Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pamela Anderson Was Not Good On Dancing With The Stars

Perhaps Pamela Anderson should have started practicing when her other contestants started practicing instead of making promotional appearances all over the world showing off her dancing skills. Of course each one of these promotional opportunities also allowed her to meet wealthy men in foreign countries which she always appreciates. Maybe when she was practicing in Los Angeles, she should have spent more time actually practicing. Last night Pamela and her partner received a score of 17 points, but she had such an emotional connection with her partner about the dance, that she feels good about it.


  1. She has the best legs ever

  2. Its hard to practice dance moves when you're always on your back

  3. Woot! My profile pic showed lol

  4. Its amazing with the way she abuses her body that she still loooks so beautiful.

    1. She looks like a wrinkly hag. Makeup and photoshop are her fountain of youth.

    2. I'm fir it, of course, lol

  5. LOL @ Welldun - that seriously made me laugh. I'm glad no one is walking into my office right now. It's so silly!

    @rej - she IS practicing dance moves. Her hip thrusts are on point! ;P

  6. That's a reveal on the 'international prostitute' blind. IIRC, most people guessed Pam, but many thought her Hep C would preclude such a career.

    Or has Enty revealed it before?

  7. She seems mentally and emotionally unbalanced in that photo.

  8. @libby - I feel like he maybe has revealed it before. If not, he has so strongly hinted at it that I have it in my mind he has. Same goes for Tara. Someone needs to make a cross-reference library of blind reveals.

    1. Hey, Amber--no one wants to listen to your lame-ass comments or looks at your fugly pic. of your face. Seriously. get a fucking life.--tales some Adderall & O.D.

    2. Hey, Amber--no one wants to listen to your lame-ass comments or looks at your fugly pic. of your face. Seriously. get a fucking life.--tales some Adderall & O.D.

    3. Hey, Amber--no one wants to listen to your lame-ass comments or looks at your fugly pic. of your face. Seriously. get a fucking life.--tales some Adderall & O.D.

    4. Hey, Amber--no one wants to listen to your lame-ass comments or looks at your fugly pic. of your face. Seriously. get a fucking life.--tales some Adderall & O.D.

    5. WTF? Amber, did you spit in Angie's coffee or something?

    6. What the hell?

  9. "promotional appearances"

  10. I'm pretty sure he revealed that she is the international prostitute.

  11. She's def ONE of the international prostitutes, it was revealed.

    I think she's also the one who's boiking her DWTS partner in the studio.

  12. Pam and her partner totally seem like they're boning. Val and Kelly too. But the scoring was horrible last night! Granted, Pamela wasn't great, but neither was Bristol Palin. She did about the same as Pam, if not worse, but the judges praised her and scored her much higher. I don't know who was worse last night, the NFL refs or the DWTS judges. I can't with these scores.

  13. Pam looked extremely pissed at the end of the show. She couldn't even muster up a fake smile.

  14. Anyone see the marks on her arm? And all my mom could say was she look so drugged up and loopy but at least she did better than Palin, ha!

  15. whatever allows her to have a few more minutes...she never really works, good for her, and she still looks great

  16. I was really hoping Bristol would be the first off, but Pammy was so bad last night it has to be her.

  17. ITA @VIP! I think they both are as well.

  18. *raises hand*

    I want to read Amber's comments & see her sweet smiling pic! :)

  19. LOL I must've! And just for that I'm not changing my av EVER. :)

  20. Pam always has marks on her arms. I'm not sure what that's about. I was flipping between The Voice so I didn't see her dance.

    I thought Kelly looked pissed at Val.

    I didn't get the praise for Bristol.

    Hey Amber! You're Ms. Popular around here today. Woohoo.

  21. Wasn't there a blind the other day about a pair that has been screwing on set instead of practicing?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Wow @Amber, you sure do have a fan...
    Btw, I like your avi.

  24. @califblondy - I certainly am! This must be what it feels like to win the Nobel Peace Prize! (Just reposted because I realized maybe it wasn't nice to post a link to the page).

    @Nellie - thank you!

  25. I quick got a look at it before you deleted it Amber LOL. She's a real prize.

  26. So is this season worth my time? I haven't watched in a couple of years. I just can't commit 2 hours of my time to this, but I do always enjoy watching.

    I was surprised Pamela A and Bristol Palin were included in the All-Stars. They weren't THAT good. Shouldn't the All-Stars be the best of the best?

  27. ITA Susan. What are they doing there? Stirring up controversy? Kirstie too, I know she came in second her season, but let's face it she's no fly girl.

  28. Wow Angie. What up? Is Pam your best friend????

  29. No- I'm also a whore, who's losing her looks & am sick of looking at someone sniffing her armpits every time I go to Crazydaysandnights. So sorry.. Tears......

  30. No- I'm also a whore, who's losing her looks & am sick of looking at someone sniffing her armpits every time I go to Crazydaysandnights. So sorry.. Tears......

  31. No- I'm also a whore, who's losing her looks & am sick of looking at someone sniffing her armpits every time I go to Crazydaysandnights. So sorry.. Tears......

  32. No- I'm also a whore, who's losing her looks & am sick of looking at someone sniffing her armpits every time I go to Crazydaysandnights. So sorry.. Tears......

  33. No- I'm also a whore, who's losing her looks & am sick of looking at someone sniffing her armpits every time I go to Crazydaysandnights. So sorry.. Tears......

  34. No- I'm also a whore, who's losing her looks & am sick of looking at someone sniffing her armpits every time I go to Crazydaysandnights. So sorry.. Tears......

    1. What's with the wannabe spam. Now go back to school before I call your school's truant officer. If u don't know what that is, its school security in charge of picking up kids who skip school.

  35. The risk of getting hep c from sex is rare. You are more likely to get hpv or herpes.


    Ffs, it doesn't mean she can't ever have sex with anyone ever again. She has a drug problem. I think a couple of you mentioned seeing marks on her arms. She most likely got hepatitis from iv drug use. She should be getting help... I hope someone in her life cares for her enough to bring up her behavior to her. But again, it doesn't mean her sex life is over. Guys just have to wear a condom. Its transmitted by blood, only. It makes me so angry to see uneducated people judging her for fucking someone just because she has hep c.

  36. @Amber, keep the Av, say what you want, ignore the less blessed. :)

  37. Wait


    Theres NO pole involved? Really?

  38. Thanks Del & pilly! I'm keeping it out of spite. Everyone has to look at my horrific monster face FOR-E-VER.

  39. Re: Pamela Anderson's "arm bruises":

    Just did a quick google search, apparently they are scars she has had since she was 9 from being attacked by leeches. Not kidding. It is sort of unfortunate to have scars that look like you have perpetually just had rough sex. Especially if you, how can I put this nicely? Especially if you like to date a lot of people :)

  40. From being attacked by leeches? Sounds like a bad sci-fi movie!

    (Which I would probably watch, btw)

  41. LOL@Amber

    Your pic is cute so just ignore the person...

  42. The photoshopping makes it look like a shark took a huge bite out of her left leg.

    Random question. There was a woman that used to post here all the time. It's making me crazy because I can't remember her name. She often posted at the top and was really funny. Anyone know who I mean? Where did she go?

    1. Do you mean Vicki Cupper? She hasn't posted since she told all the Republican readers to fuck off. It was hilarious watching everyone go at it. I don't know what happened with her since tho.

    2. Yes exactly! I miss her comments. What was the fight about? Missed all the fun.

    3. Sorry, thought you meant EM. Vickie is around, she posts on Enty 's FB page.

  43. Yes..EmEyeKay and I miss her red cape :) I don 't know but I miss her, hope all is OK?

  44. I was thinking about her today, too.
    @Mama, I believe it was the blind about two actors who donate money to neo-Nazi organizations (I think). She stated (in brief) that they were obviously Republicans, and then said a bunch of things that were bold/not nice generalizations. Other people jumped on her for it, and other people jumped on those people. It was ugly. Lots of name calling and insults all-around.

    1. Ooh thanks. What were the guesses for the actors?

      I like your avi too. So cheery.

    2. One of the popular votes for the actors was Mel Gibson....duh... I don't remember if the other one.

  45. I thought it was The Great Rice incident :). Amber., I see you have new fan!

  46. I can't even remember - I think Mel G. was one. I stayed away from that thread, though. I try to escape and find happy places through out my day when dealing with the monotony and stress of work! And thank you :)

  47. Agent, I think that one was like a week prior! I had missed that one all together, and had to go back and read after people brought it up. My, my, things can get out of hand.
    I know! It's a blessing, really. Haha

  48. The "rice they rode in on" debacle was pretty amusing from an outsiders standpoint.

  49. I want to know where Texshan is, anybody?

  50. I, for what it's worth, am a big fan of a side swept bang....

  51. I am late to this show!

    Amber - your happy smiling face always cheers me up in the morning! Your smile on sister friend!

    In general - I've been wondering where everyone ran off too: Vicki Cupper, Texshan, EmEyeKay, Coriander Shea. At least FSP came back. I love you and your ever changing avi!

    So is there some top secret CDaN joint now? Well where ever you are we miss you :)

  52. Wow Amber. If you're going to be targeted by someone, I guess a racist, unintelligent miserable POS is the way to go. Anyway. . .

    Have an incredible trip! We'll miss you while you're gone :)

  53. I'm still around. I just decided to be a super gothie lurker for a little bit....I'll tell ya though, the color choices for wardrobe are pretty limited. ;P

  54. hey Amber, keep on smiling your gorgeous smile...trolls and bullies aren't worth observing...
    Great article on support in USA for high school bullied girl, awesome!!
