Prince Harry's Girlfriend Doesn't Care About The Hookers Or Nudity Or Drugs Or Other Women
Setting the tone for how a marriage with her would be, Prince Harry's current girlfriend Cressida Bonas has said she does not mind anything that Harry did while he was in Vegas. She just likes being with him and has no plans to break up with him. What that means to harry is that he can do whatever he wants with whomever he wants no matter how publicly and Cressida will let him with no repercussions. Yeah, sounds like a solid marriage. I know the guy has a lot of money and that you would be marrying a Prince, but how about some self-respect. If you were dating someone and there was talk about marriage what would your reaction be to all of this? I guarantee you that if this was an average Joe, Cressida would have already walked away and would never take a phone call from the guy again. But, because it is Harry, it is all ok and no worries.