Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Do you ever get the feeling that Rachel McAdams is just going through the motions with Michael Sheen and waiting for Ryan Gosling to come to his senses?
Rosie O'Donnell and her wife, made it through an entire day without doing anything secretly.
Selena Gomez in Paris on her way to Venice. Trying to look edgy, but it's hard when you look 12.
Tom Cruise loves women. He is especially loving the women of Croatia where he is on vacation.
Here he is loving on more women.
And finds time for more women. He just can't get enough women.
He even goes to dinner with women.
Tom looks confused when there are no women.
Ohhh, yeah, you know I am going to suggest it. For Tom's next wife, I'm thinking Teresa Giudice.
Before and after photos of The Rock.

Enty, if you truly are a male, find your cojones and ask McGlib:
Brilliant Enty! None of those ladies look excited to be with Tommy Girl. Creepy!
ReplyDeleteI love the Rock!!! He's a good egg. I love giant men who are really sweet on the inside :)
Rachel and Ryan 4 evah!!!
Not that I'd marry him or anything, but Tom looks pretty good.
ReplyDeleteLOL Agent! Enty has to finish his dance first. Then he'll fly over to Croatia straight away and complete his mission.
ReplyDeleteGood you imagine Enty as a super spy? Or just wearing a Where's Shelly T-shirt?
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DeleteMichael Sheen looks like the young Jack Nicolson wearing a Russ Tamblyn wig.
ReplyDeleteA-Rod is totes in that Selena Gomez picture.
The Rock is on Steroids, but whatever, as long as he doesn't rage on someone, it's his own business.
Rosie and Wife are hung over...
I agree, Tommy Boy looks pretty good. I met him once, and he is really super sweet in person. But that doesn't mean he isn't nutso in his personal life.
ReplyDeleteAND that is a horrible bathing suit!!!
Aw, Selena is so cute. (She actually looks like my daughter, so I'm probably biased) I remember how badass I thought I was at her age.
ReplyDeleteI want to pinch her edgy little cheeks.
That HAS to be Calista Flockhart with Tom at dinner.
ReplyDeleteThat bathing suit is a travesty!! Tom prob taking snaps with fans. Looks good.
ReplyDeleteThe rock looks scary.
ReplyDeleteYep, I agree, Tom Cruise looks really good ! Maybe he's happy about getting rid of Katie ?!
ReplyDeleteGuidice needs some guidance about bathing suit shopping. She looks horrible.
I agree, Tom Cruise looks great.
ReplyDeleteI agree - Tom looks great in those photos. And as I've said, my cousin's hubby worked on Mission Impossible III with him, and said he was great to work with. Hey - as long as you don't marry him...
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm sure Teresa Giudice thinks she looks hot, but that horrible tan, crappy bathing suit and her weird figure, she looks absolutely AWFUL.
OMG, The Rock...speechless.
ReplyDeleteRachel McAdams doesn't wait Ryan Gosling (after their first break-up,they again tried to date together but it didn't work)
ReplyDeleteI love The Rock, he seems like a super nice guy and not too shabby on the eyes. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'd climb The Rock, if given the chance. He's hot, built and funny. The hat trick of awesome. Oh, and he's rich. Ok, change that to hot, funny and rich.
ReplyDeleteThat hat is a lovely accessory to that stanky bathing suit.
Damn those Croatian women are beautiful.
The Rock looks too big now, to me. Maybe it's just the way he is posing, but I found him more attractive when he looked less bulky.
ReplyDeleteTommy always looks good...he has that going for him.
I loved Rachel w/ Ryan, but I can't help but be a little sweet on Sheen (but they've always looked a bit odd together).
Tacky, tacky bathing suit on Teresa Giudice.
ReplyDeleteRyan and Rachel . Sigh.
ReplyDeleteThe Rock's good people.
ReplyDeleteI love Croatia and Serbian women (the Eastern bloc has been good to me). So, no faulting Tom there. However, I'm impressed that he managed to find the 6 shortest women in the former Yugoslavia - either that or he's being held aloft by Peter Dinklage or something.
Somewhere Ana Ivanovic is sneering in disgust...
Theresa Guidice Cruise made me laugh, Enty.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see Tom and the COS meet up with her daughter Melania....she'd kick their asses, lol.
I hate Theresa's bathing suit. How could you look in the mirror and think "yep, this is the one."
ReplyDeleteI agree the Rock looked better when he wasn't so big but I would totally hit/climb/jump on that.
ReplyDeleteSelena only Johnny Depp can pull of something that ridiculous!!
ReplyDelete"no doubt, that bakery's got all the bomb frostings. I love those cupcakes like McAdams loves Gosling"
Yes Tom does look good...(hangs head in shame) where's that support group for Tom fans?
ReplyDeleteTeresa, always tacky.
Count me in on the Ryan and Rachel Forever Club! May never happen but we can dream ;)
Looks like Tommy Girl might have had some work done. He has that "refreshed" look.
ReplyDeleteBuzzfoto did a reveal the other day about how Rachel only broke up with Ryan because her agent told her to and she's regretted it ever since. I've always gotten the feeling that one was waiting around for the other to be single so they could make their move.
ReplyDeleteLots of milk crates around in Croatia, apparently.
ReplyDeleteAnd Rock? BeCa sucks.
Loot at Tom's eyes.. he is going to go off the rails again.
ReplyDeleteThat striped shirt on Tom makes him look a little enfeminate (sp?)
ReplyDeleteOtherwise he looks good - he looks fake happy to me?
The bathing suit on TG is just awful!! Ruffles on a big girl never works!!! Thank goodness the summer is over!
"Tom looks confused when there are no women." LMAO!!!!! Perfect caption, Enty.
ReplyDeleteTom: "I'm straight. I like girls. I'm straight. I like girls. I'm straight. I like girls... "
ReplyDeleteI hope Rachel doesn't just settle for Michael because she's getting older and wants marriage and kids. First off from what I recall, Michael is not the type to propose, Kate Beckinsale mentioned being embarassed that he never proposed after years together and a child.
ReplyDeleteThat blind item about Rachel and Ryan is old. They tried to get back together in 2008 but it didn't work out. Some say because of his mom's involvement, some say because he was unwilling to move to Toronto and wanted her to move to L.A.
Enty, what do you know about their breakup? It's always been a mystery, especially since they still talk fondly about each other.
Cruise + Kardassian.
ReplyDeleteWhat more needs to be said?
I think that could very well be the ugliest bathing suit I've ever seen. I don't think it would look good on anyone, not any super model, just no one. It is every kind of wrong on that woman, but I don't think she has any taste anyway.
ReplyDeleteTeresa, and all women, need to just stop with that bathing suit style, it's just the worst
ReplyDeleteApparently, Croatian women are SHORT.
ReplyDeleteAnita, if I recall correctly, Reader Photos showed exactly that. Well, almost.
ReplyDelete@WUWT, you know it ;)
ReplyDeleteSo Tommy Girl travels with a milk crate to stand on?
ReplyDeleteI like TC n he looks happy n smoking hot. In the words of michael k " i hit it" .
ReplyDeleteWasn't there a blind about a couple who'd had an abortion for one of their careers, and Rachel and Ryan were the favorite guesses?
ReplyDeleteTo me Tom is, "movie star handsome." I just wish he wasn't the chosen messiah to clear this planet of thetan evil. His mission drops him down to, "money and soul-sucking alien cult good-looking" only.
ReplyDeleteI don't get why I used quotation marks either.
I love the Rock buy boy, he looks juiced up.
ReplyDeleteTeresa's bathing suit looks straight from the stripper mom pile- just yuck!
Tommy.... Call me sweetness! ;) your looking young, fresh and spry.