Friday, September 21, 2012

Polish Priest Makes Teens Lick Whipped Cream Off Him

OK, I am creeped out. Not just because of these photos which show teen boys and girls being forced to lick whipped cream off some Polish priest's knees, but because the school posted the photos on their own website and are proud of them. They say it is a long standing tradition that shows humility and that no one has ever complained until this year. Well, I am complaining. Some old guy is using his position as a priest to get his rocks off by having teens lick his knees. He has never invited them back to his place to lick other places?


  1. Pardon me, but what. the fuck.

  2. Ugh...I almost hurled my oatmeal on my keyboard reading that. Disgusting does not even begin to describe this.

  3. Considering all the Catholic Church has been through in the last 10 one realized this might be a bad idea? No one thought, "Hmmm, maybe we should put a stop to this tradition? Or at least shouldn't post photographic evidence on the Internet?" These people should go to extra special stupid jail.

  4. What is the cane/stick for?

  5. Anonymous7:09 AM

    what in the fuck?

  6. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with that school?! So so wrong on so many levels

  7. That is some twisted shit. Whoever's running that place is stupid.

  8. I'd like to see the source article for this. Way too many questions. Why the hell is that girl's shirt all wet in the first pic?

    I can't imagine any circumstance or explanation that would make me go, "Oh, okay. Seems legit."

  9. why dies he have a stick/cane ? Why is the girl in green wet? Why are they crawling? why us he smiling? This is crazy disturbing!!!! WTF???

    1. U said it!! Disturbing squared!!

  10. WTF!! I don't even know where to start! This is all types of wrong!

  11. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Ewwwwwww that is gross, disgusting and crazy.

  12. WTF is right. Whipped cream, which symbolizes male (you know what). That shows humility? I'm confused as to who thought of this. Humility to who? The priest isn't God. He's just a priest. What a pig.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. lol @lucy.

    I'm having a hard time getting past the knees...are they clean?

    Outside of that, it almost seems as though someone is punking everyone.

  15. Calling Frufa, Shaunie Bear and Old ;ady: Put on your Mom brigade beret. We've got a flight to catch

    Ugh, I hate this

  16. @Dizzel - Great answer!

  17. Kill it with fire!

  18. You know, I am driven further and further from "religion" every day.

    Now, my own faith is good--I'm cool with God. God and I are tight. (two chest pounds, props upward to God).

    But all the other BULLSHIT trappings of mankind simply must GO. It's all effing stupid to be beyond belief for me (pardon the pun).

    Hubby says when he was a Catholic acolyte as a child, if he had so much as DARED to accuse a Priest of even the slightest impropriety he'd have been beaten by his parents and made atone for lying.


    I pray we continue to evolve.

  19. This has provided just the guffaw I needed this morning, thanks Enty!

  20. And who's taking the pictures?

  21. Entward. On your Facebook page - the Enty lawyer page (NOT the Facebook page under Crazy days and Nights fan page) on your "about"page you have links to your web sites : this site and the second site is to a porn site . Since you no longer publish Full Frontal Friday, is this type of post for your new Friday circle jerk group? Don 't you have anybody else to fill in for you?

  22. It's a new trend! Hazing at the Catholic Church for the little ones :D

    It's all a big cult! If someone makes you do something you don't want to do or makes you feel weird in the name of religion, probably a cult.

    The biggest questions for me... What is the stick for? AND Why does he look like he has 2 left arms in the second pic?

  23. I'm sure there's a Polish joke hiding in here somewhere...

  24. Sunny. I look good in a beret. I thought we agreed on my mascot duties. So I am coming with you. Besides I wanna hit the creepy old dude with his own stick!

  25. OMG. WTF. Seriously?!?! If my son EVER said this happened there would be some SERIOUS shit going down. That is NOT acceptable, in any way. O. M. G.

  26. oh bad. oh very very bad. I hate everything about this. Except Nellie's comment. That made me laugh.

  27. I'm sorry but this sort of thing makes me side eye all religions. Whether it's Xenu, Mormon's magic underwear or licking whipped cream off of a on old hairy guy's knees.

  28. But seriously!

    What is up with the 2 left arms in the second picture?!?

    Proof of the Demon!!!

  29. @Dia
    Dia Papaya is no second string vigilante. You're on the front lines, lady. Especially in light of your stick comment :) I hope you're having a good day!

    Nellie and Selena Kyle - ha ha :)

  30. According to the daily mail he was the schools principal. Wtf.

  31. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I'm not Catholic, Christian or even religious per se so I don't have a dog in this fight, but the posting of stuff like this is beginning to seem rather agenda-driven to me. As if someone at CDAN has an ax to grind. If it's all just about getting the readers jacked up and arguing with one another in order to increase traffic or word of mouth, fine, good, whatever. But how about finding a different dead horse (other than religion and politics) to beat for a while?

  32. Meh. Kinda weird, but ultimately harmless. Not everything is about sex unless you make it about sex!

    1. That's true, but if you are a school with religious ties and what you're doing could be seen as sexual, you probably should think twice about doing it

  33. Thomas, I'm glad these things are posted wherever possible. We SHOULD be outraged by such immoral disgusting abuse of children.

  34. Enty should post them on his porn page.

  35. @Sunny & Dia, Me thinks he needs a few moments alone with us to discuss his behavior.

    Not acceptable behavior needs to meet with us in a hurry, so we can rearrange his thinking.

    Ready to go. The cane will come in handy we don't have to bring the baseball bats.

  36. I'm going to be sick. That's all I can really say to this.

  37. Ah, goodness, someone has an agenda?

  38. @selenakyle: I'm with you!

    Regardless of the context--since all we have is the context of the photos, which, frankly, look like they're about 30 seconds from that priest getting a BJ--even without a sexual angle, this seems all about submission, humiliation and abuse of power over those in your care. WHY they would anyone think this is a good idea to publish on the INTERNET, or be proud of doing so?

  39. Agent**It, and is it just me, and or do you have it out for enty lately?

  40. Gah... The phone added that first "and"

  41. And thomas, it wld be equally disturbing in it were jews, buddists, protestants, muslims. The act itself is disturbing, not who is doing it.

  42. Lola - LOL , no. But there's nothing wrong with injecting a little truth into the Entities. Porn sells.

  43. Anonymous9:37 AM

    In other news, a 30+ member Choral group is singing "Call Me Maybe" in front of Rockefeller Center on the Today Show...civilization is DOOMED...

  44. The dumbification of America is complete ! Mission accomplished.

  45. FYI: The priest is Father Marcin Kozyra. The school is St. Dominika Savio Silesian School in Lubin, Poland.

  46. OH HELL TO THE NO......

  47. Agent- what what? Is it weird pron or regular? Strange...

  48. Anonymous10:06 AM

    auntliddy, I don't think anyone here is saying that this news item isn't weird, or even (possibly?) "disturbing" as you put it. What I am saying is that when selenakyle's take on this is "You know, I am driven further and further from 'religion' every day", I think THAT is the real objective, the real AGENDA (yes, Bart, agenda) of news stories like this. Think of it this way: would it be reasonable if I were to find and collect every story about every woman and mother who abused or mistreated their children, and posted them daily on a web site, and voiced my opinion that "this is why we should be AGAINST women and mothers"? No, of course not. Because my examples of "bad mothers" would be a very small drop in the bucket compared to all the good mothers out there. But we (not you and I, but all of us) seem to be going around and around the same Mulberry bush, with news items like this. When religions other than Christianity are being attacked, ridiculed or made fun of, the usual response is some variant on "but this isn't ALL (muslims/hindus/buddhists/jews/sikhs/daoists/whatever)" But when the target is Christianity, it's almost always "Go" time. And whenever it's a "hot button" story that may (or may not) involve "CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE SQUAWK CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE", most of the women posting here immediately get all "Mrs. Kravitz"y...I realize that the majority of the posters here ARE women, but still. This seeming mania/obsession of people seeing pedophilia and sexual abuse absolutely everywhere is kinda disconcerting. It would seem to bear some unsettling similarities to the "Satanic Panic" of the 80s/90s, when daycare centers all over America were being accused of ritual satanic sexual abuse of children, for which almost NONE of the allegations ever panned out...

    1. okay whats truley upsetting is that perverts like this ahem priest get to hide behind thier cults and get away euro hurting children

  49. @Smash, I don't know the difference between regular or weird porn these days:)

  50. Agent- hahaha I guess that true. Even S and N isn't that crazy compared to some shit we see and read here^ this being an example. Weird was the wrong word to use. :)

  51. A. I don't think I'd consider CDAN someplace that I come to for "news"

    B. I think enty's "agenda" is pretty clear... and it has to do with how many times people click a page (while being entertained, and of course).

  52. Anonymous10:23 AM

    you and your errant "and"s...

  53. WTH is wrong with people? Anyone that thinks this is normal or acceptable is certifiably insane!!!

  54. I dont understand...why can't they show humility in some other non-creepy way???

    1. Yeah @lori

      There are many ways to show humility that don't involve sticking a teens head between a priests naked knees. Whoever up above said we need to get our minds out of the gutter needs a reality check.

  55. What ever happened to the good ol' washing of the feet?

  56. wait, the school administration thought this was a really nifty idea? better question is, where do they buy their crack and can I get some? the fuck? after all the shit that has come out and all the cover-you-ass'ing, they STILL thought "oh this is cool - no problemo".


  57. LOL Smash! Is it weird porn or regular!?!

    My Friday is complete! Hope you enjoyed your time in Portlandia! You missed the show. On my Wednesday PM drive home, I saw two mostly nekkid ladies posing and doing other things on the corner while a nice man held up a sign asking for $$$. I kid you not!

    Agent - I guess we should send you some tapes or consult Enty's other page. What the What is that all about?

  58. Dia- I loved the Mississippi area. I totally wish I had seen that!!! We did go to the bar/arcade, that was fun.

  59. Smash I got a photo! ;)

    Maybe I should send it to Enty for Full Frontal Friday blog.

  60. Dia- no you did not!?!? Oh my gooness 8-) hahaha

  61. Silly girl- read Dias first comment. Two almost completely neikkked peeps in Portlandia :)

  62. @Thomas, lol...I know, right?

    I downloaded a new keyboard to my phone and it keeps adding random "and"s and "but"s after commas. It's really pissing me off.

    I didn't even notice that last one until just now.

    For the foreseeable future,, please ignore "and"s and "but"s that make it appear as though English is not my first language.

  63. they'd have to expel me b/c there is no fucking way i would ever do that shit

  64. What's happening?!?!?! Why is this...what? I can't even...que?

  65. As well as this being completely degrading and atrocious, I can't tell if that is excess material gathered around the priest's nether regions, or if he truly is at full mast. These pictures make me want to vomit!

  66. @Thomas: I would agree with you, but I don't think that it's limited to Christianity/Catholicism. The person/people who write this blog every so often put in an item that is designed to A. rile people up in defense of the group B. make ignorant people show their collective asses in writing a comment.

    I doubt that Christianity is under attack as many would claim. As a person of color who was raised Catholic, it was more often than not that people who were not Christian were treated differently and many tried to "save" them. Even I was targeted to be "saved," even though I can trace Christianity in my family long before it reached Europe, but that has to do with people in America linking Christianity with being white.

    No, I think that CDAN, along with other websites, bring up controversy to create page views, but I think that it creates much more negativity than its worth. I honestly think if the Blind Items were a tad better it would bring in much more discussion than resorting to this.

  67. Why, WHY does it have to be a Polish priest??

    I gave up the Catholic religion for good after the priest scandal. I was raised to go to church every Sunday and holidays and confess every month, etc., etc. Catholic school was sheer hell. And you were raised that priests and nuns were ALWAYS right. It's sickening. My immediate family loves to remind me that they're praying for me, because I'm going to hell. Um, I don't think so. I believe in God and Jesus and angels, but I will not blindly follow a religion corrupted by man.

  68. Anonymous4:27 PM

    @Ash- I definitely agree with you. It's just that lately, some of the more politically and/or religiously-charged topics here have stood out in my mind. But yes, as is the case with pretty much the entire Internet, many of CDAN's postings are purely stimulus/response, action/reaction: perhaps in some cases not pushing an actual agenda, but definitely, enthusiastically pushing buttons. However, I really DO think that people will more readily "bite" on some inflammatory, "hot button" topics than others. And CDAN knows this. It's a kind of manipulation, trolling, on CDAN's part. But it's a trolling of people who want to be trolled, who look forward to a chance to "get their dander up" in front of a group of peers, a "posse" that agrees with them, backs them up, and reinforces/reflects/magnifies them. What it boils down to, in many cases is "The Internet: always reminding us that somewhere, someone is doing something we can be upset about"...

  69. And in one post Poland becomes stranger than Florida.

  70. Selenakyle, ITA with all of your posts today...and if there is room on that mommy brigade tank, I am totally in...

  71. I'm a Roman Catholic, and this is just shocking, stupid and inexcusable, not to mention bizarre.

  72. Why would this EVER seem like a good idea?!? It wouldn't be OK in the public schools, and it certainly shouldn't be OK in private/religious ones, either. The only people from which one should be licking whipped cream would be your SO (of whatever duration); it's just way too sexual an act to be acceptable in another context, particularly an educational or religious one. (There's nowhere in the Gospels that recommends licking whipped cream off anyone, particularly a priest, promise...I checked. ;-)

    Was someone's brain warped a bit too much at a formative age by the album jacket for Herb Alpert & the Tiajuana Brass' Whipped Cream and Other Delights? (I still think the best parody ever was Soul Asylum's album Clam Dip and Other Delights, which was an exact piss-take of the earlier album, but w/their drummer up to his waist in what appears to be clam dip, complete w/the odd seashell, etc. stuck into the dip for ambience...)

  73. OK, I was wrong--it was the bass player, not the drummer. If you're curious, here's a link:

  74. the worst thing is that this will probably go unpunished, again. The school district authorities said they see "nothing wrong" with the events, and the children's parents agree. The priest is the school principal and the knee-licking is supposed to be part of the schools "hazing ritual". Meanwhile most of Poland is like, wtf?

    And I have to say I am happy to see this story get international media coverage because most things involving the Catholic Church in Poland get swept under the rug (like the priest who refused to call medical assistance for his girlfriend giving birth to his child in hopes that the child he did not want dies. He said he went to another room to listen to music on headphones because he found her screams "disturbing". Oh, that priest was not even arrested.)

    So, yeah. Write to Polish authorities if you can - maybe they'll listen to foreign outrage more than they listen to their citizens'?

    district school authority:
    attorney general:

  75. Nothing rapey or creepy about this, nope... what's that stick for? And why all the different locations? Nuh UH.

    Thomas: way to be like "You laydees are bein' hysterical". Mansplaining, textbook.

    Trust me: I know creepy when I see it.
