Sunday, September 16, 2012

Patti Stanger Says Amy Poehler & Will Arnett Divorced Because Amy Makes More Money

Patti Satnger has decided to offer her opinions as to why Amy Poehler and Will Arnett got divorced and she thinks it is because Amy Poehler is more famous and makes more money than Will Arnett so the relationship was doomed to fail. I am not so sure about that. They are both on weekly prime-time shows and Amy was on SNL before and Will was on Arrested Development. I think Will's movie career has been better, so I'm not sure about the fame part. She also says Amy makes more money which is true and she also says that is the reason they got divorced. They each make more than a million bucks a year. Yes, Amy's is considerably more than that, but not outrageously so. I don't think fame really or money really had anything to do with it, but it is also not the first time I have disagreed with Patti Stanger.


  1. What the hell does she know about it, and why do we care what she says? Isn't she just a reality person? Who is she?

  2. I find it interesting that she is such a marriage expert. She's never been married.

  3. Patti Stanger says whatever Patti Stanger needs to say to get people to talk about what Patti Stanger said.

  4. Hmm, Enty... no clues for us? Not gonna reveal that blind? Gives me hope. Didn't want to believe that one anyway.

  5. Patty Stanger just comes across to me as an angry, bitter and unhappy woman. She's the reason her own show is unwatchable.

  6. And this is her business how? I can tell you I wouldn't take directions across town from this woman. No long term relationship, never married and none of he matches stick. Who did she sleep with to get that show?

  7. Oh, Patti and her big stupid mouth again.

  8. What g. said, again. Lol.

  9. I make more money than the husband unit
    We're not divorced

  10. Why does she have an opinion on this? It's not her business and what makes her an expert anyway? She's never been married!

  11. I have no clue if Patti has any basis for this claim, but I'm not naive enough to think that this scenario isn't impossible. Happens all the time with real non-celeb types.

  12. I made more $ than previous husband unit and he LOVED it! He made a good salary and was not insecure about mine. Our divorce was unrelated.

  13. I feel like a freak, but I don't know who Patti Stranger is?

  14. She is so shrill I can't stand to watch her. She went from saying she had a 98% matchmaking success rate to "extremely high", however there is no evidence of that on her show.

  15. Oh, do we still live in the 1940s?

  16. Anonymous11:27 AM

    It could be because she made more. I mean, times have only changed recently on this issue. But I think it's because Will's wang wandered.

  17. They obviously got divorced because there is no God and the world is a shitty, terrible place.

  18. So what's her point? Women should not make money or more money than their man?

    Second...isn't he from a very wealthy family? so money would not be such a sore topic?

    Third....I just hate Patti Stanger. She is 150% fake and I hate how she treats other women.

  19. @Leliana I've always wanted to say you have the best...avi? (photo thingy) I've seen on this blog.:) And ITA re: money problems are universal marriage wreckers-even when it's a question of too much money.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I was at the doctor's office last week and I saw in a magaine where Patti said those 2 have a strong relationship...I laughed because the magazine was obv out before this news I have to go find this blurb

  22. Patti is an irrelevant idiot. what the Hell does she know

  23. I have two friends who make more than their husbands. On the outside it looks good, one of them even refers to herself as an Alpha female. Meanwhile, both are under the thumb at home and the so-called alpha has handed over the reigns of the finances to her husband. My husband, on the other hand, would truly love it if au earned more, but I got a good egg.

  24. Why is she making the situation more painful? Stop talking about it so we can pretend it's not happening!

  25. My so would love it if I made more money than him! At least he thinks so.

  26. How many foreheads does Will Arnett have??? He's creepy-looking.

  27. This is advice coming from a woman who dated a man for a number of years without discussing the fact she wanted children? I think I will pass on her advice.

  28. Who the eff cares what Patti Stanger says? Really, this bitch?

  29. Oy. I've almost always made more than my husband. Life's not about that! He's my partner in life and does more than his share. I should have Patti Stanger's job; we've been married 20 years!

  30. @Dee Lurker - Thank you very much, but I can't take credit b/c it's from Hyperbole and a Half. :)

    And yeah, I've known several couples to have some issues when the female made more or started making more. It's a pride thing for some men. It absolutely should not matter, but in some cases, it does.

  31. How a man feels when his wife makes more money than he does is COMPLETELY up to the individual man. I'm willing to bet Patti has never had a conversation with either Amy or Will, so she should not be putting her two cents in on the issue. Could it be true? Possibly. But Amy had more fame when she and Will started dating, and besides Arrested Development, she has steadily been more successful than he has for the 12 years they've been together. I tend to think this would not be the issue. This woman needs to crawl back into the dark hole she came out of.

  32. *WERE together (oh how sad that made me to correct that)

  33. A friend of mine works with high school kids at a church. His wife is a doctor. She makes WAY more. He was raised in a very "macho" culture/country, and some in his family thought he should have major issues with not being the "financial leader" of the household. The pastor of the church, a throwback to when women stayed home and raised the kids, brought it up ALL THE TIME. He said they both bring their "talents and treasures" to the marriage to share equally, and money is only one aspect of that. 20 years and several kids later, still good.

  34. I agree that the wife making more than the husband can cause problems in a marriage in many cases. Happened to me. And he always said it didn't bother him, but his increasingly controlling actions told a different story. Needless to say, we are now divorced.

  35. and I care cause why??

  36. I currently make more than my husband. A lot more. But, it hasn't always been the case, and it may not always be the case. Fortunes change over a lifetime. As long as both of us are being productive contributors, the dollar amounts are a bonus, not a dealbreaker.

    Anyway, Patti Stanger's advice is almost worth the paper it's printed on. It seems like her show dwells on trying to hook up terminally-single, latent misogynists with 20-something, upwardly mobile restaurant hostesses. No wonder the Arnett/Pohler marriage doesn't fit within her worldview.

  37. Yeah, my boyfriend and I (who live together and share finances) have a vast (six figure) difference in our salaries. He is completely, totally fine with it, although I do think he sometimes feels like he has to check with me before he buys things - and I wish he didn't. I want him to think of it as "ours", really. But I do think that he's a bit different than most men - he's also been attracted to the strong, independent woman type, and on top of that, his mom always made more than his dad (but not to such a degree). I consider myself pretty lucky to have found him.

  38. *always, not "also"

  39. Well said AlexT!
