Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Prince Harry's Girlfriend Doesn't Care About The Hookers Or Nudity Or Drugs Or Other Women

Setting the tone for how a marriage with her would be, Prince Harry's current girlfriend Cressida Bonas has said she does not mind anything that Harry did while he was in Vegas. She just likes being with him and has no plans to break up with him. What that means to harry is that he can do whatever he wants with whomever he wants no matter how publicly and Cressida will let him with no repercussions. Yeah, sounds like a solid marriage. I know the guy has a lot of money and that you would be marrying a Prince, but how about some self-respect. If you were dating someone and there was talk about marriage what would your reaction be to all of this? I guarantee you that if this was an average Joe, Cressida would have already walked away and would never take a phone call from the guy again. But, because it is Harry, it is all ok and no worries.


  1. Who names their daughter after a Toyota? Does she have a sister named Corolla?

  2. Poor Celica...I hope she develops some self-respect.

  3. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I assume she was named after the Shakespearean tragedy Troilus and Cressida.

  4. Maybe they are into polyamory.

  5. I know I'm in the minority here but I just don't have a problem with this. If she's ok with it, I don't think it's definitely bc she has little self-respect. She could genuinely be ok with it.

  6. It's good to be (third in line to) the king.

  7. Anonymous7:28 AM

    this harry stuff is old news. seriously. and we dont know what went down in vegas.

  8. Who said they were talking marriage? Maybe they're both seeing other people. Just because William got married doesn't mean Harry has to right away.

  9. I remember when Charles and Diana were arguing about his affairs and he said something to the effect "Why should I be the first prince without a mistress" (not exact words, of course but you get the drift). Royal men have been raised with this sense of entitlement and the women associated with them feel they have to live with it.

  10. Women love money. If you have it, they'll make exceptions for you.

  11. Really, Chris? Thanks for that info. I had no idea. *rolls eyes* I'm sure she has her own money.

    Also, they've been linked but there's no indication that they are exclusive or even serious (they met in May). If she doesn't care, why should we?

  12. I'm hoping he's marry a Ginger from Ireland and help them become a "Nation Once Again" (an Irish closing the bar song). I think it's funny that they comment pix of Harry in UK as "Harry, shown with clothing" ...

  13. It's interesting, because the way it was reported over here was that this woman is someone he's dated a few times, and then after the Vegas scandal (as such), she declares herself to be his girlfriend. I think that might be news to Prince Harry.

    As for her being interested in him for his money, not so sure about that as she's from quite a wealthy background. Mind you, as Wallis Simpson once said, "You can never be too rich or too thin." Each to their own I guess....

  14. I think Chris and BoS would get along swimmingly!

  15. She is not interested in him for his money. She likes his title, something money can't buy. And the fame he is giving her. And I'm sure she is in love with becoming a princess.

  16. (she will never become mrs Harry. Going to the press sealed her fate. The royal family tests all girlfriends before letting them into the club. I'm certain this is why Kate and Wills broke up at one point. Kate kept mum on the relationship, so she proved her discretion)

  17. It's just PR for both of them. Hers, to keep her name in the press (as a 'good girl', not being a prude) and his to say, 'see, even SHE doesn't think he's that bad!'.

    As with SO many other things, we'll never know the real story, if there even is one. So what, he was drunk and naked with a bunch of strangers in Vegas. Like we've all never been there? ;)

  18. Chris, men love money as well, to the point they'll bend over and do whatever the boss asks. Men aren't any different. Look at all the boys for hire by women with money.

  19. it's business...just business

  20. Some people are just dazzled by status, and royalty is an immense status-builder. What I don't understand are the royal-worshippers. They're worse than Twihards. If you listen to them, you'd think the royal family descended directly from heaven in a chariot of angels or something. Nothing they do is wrong or bad and they're so very important to British culture, Britain couldn't possibly do away with them. I know that most British people don't feel that way, but a surprising number defend the royals desperately against any and all slights.

  21. her daddy has mega bucks. and i think there's a stepdad situation in the house (not sure if its her bio dad or her sisters). anyway, she probably grew up seeing how real-life marriage works for people who can buy whatever and whoever they want. its different for them. marriage is more like a corporate merger than a romance.

  22. Sounds just like with the Kennedy men; they have money, prestige and power and they all have mistresses and their wives all look the other way.How sad.

  23. Seems like those with money, power, or titles have different relationship rules...

  24. Prince Harry has a type -- inbred, blonde posh girls with unfortunate names and horrible noses. (Seriously, they all look like they've had nose jobs gone awry. Must be from all the inbreeding.)

  25. I thought she dumped him after the vegas scandal?

  26. I'm sure she's actually pissed off as hell but she's sucking it up because he is, after all, Prince Ginge.

  27. Damn! She has a long ass neck.

  28. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Women would always rather have part of a winner than all of a loser.

  29. I was pretty much done after reading Enty's whining--yet again--about how the rich are different, and passing his morals onto someone who--gasp!--may not share those same morals, but the comments sealed the deal. Inbred? Really?
    Fuck this noise. Goodbye.

  30. I have gone to college with some high-roller types, and I dated some when I lived in NYC. There is an article on Yahoo News today about how the rich think differently than you and I.

    My point: You don't date a high-profile guy and expect to live happy ever after. People are commodities like any other commodity to them. Love and self-respect do not factor into the relationship.

  31. she's prob kindred spirit, prob perfect for harry!! lol I always wonder anout Andrew- never got remarried,never see himm with girlfriend- whats up wid that? is he asexual or just *shudder* weird? someone spill!!

  32. sounds like all she cares about is that bottom line, "marrying into royalty.'

    I always liked Chelsy anyway.

  33. @Beth, totally.

    @babo, LOL.

  34. Any response to Megley's little rant?


    Yeah, that's what I thought.

  35. You'd think it would hurt one's bullying lawsuit to keep coming back to the place where one was so detrimentally bullied.

    That was a pretty disappointing rant, too. I know you can do better than that!

  36. Why would she? She wants to be a princess.

  37. Turkish Taffy - If you have a link to the Yahoo story, I would love to read it. I just tried to find it, but no luck.

  38. Cressida wouldn't care because she comes from a family with mfam values more lax than the Windsors. Her mother is a high-flying socialite from a very rich titled family who had four or five kids by her three or four husbands (Cressida is the youngest, she has multiple, equally hard-partying half sibs from both parents). One of her older sisters is engaged to Richard Branson's son. Harry will fit right into that family no worries.

  39. @Pookie
    Sounds like she's the best match for Harry, rich and polyamorous family background

    but i read that Harry's necklace is given by Chelsy Davy, this does not sound like a good sign for me, if I were Cressida, that is

  40. I actually hope that Cressida and Harry do not stay together.

    I really really like Kate and years ago, it was Cressida's half-sister, Isabella, that William left Kate for.

    If Cressida and Harry were to marry, Isabella and Kate would run into each other now and then. Kate doesn't need this.

  41. I don't understand how people say marriage is a business merger for people like this. That was the whole purpose of marriage in the first place. All of the emotions and love didn't get involved until much later. And I'm sure she wasn't named after a Toyota as Toyota didn't create the name Cressida. And being from high flying European society, I'm sure they think of William Shakespeare before Toyota comes to mind.

    That education paid of for something. A great sense of historical and litterature referencing.

  42. I think that the wealthy encouraged / encourage marriage to each other to maintain their standard of living, especially in Britain where taxes are outlandish. Unless money marries more money, the fortune is divided and subdivided, and then they have to start dipping into capital, then...horrors...they're bwoke.

  43. @auntliddy, I think the deal with Andrew is that genuinely loves Fergie. The problem is Phillip can't stand her. Apparently never has. She and Andy were thrown to wolves to try and keep them away from Charles and Diana. Wouldn't surprise me if they remarry after Phillip is gone. I think I read somewhere that Andy is the Queen's favorite.

  44. LOL @ Cressida and Celica. That is all.

  45. I don't care either!

    And who says she has no self respect? If she gets to play by the same rules and she's happy with the situation, more power to her.

    Hubby and I have a rule: if it's ok with you that I do it, then it's ok with me that you do it - same rules for each mean we are equals. So, we both flirt with other people but go home together cos that's what we are comfortable with, but it's not any of my business to decide what is appropriate for another couple, royal or not.

  46. @g.strathmore agree with you on the royal issue.
    I troll all of the royal posts to say the same stuff: Kings and Queens in Europe in the 21century make.no.sense. Down with these entitled leeches.

  47. @Bubbles...great for literature referencing, but not so much on the spelling of things..... ;)

  48. sounds like somebody is getting a salary from the royal family.

  49. @Beta, I'm glad someone agrees with me on this. The one that most annoys me for some reason is Monaco. It'd be like Las Vegas becoming its own country and Steve Wynn declaring himself king. Can you imagine people bowing to him and saying, "You should have some respect, he is a king after all?" Makes me want to punch something.
