  31. Do you think David Miscavige is being mean to him?

  32. Uma def looks different.
