Monday, September 17, 2012

Random Photos Part Four

Ashley Benson makes her way out of Chateau Marmont. Lindsay who? A new wave of actresses have replaced Lindsay and her time has come and gone. She wasted it.
Christina Aguilera wins an award despite not doing anything. Looks good though.
Eva Longoria took time off from having sex with Mark Sanchez and George Lopez took time off from having sex with hookers to host the show.
Talk about skinny. Eat something Nicole Richie.
Christian Bale and his family over the weekend.
Gisele Bundchen with her son and stepson.
Halle Berry always looks good in a bikini.
Helen Mirren hiding her facelift scars. Who cares. She is amazing.
Harry Styles is now hooking up with a Geldof. Pixie to be exact.


  1. What is up w/ George's skin?

    1. I believe he had either a liver or kidney transplant. That could affect skin color if his body isn't adjusting to his new organ well. That whole jaundice thing.

  2. I always thought Christina was pretty, wish she wouldn't cake all that crap on her face.

    Halle looks amazing as always.

    Helen can do no wrong.

  3. Guess George is trying to look more latina by going orange. Christina really does not need that much make up, nobody needs that much make up.

  4. Why does Christina think white hair is attractive?

  5. I would kill for Halles body!

    Love Helen Mirren, great actress

    Not a good look for Nicole, what happened to her?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Halle always looks good....

    Nicole has too much makeup on in that pic. She has been looking fantastic lately, this is a mishap.

    Xtina, she just looks bad.

  8. Is the Helen M. picture a blind reveal?

    I seem to remember a recent blind about an aging actress getting plastic surgery...

  9. Xtina's hair was purple. Ugh.

    Her saggy boobs were driving me wacko last week on the The Voice. She kept trying to adjust 'em, but she needed an extra strength Wonder bra to hold those girls up.

  10. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Anyone else watching DR. Phill? lmao this bitch is drunk off her mind.

  11. I'm watching Dr. Phil. It's almost unwatchable, though. I don't think the interview with Dina will last more than one more segment. She is way too squirmy and paranoid.

    1. Taping! This way no commercials! And i can mute dr blowhard.

  12. Wait, there's a Pixie and a Peaches?

  13. Omg, I never watch Dr. Phil, but I came home early. She is drunk & trying to argue over the definition of "inept".

  14. High five to Eva for getting to see Mark Sanchez nekkid!

    The Bale family seems low key, I probably wouldn't recognize them on the street-a good thing, IMO.

    The Brady boys look super cute.

  15. @Sherry there's a Peaches, a Pixie, a Fifi Trixibelle, and a Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily. For real.

  16. Anonymous1:26 PM

    There's the blind answer!! Christina! Should have known... She's so nasty to people.

  17. Tiger Lily is a Hutchence, though, isn't she? Same mom?

  18. I'm watching- painful to watch, actually. She appears incoherent and drunk. The melodramatic background music didn't help in the 1st part.

  19. Christia needs to lose 10 to even be considered somewhat pretty again. She thinks she's rocking her new body but she looks like a swollen mess

    1. A combination of booze bloat, desperation and Cheetos. I would say the number is closer to 20.

  20. It seems that Tom Brady and Bridget moynihan handle their issues in private. You never hear them fighting over their kid. Good for them.

    Did anyone watch dr Phil last week about Jael from ANtM? Holy shit

  21. @B Bob adopted her when Paula died so she's a Geldolf now

  22. I saw the one w/ Jael, too. I felt so bad for her. She annoyed the crap out of me on ANTM, but my heart broke for her on Dr. Phil. That stuff should have been done off camera....she didn't want it out for the whole world to watch. I just hope she ends up getting the help she needs.

  23. @Sarah...oh yeah, that's right. Thanks. :)

  24. Dr Phil airs in 20 mins in my area & I confess, I will watch this one!

    Enty, you are so right about a newer, younger crop of starlets making the club scenes. And this was at Chateau Marmont, no less. Lindsey couldn't go even if someone invited her along!

    Remember when Dina kept whining about Lindsey being "just a child" when she was under 21 & clubbing hard. Then she was a "young woman trying to find her way " in the "Hollywood jungle". Well, now she's 26. Twenty-six!

    She could've had a bachelor's and master's degree and/or be married with children (which she said she wanted) and be

  25. Christina needs to loose a few more pounds plus the pound of make-up she has on lol.

    I was wondering the same thing about George's color.

    Nicole looks like one of the walking dead..

    Sorry but the attitude Halle has their is nothing to admire her for...

  26. Damn straight Helen Mirren is amazing!

  27. Yes, all fat girls need to lose weight to be pretty. *sarcasm*

  28. Halle has a great body. I was secretly cursing at her while stuffing my face with lemon cake! I dont really know what to say about christina! Her make up is awful.

  29. *Damn 'puter!*
    Anyway, I was going to say Linds could've/should've been at a point where she would be proud to be, not one that she constantly has to defend or attempt to justify.

    One last thing. When was the last time she was in a relationship that was more than a hookup? Was it with Callum Best? I know about Samantha, but that seemed more like drama than anything else. But I wonder if she wonders about not having serious relationships when she's closing in on 30.

  30. I mean, how can she look at her life & STILL think nothing's wrong?

    /off soapbox/

  31. After you watch these parents...omg.

  32. I hv never seen bad picture if halle. She just one of thise oeople who always looks good.

  33. I hv never seen bad picture if halle. She just one of thise oeople who always looks good.

  34. Wonder if Nicole is cokin' it up again? Where's ol' what's him, the hubby?

  35. If I never saw a picture of Nicole Richie again, it would be too soon.

  36. Did Xtina get another breast enlargement? Whoa whoa whoa

    Nicole's eyes are going to haunt me in my dreams tonight. I typically think she can do wrong style-wise, but those are some scary peepers

    I love Halle's pixie cut and always will. I wish I could pull that off

    If teeny tiny Eva L looks "hippy" in that dress, the designer just needs to burn it. No one else will stand a chance

    1. I thought the same thing about eva longoria... I don't always love her style but she looks good in everything... Except this dress! D'oh!

  37. What the fuck is a Geldof?

    Nicole Ritchie - Someone get that girl a salad, stat!

  38. Off topic but Dr Phil also has Robert Blake on Thursday.

  39. Looks like Nichol Ritchie came straight from an audition for Tim Burton's next movie...

  40. There is something about seeing either Tom or Geiselle with Tom & Briget's son, never Bridget that the answer to a BI?

  41. I'm watching now. She is drunk and stupid. He was annoyed two seconds into the interview.

    Inept cracked me up. I had texted a friend to say how stupid she was. She wanted the word prevalent.

    She is struggling to seem sober like I've done before.

  42. Didn't Nicole have a HYOOGE anorexia or bulimia problem years ago? Like she got hospital scary skinny? Looks like she relapsed.

  43. Omg, the woman who had Michael Lohan's "love child" (ugh) is on now. Guess who has no shame? This is embarrassing.

  44. I also do not know what a Gelfof is.

    Xtina's makeup has always been awful. I don't know why no one tells her. I wonder if we would even recognize her if she came out without makeup.

    I've wanted to punch George in the face ever since he took his wife's kidney and then took off with a bunch of hookers. Can you imagine if you were his wife?

  45. Eva's dress matches the color of George's face. Neither one looks good.Eva is a stick and the dress makes her look lumpy. IT's also too long.

    Back to Dr.Phil and THE WORST MOTHER IN AMERICA interview. I agree with whoever said it was almost unwatchable upthread. I think MLo was right, alcohol and anti anxiety meds. She was trying to be cute. I have a friend who behaves this way. Same age as DIna. THinks she can get by in life by being cute but she is actually very manipulative. She is just a train wreck and you can see EXACTLY why Lindsay is the way she is. The apple didnt fall too far from that tree.

  46. Lol I just put on dr Phil 20 minutes late, just in time for "inept". I tried to think of which CDaN post to mention on how much I can't wait for the discussion tomorrow and here u all are! I don't think I'll make the whole hour. I can't laugh at her it's just annoying and sad. She thinks she's a hot 16 year old, it's so creepy.

  47. I just checked into GetGlue for Dr Phil with Dina Lohan and I unlocked a sticker but it's a pic of a crashed train. I don't get it?

  48. I forgot that today is the day Dr Phil uses his powers on Mama Lohan -- I missed the first half. Hmm. It repeats at 6.

    Robert Blake on Thursday? What is this, crazy wackjob week on Dr Phil?

  49. In our market Phil is up against Katie Couric and Anderson, so I think he's pulling out the big stories at the beginning of the series.

    He also has a story (tomorrow I think) on a post Enty had here about the little boy who died falling over the bannister at his father's house.

  50. Dia??? Dia sweetie darling? Are you still here? :)

  51. @mrwolf and @g.

    Bob Geldof was in a band called The Boomtown Rats and was married to Paula Yates, a famous UK television presenter. They had three daughters - Fifi, Peaches and Pixie.

    Paula had an affair with Michael Hutchence of INXS, who at the time was in a long term relationship with the supermodel Helena Christensen. Both couples split up, and Michael and Paula had a daughter, Heavenly (known as Tiger).

    Michael died, and soon after Paula died of an overdose. Tiger went to live with Bob and his new partner and they adopted her. She's still a child but two of the older children are now celebrities in the UK. Peaches is a 'DJ', 'journalist', heavy drug user, Scientologist and new mum. Pixie is in a band and is a model.

    If you ever want an excuse for murder watch When Fearne Met Peaches. She's pretty much the vilest person ever.

  52. @Sarah, thank you for the summary. What a dramatic family! I'm going google that right now!

  53. @g. My pleasure, I'm kind of worried that that was all in my head. I forgot one other key thing, Bob was one of the co-organizers of Band Aid so he's regarded as somewhat saintly back home.

  54. @gtz- No, but they do have to wear clothes that fit. Just like Maria Carey: She's skinny but always looks like a cow to me because she insists on wearing everything 2 sizes too small.

  55. It's good to see George Lopez's Johnny Mathis look is progressing.

  56. Thanks Sarah for breaking that down, the Boomtown Rats were my most favorite band in the early 80s

  57. @Sarah, et al., I found this review of "When Fearne Met Peaches" when I was googling the documentary. It's scathing and hilarious. It includes a clip from the documentary where Peaches takes a NAP in the middle of being interviewed! I'm definitely going to watch the whole documentary.

  58. So after looking at photos of Paula Yates, I've determined that she was not very attractive. She must have had some serious charisma to get Michael Hutchence away from Helena Christensen.

  59. @E Gee I hope this doesn't ruin your enjoyment of their music.

    @g. I highly recommend you watch the video of Charlie Brooker reviewing When... It's hilarious and on YouTube. She is just awful, awful, awful.

  60. Paula Yates met Hutchence when she interviewed him on "The Big Breakfast". I remember watching and thinking they had some strong chemistry going on, although the interview was with them both lying on a bed!

    Hutchence had a reputation as a bit of a wild man in the sack. Kylie Minogue couldn't walk for pretty much her whole time with him. Paula had no boundaries, so you can see how they would hook up.

    You may recall Hutchence was found dead in what was termed an auto-asphyxiation gone wrong. As a couple they were all sorts of kink. Paula never got over his death, and went into a spiral.

  61. On the Voyager random photo a couple weeks ago I posted a long excerpt from a Bob Geldof song, to see if anyone would recognize it. No one said anything. Glad to see there are some people out here familiar with him.

    Even songs of his I don't particularly like have lines that blow me away. Tonight was cold and windy so I thought of this:
    "You know when winter comes to visit these big cities, and the wind goes howling through the elevator shafts? Well, my life is like one of those old and crumbling buildings: my concrete's cracked and I begin to feel the draft."

  62. By the way, today (9/17) was both Pixie Geldof's 22nd birthday, and the 12th anniversary of her mother's death. (Yes, Paula Yates overdosed on her daughter's 10th birthday.)

  63. And sorry, one more thing. Paula had met Michael years before on a The Tube interview. The reason they had such strong chemistry during The Big Breakfast interview was because they had already started their affair.

    That's what I'd read years ago, anyway, and her Wikipedia page says so as well.

  64. WHY THE HATE ON CHRISTINA'S WEIGHT? sorry had to yell that. She looks like an average 14 to me. I WISH I looked that good...body wise. the hair and make up is a diff story

  65. Must be true if you read it on Wikipedia.????

  66. oh and GL is jaundice

  67. Anonymous5:48 AM

    To heck with scruffy-looking 'ol Ashley Benson in the first pic- what I'D like to know is who's the woman sitting in the chair behind her, with her legs crossed? She's a knockout...

  68. The small, high-pitched wailing you hear looking at this photos are Christina's Spanx trying to call for help before their ugly, inevitable demise.

  69. Nicole Ritchie has the hollow eyes they would always look for when they were running late night ads for adopt an African child charities. For only the cost of a cup of coffee a day you can feed this poor starving woman leaving her more cash for shoes & scarves.

  70. Christina looks like she is being held together with three layers of Spanx. The reason for the hate is: she's a bitch and no one who has experienced it feels the need to keep quiet about it. So when she gains 25 pounds and squeezes herself into skintight stuff, the world finally has a chance to strike a blow back at her.
