Paris Jackson Is Taking Advice From LaToya
Paris Jackson has given an interview to Glamour. If you are looking for the interview it is the one with Emma Watson on the cover in lingerie. What? I was standing in the checkout line and happened to pick it up. Anyway, I decided to read the interview with Paris because I'm not sure she has ever given an interview to anyone. I am so glad I decided to read it so I can give her some very good advice. Paris, I think you are great and I hope that you continue to be the same wonderful person you appear to be now. Going through what you are going through under the spotlight and surrounded by the people in your family, I am amazed you manage to get through one day, let alone your life. I know that you said that LaToya has been your biggest supporter and the one who really wants you to follow your dreams of acting. Go for it. Let her encourage you all she wants. However, and this is a very big however, try not to take any advice from her when it comes to career choices. The next thing you know you will be posing in Playboy and wearing a snake. Oh, and since I gave you this little nugget of advice, I was wondering if you could tell me exactly what kind of plastic Jermaine uses for his hair piece. Does it come in other colors?