Monday, September 10, 2012

Random Photos Part Four

This month marks the 30th anniversary of the emoticon. This guy invented it.
At the same party this weekend were Bar Refaeli and
Kate Upton. I'm sure my invite was just lost in the mail.
David Arquette gives a homeless man a few bucks. Nice.
Dita von Teese looking like Dita always does.

Adrian Grenier appears to have found a new hobby since Entourage ended. Eating.
This is quite the cast. The Goopster is almost taller than everyone. Look at her towering over Mark Ruffalo.
Later Gwyneth meets her fans and didn't charge them.


  1. Who is that on the far right? Tim Robbins? Whoever it is, is packin'. And Tim Robbins DOES pack.

  2. Favorite emoticon: GO!

    Mine is :/ since I smirk a lot.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Leo and Bar FTW

    Libby it IS Tim Robbins! I think he's still single...
    Movie is called Thanks for Sharing and is about, wait for it, Sex Addiction!

  5. Wait, is that a homeless man in LA wearing a Von Dutch hat? If so, the irony... ohboy.

  6. Definitely a hint that Beyonce is the answer to the blind!

  7. I wonder if everyone texted emoticons to each other all night

  8. dia, Tim Robbins is such a hottie! I saw many pics of him over the years, sporting the Hamm style of penis visibility.
    That was mostly pre-internet though.

  9. At times I really like Gwyneth, not sure why, maybe because she's a confidant of Ironman.

  10. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I don't really care for Goopster, but she looks great. And I love almost everything she wears.
    I wish I had her wardrobe...and her body !
    : )

  11. Kate Upton should demand that her photo is never posted near Bar's. Bar Rafaeli = fierce. Kate Upton = schlubby in comparison.

  12. Ambrose Bierce actually invented the emoticon in 1887. Scott Fahlman popularized it.

  13. I invented the epithet "dweeb" 30 years ago, where's my anniversary?

  14. My sister and I used to sing "Bohemian Rhapsody" many years before Wayne and Garth.

  15. Um, I worship the hot, sexy, beautiful ground Kate Upton walks on. Bar R is a close second.


  17. Oh Libby! You Ho...I've been marveling at the Jon Hamm pics still now you got me checking out Tim Robbins and remembering the movie where he walked out of the mud bath nekkid..Impressive.

  18. Kate Upton is gorgeous, but she needs a stylist that knows how to dress curvy women.

    Bar looks amazing.

    I smell a reveal on the last photo, but I'm not sure what Enty is getting at. Help!

  19. My favorite emoticon is o_O

    Because I am often stunned to silence on the internet.

  20. Oh Dita, teach me how to look like you! She always looks flawless.

  21. I totally love Dita Von Teese - she's so stunning. Her grooming and wardrobe must take hours and hours.

    She's looks so healthy compared to Gwyneth.

  22. So is this a reveal as Goop as the actress who won't go anywhere as a payday??

  23. @Court - I thought it was saying that Goop WILL go places without a payday, hinting that she'd be annoyed at Beyonce for not going places without a payday.

  24. What about the dude next to Robbins? There's something down there.

    Short dudes make me sad.

  25. Admire she doesn't do fish lips. Speaking of stunned : on my Twitter feed I clicked on uncle Terry's diary and there was Jared Leto's peen in living color. Oo
    Love me some TR. Think Susan Sarandon knew he was packing before everone else caught on.


  26. Every time I see Dita I'm agog at how much time it must take her to get it together like that. Does she ever wear sweats for a quick run to the market?

  27. "My favorite emoticon is o_O"

    I admit that I recently had to finally Google this one. And I'm still not quite sure how it's supposed to mean what it means. If it's an open mouth of surprise, then why isn't the middle dash a dash instead of an underline or whatever?

    Ah, silly emoticons! I remember chatting on Yahoo! and there was a funny little one of the little guy rolling on the floor laughing. That was my all-time favorite.

  28. Is that Jack Black!? If so, he should not stand next to Gyennie during photos. Or ever. Dude looks like a Hobbit.

  29. Bar's second to none, IMO. That's a handsome woman.

    The Goopster - I find it hard to dislike her because she so obviously means well. I also find it hard not to roll my eyes because she so obviously has no clue.

  30. MLE, that is the brilliant Josh Gad from the Book of Mormon

  31. o_O is my fave emoticon, too.

    @AKM, I've always thought it was two eyes, one bigger than the other? At least that's what I've always pictured. And will continue seeing, even if I'm wrong.

    No major Goopster hate here, but her dress is a little snug. I hate when girls wear dresses that look like they'd give you indigestion if you sat down too long. I guess that's what Spanx are for, though.

  32. Bar definitely outranks the average Kate.
    Gwyneth outranks them both.

    fave emoticon: :o) or ^.^

  33. My fav emoticon by far is >:)

    Goopy probably needs to do a cleanse now after being so close to a fat woman.

    "David Arquette saw a photographer so he gave some money to a homeless man." There. Fixed that for you.

  34. Omg. Patrick Fugit! Bar Rafaeli! So much hotness.

  35. Kate Upton is super gorgeous. Not much of a fan of Bar but she's pretty.

    I'm not the least bit upset that Adrian has gained weight. I think he still looks great. ;-)

    I want Gwyneth's body but I'll keep my ass and boobs.

  36. I irrationally adore the Goopster.

  37. :/

    Not the most flattering pic of Kate U. yes, especially immediately after the perfection that is Bar.

  38. @Cathy Doh! That's what I meant...WITHOUT a payday ;) Goop won't go anywhere without a payday...maybe even the one who wouldn't attend the event several miles from her house without a hotel?

  39. Blake Lively married Ryan Reynolds?

  40. Why is Dita wearing big red floral ear muffs? lol....

  41. I felt so fancy when I learned the heart!

  42. Enty, he didn't invent the emoticon. The government did.

  43. The o_O emoticon is supposed to represent this:

    Except picture one eye open wider than the other, like it's questioning what it just saw. Or you could use the variation O_O

    I guess if you have to explain it, it ain't that funny.

  44. Goop bugs the crap out of me. I have no idea why.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I think Kate Upton is absolutely gorgeous, people complain about models being too thin, I'm sure that she is thin but she has curves. Bar is also absolutely gorgeous, but I don't understand why Kate gets a hard time from some people. Granted, she needs a new stylist...

  47. I don't think Adrian Grenier looks fat? Something about his look...yum! And kudos to him for keeping a low profile.

    ;-P I know it's over-used, but I love that one and over-use it myself.

    It took me months to get "<3" I thought "less than three? What do they mean by less than three??"

  48. @Lulu G. Now Lulu, let's be fair, at least they are peony or hibicus earmuffs...

  49. fav emoticon- Mischevious devil-


    Or Mischevious Faery works too.

    ~>} ^_^ {<~
